What trends appeared in the Pandemic Epoch (and will remain with us for a long time)


A year ago, our life has changed finally and irrevocably. With the arrival of the era of COVID-19, people revised their attitude to many things and began to appreciate the simple moments in life. And if they used to be ready to spend precious time (nerves and money) on something that, by and large, they were not very necessary, now they began to spend every minute with the mind and concentrated on what is really important for them or their loved ones. The new era has come in the beauty sphere, where convenience, comfort and minimalism came to the fore.

"Maxna" - flourishing of skin diseases

The permanent wear of masks caused a surge of skin diseases, which came up with a special name - "mask." Therefore, experts made a bet on a special care that would allow minimizing the negative impact of masks and reduce the amount of rash, irritation and redness on the skin. In addition, in order to prevent prevention, it was necessary to learn the basic rules: to regularly change the medical mask (and not to wear the same few days in a row, practically without removing), not to concern the face of dirty hands, regularly wash your hands and wipe their septic, clean Face with special means and not forget about moisture.

Skin care in a new way

As we wrote above, skin care has changed dramatically. The ladies realized that it was not necessarily expensive cosmetics and luxury salon procedures could maintain the beauty and youth of the skin, the main thing - deep purification and moisturizing, a balanced diet, rejection of bad habits and an active lifestyle. Many ladies admitted that only at the distance finally found time for herself, they began to sport, set up sleep mode and abandoned the large number of decorative cosmetics, making focus on leaving.

Undervaluation of home SPA

The period of self-insulation forced many women otherwise look at regular beauty rituals. In the context of the closure of beauty salons and compliance with certain precautionary measures, the ladies had to independently deal with those procedures that previously trusted cosmetologists, makeup artists or manicure masters. They learned to make homemade nutritious and moisturizing masks from affordable products, mastered the techniques of Facebilding on video tourse from social networks. And, according to many of them, the home version of the SPA turned out to be at all worse if approach him with the mind and to prepare everything in advance.

Photo: CottonBro / Pexels
Photo: Cottonbro / pexels focus on eyebrows and eyes

According to the makeup artists, the main trend in the pandemic period was makeup with an emphasis on the eyes and eyebrows. Due to the constant wearing mask in the places of public cluster of people, women learned to make a look more expressive and deep with a pencil or eyeliner for eyes, black carcass and eyebrow shadows. Most of the ladies abandoned Smoki, prefering with retro-style arrows, long and fluffy eyelashes, as well as neat eyebrows and highlights to highlight certain areas on the face.

Photo: instagram.com/harrietwestmoreland.
Photo: instagram.com/harrietwestmoreland.

The micromateur is another trend who gave us a pandemic era. Year without beauty salons and manicure masters, they affected our nails. We had to learn to independently bring our nails in order and for some time to abandon the complex coverage and design elements. This undoubtedly benefited nails that began to look more healthy and natural. In addition, minimalistic manicure turned out to be very functional and relevant. It does not require special skills and perfectly suits almost any image.

And what kind of beauty rituals for the time of self-insulation learned you?

Photo: Cleyton EWERTON / PEXELS

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