WHO: China refused to provide data on the first cases of COVID-19


WHO: China refused to provide data on the first cases of COVID-19 6398_1
WHO: China refused to provide data on the first cases of COVID-19

The Chinese authorities were repeatedly attacked by European and American politicians who accused China in concealing information on the number of infected people in the first days of the emergence of coronavirus in the city of Wuhan, as well as in concealing information about the origin of the virus. The opinion of some Western officials was based on the version of the artificial origin of the virus, whose leak allegedly could occur in one of the laboratories of the city of Wuhan. It could be both a random event and intentional.

China not only refused to provide these studies of scientists about the origin of the virus, but the topic of COVID-19 was subjected to severe censorship in the country, which even more confidence in European politicians about the need to conduct their own studies aimed at clarifying the circumstances that led to the global epidemic.

Recently, representatives of the World Health Organization decided to initiate their own inspection in the city of Wuhan to submit conclusions about the possible origin of coronavirus and find facts that would prove the involvement of Chinese scientists to develop a virus in the laboratory, but during the investigation, these facts were not found.

In the edition of The Wall Street Journal, an article appeared after the inspection, which reported on the Chinese side refusal to provide initial data on cases of infection in Uhana at the end of 2019. China agreed to share its own research on the origin of the virus, but WHO representatives seemed not enough to draw up a detailed picture of events at the moment of the outbreak of coronavirus in the city of Wuhan.

Worldwide Health Organization Experts were primarily interested in the first 174 cases of infection, but Chinese representatives did not provide untreated data nor the arguments of their refusal. In WHO, it was also noted that it is impossible to talk about the complete refusal of the Chinese side to cooperate, because Not only the results of their own research were provided, but also the data that confirms the absence of coronavirus in the city of Wuhan to start the outbreak of the disease.

It is also reported that after the investigation of WHO, the Chinese Health Commission and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not decide to comment on the results of the conclusions of the World Health Organization and regular charges of concealing important information about the origin of COVID-19, but there is a chance that the statement will enter the media in the coming days.

Recall that the first cases of contamination of coronavirus were registered in November in the Chinese city of Wuhan. The virus instantly spread the world. For all time, more than 108 million people have undergone a pandemic. The increase in morbidity was aggravated with the beginning of a second wave, which led to the emergence of new virus strains. In some countries, power announced the beginning of mass vaccination.

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