Bon Jovi: Interesting facts about the group ...

Bon Jovi: Interesting facts about the group ... 6371_1

Top interesting facts about Bon Jovi group!

Bon Jovi is one of the best-selling rock bands of all time! International success came to this team in 1986 after the release of their third album Slippery Whe Wet, which was sold by a circulation of more than 20 million copies around the world and included their most popular song "Livin 'On A Prayer" ... released as a single, song with those The pores were certified three times as a platinum, gaining more than 3 million digital downloads: Today, the clip has collected about 700 million views on YouTube! Since its inception in 1983, the Group won many awards - including one Grammy and one Brit - and was introduced to the Hall of Glory of the UK music and the Hall of Fame of Rock and Roll USA. Simply put, Bon Jovi is one of the most popular, influential and successful groups of the 80s! And today we remember the most amazing facts that you never knew about this iconic group ...

David Brian once almost died because of the parasites he picked up in South America ...

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David Brian

Bon Jovi took a break in the early 90s, before reunited and record their fifth album Keep The Faith in 1992. Most of the group used a break to deal with solo musical projects. But not the keyboardist David Brian, who took a considerable time to recover from severe illness ... A significant part of Bryan's break was treated from parasites, which he picked up during the Tour of the Group in South America. Brian was lucky, because he was able to survive this difficult test ... the word to him:

They wanted to call themselves "Johnny Electric"

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Bon Jovi.

It is no secret that Bon Jovi called themselves in honor of the frontman of the group John Bon Jovi! But do you know that instead they almost called ourselves "Johnny Electric"? Back in 1983, the group almost signed a contract with Polygram's Mercury Records under the name Johnny Electric, but at the last minute they decided to follow the advice of colleagues and instead called themselves in honor of their frontman. Other groups at that time achieved success by choosing simple, consisting of two words names, such as Van Halen, and therefore they wisely decided to follow their example. The rest, as they say, is already history ...

Richie Sumboring Once he was arrested for drunk driving with her daughter and niece in the car ...

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Richie sambora

Richie samborables struggled with the abuse of psychoactive substances throughout the breakdown of Bon Jovi ... However, this happened, mainly behind the doors' closed from the public. " Nevertheless, his problems with alcohol were delivered to publicity in March 2008, when the policeman noticed that his car was carelessly driving on the alleys ... a sambora was stopped, and the policeman found him driving into drunk with his girlfriend, daughter and niece, Also located in the car. Sumboral could not fool the breathalyzer, and he was immediately arrested. Ultimately, he paid a total of 1,600 dollars in the form of fines, received three years conditionally and was forced to attend a lecture on the dangers of alcohol.

They were the last group that played on the old Wiembli stadium before he was demolished ...

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Group of Bon Jovi.

It was in September 2000: Bon Jovi was honored to be the last group, which was visiting at Wiembli stadium before he was demolished and renovated after a series of "farewell" concerts in this place ... John Bon Jovi told the crowd that the group "fell out of honor Being the last group at the Wembley stadium, and that she will be proud of what followed the long series of superstar, including Michael Jackson and Elton John ... "The group performed several of their best hits, including" Livin 'On A Prayer "and" You Give Love a Bad Name, "and walked the public, playing several bisov ... Then the night ended with an impressive fireworks. Bon Jovi also had to become the first performers at the new stadium when he opened in 2007, but ultimately this honor moved to George Michael.

They never had one in the UK

Despite the fact that Bon Jovi was introduced into the Hall of Glory of the Great Britain's Music and received the Brit reward, in fact they never had a single number one in the UK ... The closer to the achievement of this goal they came in 1994, when their hit single "Always" ranked 2nd in the British Chart. They also had 18 songs that hit the top 10 of the UK ...

... But the group had four singles number one in the US, and 25 their songs got into Billboard 100!

They were the first American group, whose album was legally released in the USSR!

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Bon Jovi, NEW JERSEY album

The USSR was known for his hostility to everything that had a taste of Western decades, and only in 1988, American music was allowed to release officially ... Bon Jovi was honored to be the first rock band, legally released the album in the USSR. In 1988, their fourth New Jersey was partitioned by the Advisions for the Iron Curtain, and the Group became the first officially permitted by the Soviet Government ...

The name of their second album was inspired by Roman Ray Bradbury "451 degrees Fahrenheit"

The second album of the group is called "7800 Fahrenheit" - reference to Roman Ray Bradbury 1953 "451 degrees Fahrenheit". In novel-anti-nightopia, the main character of Guy Montag is disappointed in its work on the censorship of literature and burning books. The book is called so, because 451 degrees Fahrenheit is a temperature in which the paper in the book lights up and burns. The album Bon Jovi is called 7800 Fahrenheit, since most stones allegedly begin to melt at this temperature.

The song "You Give Love A Bad Name" was originally written for Bonnie Tyler ...

"You Give Love A Bad Name" was the first single group from the Album of the 1986 Slippery Womet. The song ranked first in the Billboard 100 USA in November 1986, which became an important milestone, since it was the first breakthrough position of the group ...

However, this could not be. An early version of the song was written by the author Desmond Childe, and it was intended for Bonnie Tyler. This version was released in May 1986 as "IF You Were A Woman (and I Was a Man)." Child, however, was dissatisfied with the result, and processed the song, with the result that "You Give Love A Bad Name" appeared!

Tiko Torres has its own clothing line for babies!

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Tiko Torres

The rock stars are often involved in other creative projects, many of which go to the fashion world ... But the drummer Bon Jovi Tiko Torres did something more unusual, running his own clothing line for babies! The brand is called Rock Star Baby and produces everything from baby strollers to toys for small rock stars!

Michael Jackson once sent Babbles to hang out with a group ...

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Group of Bon Jovi.

Hang with Michael Jackson is one thing, but hang out with the home chimpanzee of Michael Jackson - a different thing! Back in 1987 and the king of pop music, and Bon Jovi performed in Japan and stopped in one hotel. Once Jackson entertained the group in his room, and those called on a mysterious star to come and join them in their room later at night ... Jackson did not go to a party to Bon Jovi, but not wanting to look rude, he sent his beloved chimpanzee of Babblza instead of himself. The monkey and the group perfectly spent time, despite the absence of Michael himself.

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