Stuffed Chicken in Caribbean, step-by-step recipe with photos

Stuffed Chicken in Caribbean, step-by-step recipe with photos 631_1
Stuffed Caribbean Chicken, Step-by-Step Recipe With Photo Admin Stuffed Caribbean Chicken, Step-by-Step Recipe With Photo Admin


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Step 1

Stuffed Chicken in Caribbean, step-by-step recipe with photos 631_2
Stuffed Caribbean Chicken, Step-by-Step Recipe With Photo Admin

Cut the sweet pepper and onions to cubes, pineapple cut into small pieces. Heat the olive oil in the pan and fry the bow until soft. Add sweet pepper and fry 5 minutes.

Step 2.

Stuffed Chicken in Caribbean, step-by-step recipe with photos 631_3
Stuffed Caribbean Chicken, Step-by-Step Recipe With Photo Admin

In a large bowl, put rice, pineapple and fried onions and peppers, spray, pepper and mix. Add pineapple juice.

Step 3.

Stuffed Chicken in Caribbean, step-by-step recipe with photos 631_4
Stuffed Caribbean Chicken, Step-by-Step Recipe With Photo Admin

Sattail the chicken salt and pepper. Furnish the stuffing and scalp the hole or squeeze the thread.

Step 4.

Half the butter can be cut into small pieces and snap under the skin on the breast. The remaining oil melt and smear the skin of the chicken.

Step 5.

Put the chicken in the oven, warmed up to 200 ° C, and prepare 20 minutes. Then reduce the temperature to 180 ° C and continue to prepare another 1 h 10 min. Periodically water the bird by juice formed in the counterfeit, or lubricate with melted oil.

Step 6.

Finished birds get out of the oven and leave for 10 minutes, sticking foil. Then put on the dish, remove the skewers or threads and lay out the stuffing.

By the way

Stuffed Caribbean Chicken, Step-by-Step Recipe With Photo Admin

"Pelinka" is natural products and semi-finished products that do not contain e-additives, artificial flavors and preservatives.

All products "Perebelinka" are produced on modern production in compliance with strict veterinary control measures, with daily quality checks of each batch.

Strict selection and high quality standards allow you to preserve all useful properties in poultry meat and guarantee the freshness of the product produced from the factory.

By the way

For a spectacular feed, take a big pineapple and cut along in half. Cut the flesh out of it, and the boat fill the filling from the chicken. Put the pineapple on the dish next to the chicken.

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