"New people" found a legal opportunity to abandon the service in the army


The "New People" party proposed the mechanism of compensation for refusing to call the army.

The New People Party is going to contribute to the State Duma the draft law on the implementation of the mechanism, allowing to legally refuse service in the army. This proposal voiced the leader of the party Alexei Nechaev at a press approach following the results of the competition "Marathon ideas" in St. Petersburg.

The competition received a number of applications relating to the service in the army. One of the initiatives was appreciated by the "New People" party and proposed to arrange it in the form of a bill and to submit to the State Duma.

"Peter is a city of students. On March 31, the next spring appeal to the army will begin, so the topic is especially relevant. Young people will become less in the city, it is not clear, for whom girls marry! The order, when everyone goes to serve or bother off the army through illegal schemes, has long been outdated. It would be right to make a person officially pay money. For example, 300 thousand rubles, which would follow the training of the person who served in the army, "said Alexey Nechaev.

This amount, considers politician, will allow young people after the army to start study at any higher educational institution. The list of specialties for alternative civil service can also be expanded, I am sure of Nechaev. Now there is an alternative service only a small percentage of recruits.

"Why start adulthood from scam? It is better to pay legally, and let banks give preferential loans for it. We prepare such a bill, and there are a number of other proposals concerning the service in the army. We need to expand the list of professions for civil service. For example, IT specialists are better to serve in IT-troops, and VEB designers and video magographs are better to make a roller about the army for social networks, it will be more useful than painting grass or engage in other strange things that are sometimes occupied by conscripts, "added Nechaev.

The New People Party was created on March 1, 2020. She was founded by the president of the scientific and production company Faberlic Alexey Nechaev. In the regional elections in September 2020, "new people" put forward their candidates. In four regions, including in the Novosibirsk region, the party overcame the electoral barrier. As of March 1, 2021, the headquarters of "new people" were created in 73 regions of the country. The party intends to nominate up to 200 candidates for participation in the elections to the State Duma in September 2021.

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