"Clone" 20 years later: how the fate of the actors of the series


"Clone" touched the hearts of viewers worldwide at the beginning of zero. The story of the oriental life and incredible love of Zhildi and Lucas stretched over 250 episodes. And even such a number of episodes, many fans seemed little.

Since the release of the series has passed for 20 years, and everyone also remembers and love many viewers.

Today we suggest you to plunge into the past, as well as learn how now the main acting of the series "Clone" looks like.

Giovanna Antonelli

The central heroine of Giovanna Antonelli in March will celebrate his 45th anniversary in March. Actress with young years has tried a lot in Brazilian TV shows, but she brought the "clone" popularity.

Antonelly is well remembered in the post-Soviet space. They associate it with a ribbon about the subtleties of oriental life.

costmart.ru / wikipedia.org.

All these years, the woman continued to work in the series. In addition, Giovanna Antonelly actively leads its Instagram, works the lead and model.

In the personal life of the actress there were many love dramas, one of which was a short novel with a partner in Melodrame Muuro Benisiu. Despite the presence of a common son, the attitudes of the shooting partners were not charged.

Women's happiness, she found in an informal marriage with a famous director from Brazil Leonard Nogair. Couple has joint twin daughters.

Muro Benisiua

In the series, the actor got three characters at once: Lucas, Diogu and Leo. After the project popular worldwide, he became a real star in his native Brazil.

Although Benisiu had his big audience from an early age, it was the "clone" that was able to make him a name.

Day.Az / KinoInteres.ru.

A 49-year-old man dubbed one of the best actors in his native country. To date, it is actively filming in the series and films, and also works on theatrical scene.

With a personal life Muro Benisiu is not so cloudless. He met with different actresses and has several extramarital children. Among his beloved were the "Clon" colleagues: Giovanna Antonelli and Deborah Falalala.

Vera Fisher

Fisher fell into the "clone" and played there Iveti being already succeeding in the profession actress and model. Back in 1969, she received the title of "Miss Brazil".

A 69-year-old celebrity to date is a lot of jobs and leads very active secular life.

SimpleSlim.ru / uhd.name.

But the personal life of faith Fisher was not the best. She has one son who in early years lived with his father, because the actresses had a serious drug addiction.

Now the celebrity takes care of his health and abandoned the harmful habits. She also actively leads his Instagram - more than 1 million people are signed at the actress.

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Dalton Vig

A 56-year-old actor owes his successful career by Saida from the "Clone" series. Over the past two dozen years, Vig was shot a lot in the TV shows, films, often participated in culinary shows and even tried herself as a producer.

sm-news.ru / Ice.elka.news.

Personal life All these years, the actor was very saturated. He was married four times, but his father had just 5 years ago.

Today, Dalton Vig enjoys the role of her husband and father, because the actor and his spouses grow twin sons.

Karl Diaz

The 10-year-old girl in the series got the role of fun Hadigi. But a cute girl quickly rose and today Diaz is the real rock beauty that will conquer male hearts.

Klon-online.com / WDay.ru.

It works successfully in the Brazilian film industry and as a model for glossy magazines.

30-year-old Charles Diaz does not consider it necessary to devote fans and the public in the details of their personal life. It is only known that it is not married and has no children.

Letia Sabatella

Brazilian actress in demand in the profession to today, who performed the role of submissive Latifa.

Letia Sabatella was a sex symbol in his homeland before the TV series "Clone". A popular project only secured her fame and brought even more fame and money.

MySeldon.com / uhd.name.

Now the 49-flying actress continues to work and deals with family. She has an adult daughter and was married twice. Sabatella supports its own body in excellent form thanks to vegetarianism, and also successfully engaged in vocals.

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Steven Garcia

Garcia is actively working in the filmmader for more than 50 years. Since 1964, he scored many interesting projects to his track record. Good Uncle Ali in the "clone" became one of the most successful and popular.

zen.yandex.ru / wikipedia.org.

88-year-old Shenio Garcia for his life three times married. It is really happy in his last marriage. Ignoring the difference in age, which is at 36 years old, the couple happily live together.

The famous Brazilian and actress Marile Saade officially married in 2009 after 10 years of relationship.

Stephanie Brita

Brita got into the "clone" at the age of 13 and fulfilled the role of Samiers. Since then, its popularity is constantly growing. The celebrity works productively as an actress of serials, movies, advertising and even leads children's program.

zvezdi.ru / uhd.name.

During these years, the actress has already been under the crown twice. Happiness she found in his second marriage with a lawyer. In November last year, Stefani Brit is pleased with his beloved spouse with a long-awaited son.

Now 33-year-old celebrity learns to combine a successful career with concerns of a young mother.

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