Morning digest "Tula News": weakening COVID-19, bad weather and detention of a deputy

Morning digest

You could miss it on the eve. Tula news talk about the most interesting (and still relevant) over the past day.

Coronavirus leaves, but remains

In the Tula region, 104 cases of coronavirus revealed 104 cases. For comparison: even at the beginning of the year it was twice as much. These are the data of official statistics. Less than 100 cases per day was not fixed in the area from late October.

But the statistics of the mortality is very bad. Daily from 7 to 11 cases. Since the beginning of the pandemic, 1392 people have died.

March - 7 Point

Winter seems to still retreat. Not in vain, we ate pancakes and burned stuffed. But at the beginning of this week we are waiting for wet snow with rain. So on the roads should be extremely attentive.

As for the snowfall on the weekend, the public utilities reported that all the roads are cleared. Remembering February snowfalls, we can say that it was particularly different and nothing.

And how will they ride there?

7 regions are interested in the transport system Tula.

In the Situational Center Tula demonstrated the hardware features of the projects "Smart Traffic" and "Control of paid parking space".

The administration reports that everyone liked the guests. And you, Tula, like?


Among the detainees on the forum "Municipal Russia" in Moscow, two residents of the Tula region were the day before.

According to the telegram channel "Tula. Exterminism ", detained by the deputy of the meeting of deputies of the municipality city of Efremov Olga Podolskaya and human rights activist, President ROO" Your Rights "Natalia Maslyaeva.

For what? Article - "Cooperation with an unwanted organization."

And again about football

We have already written a lot about the fact that Arsenal won CSKA. On the eve of the "Tula News" presented our traditional analyst. Read. By the way, it is already on Wednesday to play Chechnya with "Ahmat".

Purchased Winter

We offer you a little photo with the Kazan Embankment, where the eve of the scarecrow, danced and drose pancakes.

Have a nice day, everyone! Today, wet snow is expected in the region. At the Operational Meeting of the Government of the Region, the situation with coronavirus is reported. So follow the news ribbon.

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