8 popular methods of applying egg shells in the garden


    Good afternoon, my reader. How many eggshell is simply thrown into the bucket? But the experienced dachnik does not allow for himself. Let's talk about what it is useful and how to harvest it, store and use.

    8 popular methods of applying egg shells in the garden 6303_1
    8 popular methods of applying egg shells in the vegetable garden

    Egg Shell (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    The egg shell consists of almost 95% of calcium, and it also contains such trace elements as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and others. For this reason, the shell from eggs is a good fertilizer for the garden.

    And this is an excellent bundle for soil, the container for seedlings and the repeller of harmful insects. But it is impossible to harm plants, useful creatures or spoil the soil.

    Even if many people know about the benefits of the eggshell, then few people know how to properly prepare and store it. Throwing it just so in the package or box, after a while you will get an unforgettable aroma of hydrogen sulfide. And all because from the inside on the shell, protein residues are saved.

    8 popular methods of applying egg shells in the garden 6303_2
    8 popular methods of applying egg shells in the vegetable garden

    Application Shell (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    To begin with, the shell should be rinsed well with running water, further dry about a day. Then grind to the desired state and put in a cardboard or plastic container.

    Large fragments from egg shell can be long in the soil, slowly decaying. To speed up this process and enrich the land with trace elements faster, powder makes powder from the shell. This can be done in two ways.

    To begin with, a well-dried shell lay down on the material (tissue, adhesive) and passed on it with a rolling pin for a dough or kitchen hammer. Next, to obtain a small fraction, kitchen appliances (combine, coffee grinder, etc.) are used. Put powder into the glass container and closed tightly with a lid.

    In order to get a complex drug rich in potassium, phosphorus and magnesium from the shell, it can be baked on a fire or in the furnace with the ash. Already after that, the remaining large pieces are crushed. It turns out a good deoxidizer for soil. Such a drug is well scattered around roses, clematis and other plants that are often amazed by fungal diseases.

    If you do not know how to use the eggshell on your household plot, then we give a few examples.

    8 popular methods of applying egg shells in the garden 6303_3
    8 popular methods of applying egg shells in the vegetable garden

    Egg Shell for Plants (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    In order to make heavy soil more breathable, you can use the shell chopped to the middle fraction (like buckwheat). It is enough just to add two glasses per square meter.

    If the shell is hard not to grind, but simply break into large pieces, then such a material will serve as a drainage. It is added to flower pots or seedlings for seedlings, you can even pour into the wells. After the mixture, the earth is covered and plant sits down.

    Egg flour can serve as a deoxidizer if adding it from the calculation of half a cell per square meter.

    For the preparation of nutritional feeding for the plant use 100 g of flour from shells per liter of water. The mixture is stirred, closed and removed in a dark place for seven days. After that, the mixture with an unpleasant smell is diluted, adding 3 liters of water, and spilled plants. The solution is suitable for all cultures.

    Prepare fertilizer for indoor plants is very simple. 2-3 dozen crushed shells are covered with cool boiling water and poured with cold water. After 4-5 days, the feeding will be ready. It is not worth breeding it, water by half a block on the plant.

    For this, the shell should not be chopped. If you scatter it on the surface of the garden, then the slugs simply will not be cluttered, frightened by sharp edges.

    Good prophylactic protection from the black leg can serve to break the seedlings of flour from the shell. This method is very like to tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, zucchini and bakhchev. They grow powerful and strong compared to untreated comrades.

    There is still one interesting way. In the shell, you can grow small seedlings, germinate seeds. In this case, the shell performs in roles and capacity and fertilizer.

    Large shells without cracks are well wash and dried. Next is filled with nutrient soil and plant seven. Before planting seedlings into the ground, the shell is carefully crushed in his hands and placed in the well together with the plant. With this method, the root of the transplantation does not suffer.

    Without throwing out the eggshell, you can accumulate a decent amount of useful drug for winter. And it takes such a product, especially in a grinding condition, very little space.

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