Put bricks on the Moscow Ring Road. Who noticed in time - tried to stay away

Put bricks on the Moscow Ring Road. Who noticed in time - tried to stay away 6391_1

The user of our forum with Nick Sgorn became an eyewitness of an unpleasant situation at the Moscow Ring Road. And it's good that I did not become its member. Bricks began to fall from the truck. Bricks who are chaotically lying on the road in front of the car, "there is something to be frightened.

The author of the video clarified that the recording was made last week, March 2, at about 9:00 (the date and time on the recorder was not exhibited).

"So we have bricks," the situation commented on the situation SGORN.

Our reader told Anniner to correspondent, which from the pallet located in the truck semi-trailer, fell two or three bricks. Having hit the road surface, they crumbled into fragments.

- They fell right in front of me: I would have rode a little faster - and they would be mine. And so it seems to no one hooked, - noted the interlocutor.

Taking into account the speed of movement in the Moscow Ring Road, it is possible to say, lucky: a brick flew in a car without any doubt would lead to serious problems. And to answer, most likely, would have to drive a truck, as we are talking about cargo. According to the rules of the road (paragraph 183) before the start of movement and in the path of the following way, the driver is obliged if there is an objective possibility to control accommodation, fastening and condition of cargo to avoid its displacement and fall. If accommodation, fastening, the state of the goods create a threat to road safety, the driver must take measures to eliminate the danger that has arisen or stop further movement.

The video is noticeable that the packaging of the pallet with bricks is not in order. When and how the violation of its integrity occurred: during the loading or on the way - now it is difficult to say. It is possible that the driver did not suspect that the risk bricks would risen.

It should be noted that the driver of the truck after what happened has taken steps to eliminate the danger.

- Apparently, he noticed that the bricks fall, because after 200 meters he stopped, "the eyewitnesses added.

Familiar with the situation? Write to us: [email protected] or t.me/VitPetrovich.

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