Apartment designer Irina Krasheninnikova, 80 m²

Apartment designer Irina Krasheninnikova, 80 m² 6325_1

"There would be an apartment elsewhere, this space theme would not be," Irina admits. The house in which the designer lives with her husband and daughter is located at the VDNH. The main symbols of this area are the Museum of Cosmonautics and the Monument "Cosmos Conquerors". "Space motive refrain is present in our life: when we walk in the park or when we go to the subway," the designer says. "In my works I always try to reflect the binding to the place, I am important to the integrity of the interior, architecture and what is visible outside the window."

Apartment designer Irina Krasheninnikova, 80 m² 6325_2

The windows, by the way, here are three, and, according to the planning planned planning, they were given to three rooms, the kitchen was immersed in the darkness of the niche. The apartment was only one carrier pylon, and Irina did not limit the walls or the wishes of customers. Therefore, three wardrobe appeared on the square of eighty square meters (chaos from things should be ordered) and an unusual keel-shaped hall.

Apartment designer Irina Krasheninnikova, 80 m² 6325_3

From the hall and the journey to the universe of Krashennikova begins. Lamps on the ceiling are like lunar craters, and a black rubber floor, reminding the abyss, makes you forget about gravity. On the way to a bright living room, the hosts and their guests swim past two mirrors (whether the portholes, or the moon) and a huge painting with a rocket escaping from the ground.

Apartment designer Irina Krasheninnikova, 80 m² 6325_4

In the very center of the apartment settled a large table, firstly, because with the arrival of relatives in the house gather at least eight people, and secondly, it is more convenient to work for this table, lay out sketches, drawings and books. But why not sliding? The hostess explains: "For me, a large table is a symbol of hospitality, the well-being of the family, unity." The idea of ​​putting it on the diagonal did not come immediately, but as soon as it was unfolded, Irina understood: this is the perfect location - the table continues the direction set by the Hall, takes less space and gives static furniture alignment to the dynamics.

Apartment designer Irina Krasheninnikova, 80 m² 6325_5

But, of course, the main stars of the interior were numerous pictures, panels and decor elements reflecting the tastes of the designer. For example, a massive wooden panel is hanging in a nursery, which should have become a form for casting Soviet plaster relief (his Irina accidentally found in Instagram). Other rooms are decorated with easel paintings, graphics, seal on canvas and beloved ceramics artist Elena Skvortsova. It is difficult not to notice the picture of Olga Krasutsky: his huge redhead lady with the canvas "peers" from the bedroom in the living room. "In some photos, it is very clearly visible, and it produces an even more stunning effect!" - Share the hostess.

Apartment designer Irina Krasheninnikova, 80 m² 6325_6

On the mosaic panel with birch, which now adorns the bathroom, Irina also stumbled upon accidentally. "The stalkers' guys saved him from the abandoned building of the Moscow Plant," recalls Kraschinnikov. - I so wanted these birch trees! " Irina took a fragment of a blue plinth, which was already in the whole apartment, and went with thought: if it is the very shade, then mosaic be. "This is a bright reference to our history and cultural code. The Russian style in the grotesque execution itself, and it does not scare me, "the designer says.

Apartment designer Irina Krasheninnikova, 80 m² 6325_7
Apartment designer Irina Krasheninnikova, 80 m² 6325_8

Almost one and a half years left to refine the interior. "A pair of vintage panels in front of the entrance to the kitchen once hung in one destroyed plant management and was sold to" Avitol "as scrap metal," says Irina. - There were ever eight plots, each of them reflected a certain type of activity of the Soviet man. I took engineering and science: On the one hand, the circus, on the other - atom. " This discovery has become the last, and now the interior is exactly thought out to the smallest particles.

Apartment designer Irina Krasheninnikova, 80 m² 6325_9
Apartment designer Irina Krasheninnikova, 80 m² 6325_10
Apartment designer Irina Krasheninnikova, 80 m² 6325_11

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