Emmanuel Macron: social networks - "Giant achievement, but they lead to globalization of emotions and hatred"


Emmanuel Macron: social networks -
Emmanuel Makron.

For French President, the inability to quickly ensure the supply of vaccines from Kovid around the world has become another evidence of the acute need to sharply improve the efficiency of international cooperation in all areas - from the fight against the pandemic to solving climate problems.

About multilateral approach

The arrival of Joe Bayden to change Donald Trump makes it possible to achieve progress in this area, Emmanuel Macron believes. "The enemy of multilateralism", that is, multilateral relations, especially now that America returns for a common negotiation table, "this is slowness and inefficiency," said Macron in an interview with Financial Times.

On the eve of the video conferencing of the leaders of "Big Seven" on Friday (the first meeting of Byyden with colleagues from Europe and Japan) Macron formulated a very ambitious international agenda. It includes the supply of Western vaccines in Africa, updating the activities of the UN Security Council and the World Trade Organization by attracting China and Russia, the fight against climate change and the "Hate" globalization in social networks. "In recent years, we have considered new forms of multilateral relations in the world, burdened by the problems, new geopolitical confrontations and the reluctance of certain great powers to cooperate. Now for me the main thing is multilateralism, bringing the result, "said Macron.

There are several topics where in the near future can be understood how much countries are ready to work in a multilateral format. This is the development of digital tax on transnational technological companies, and work with international organizations, which will show how much the United States is willing to dialogue, and China - to the resumption of international cooperation. In the matter of combating climate change, according to Makron, this, for example, means "results, and not just promises, - namely, carbon neutrality by 2050, new commitments by 2030, preparation of a list of completely specific actions."

O WTO and UN

The updating of the multilateral approach also implies the restoration of relations with international institutions after their "collective blocking", as well as their reform. Leading economies should cooperate within the WTO, so that it could "rebuild trade in the XXI century.", Given the principles of social and environmental responsibility and quickly resolving trade disputes. WTO reboot is, "Perhaps the way to establish relations with China," maron believes.

It is also necessary to rebuild the work of the UN Security Council, which "no longer functions" as a means of resolving large regional conflicts, the President of France believes. On the part of the permanent members of the Security Council, it was "madness" to replace it with competing regional formats. Security update can help avoid the growth of tensions between the United States and China, considers Macron; True, he is not sure whether China is ready for this.

About China

France, Great Britain and Russia, three other permanent member of the Security Council, advocate the renewal of close contacts, "To create a new area of ​​cooperation with China, if China wants it," said Macron: "But the question remains open. If China does not want to cooperate in these structures in the next six months, it means that he made his choice. "

China is a real competitor from the point of view of values ​​and ensuring human rights, macron recognizes. Therefore, with regard to the oppression of the Uigurs or the offensive on freedom in Hong Kong, "we must continue to try, if you can express it, to demonstrate absolutely clear condemnation and constructive pressure to try to convince China, showing that it harms himself."

About Russia and NATO

Macron also insists that it is necessary to continue to try to establish relations with Moscow, despite the fact that all his attempts to do this since 2017 did not bring the result. Nor in Russia, nor in the West have not fully realized that the Communist Epoch ended, he believes: "We sometimes continue to fight against ideology or organization that no longer exists, with geopolitical logic that no longer exists, and it continues split Europe. " "It is necessary to understand that time it is necessary and the period of liberation from illusions will continue," he added.

It is also necessary to change the look at NATO and rebuild the organization, the President is confident: "No one will tell me that today's NATO is the urgent structure. It was created to resist the countries of the Warsaw Treaty. But the Warsaw contract is no longer. "

The concept of Macgron is that Europe should take care of its defense and security more. "It's good for the United States, and America supports us in this," he said. - I protect the sovereignty of Europe, its strategic autonomy is not because I am against NATO or I doubt our American friends. But because I clearly see the situation in the world, because I think that it is necessary to share this burden, more fairly and Europe cannot delegate the protection of yourself and its neighbors to the United States. And so we have to do this together. "

On the regulation of technological giants

According to Macgron, he was struck that during the recent conversations with Biden and Vice-President Kamala Haris, they were one third of the time dedicated to the discussion of democracy threats from both the autocratic regimes and in the Western countries themselves. But he hopes that the determination of new American leaders to protect democratic values ​​will ensure transatlantic cooperation in the regulation of large technological companies.

"Obviously, these large networks provided an acceleration of innovation and increasing transparency, which is good. These innovations are a gigantic achievement, but at the same time they lead to globalization of emotions. Hate globalization. Globalization of the worst, "- categorical Macron. With the distribution of technological platforms "For the first time, a public place appeared, Agora, where there is no rules."

Anonymity on the Internet in combination with the "infinity of emotions" changes the behavior of people, maron believes. He called it the form of "anthropological metabolism".

Speaking about the draft law of regulation of major technological platforms prepared in the European Union at the end of last year, Macron spoke in favor of tightening the rules of competition and regulating content, as well as for the International Digital Tax Agreement. "I am not from those who believe that they need to be punished for being rente from innovation. The situation is unacceptable when the rent exists only for older markets, as a result of the profit, which becomes illegal, "explains Macron.

The EU will implement its own antimonopoly agenda, but he believes that it would be good to unite it with American.

Macron supported international negotiations on the principles of taxation of large technological companies under the Eusion of the OECD, which stalled due to the position of the Trump administration. Support for this process Washington "Just will become a test for the strength" of transatlantic cooperation in the field of regulation, he said.

Translated Mikhail Overchenko

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