Actors who ruined their spouses career


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Glory is different, and its influence on people is unpredictable. Especially when not only you are famous, but also a spouse: In one case, star couples help each other in career growth, and in another case, they suffer from poor partner's behavior. And, as a result, someone's career collapses (and in the saddest cases - the human life is broken). In this article, consider several stellar steam, in which one partner to one way or least, directly or indirectly, spoiled the other career. Go:

Paul Newman and Joann Woodward

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Hollywood legends Paul Newman (a cat on a hot rooftop, Buch Cassidy and Sandens Kid) and Joanne Woodward (from the breed of fugitives) met in 1953. Newman was already married, but after working with Woodward in 1957, in the film "Long Hot Summer" he divorced. In 1958, Newman and Woodword got married and were together to the death of Newman in 2008.

They were the first pair of Hollywood, who left Los Angeles in search of a quiet family life. However, even after departure from Hollywood, they continued to work in the industry stubbornly.

Newman has become one of the largest stars of all time, sharply overtaking his wife in popularity. Although Woodword continued to play and play for decades, but criticism was very cool assessed her work. It is possible that the unrestrained desire for the glory of her husband has adversely affected her own career.

Woody Allen and Mia Farrow

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If the first pair is not very famous for the Russian viewer, then these guys are already more recognizable.

Mia Farrow (Child Rosemary, Death on Nile, Purple Rose of Cairo), possibly was the only locomotive for the success of Career Woody Allen (Roman Adventures, Paris-Manhattan, Annie Hall) in the 1980s and 90s. And in gratitude she, he, of course, played a role in the destruction of her career.

They diverged in 1992, after the scandal with an intrigue Allen and his reception center of the 21-year-old Song-Ui daughter. Farrow also accused Allen in the beating of her daughter Dylan. Doctors of her charges were not confirmed and the matter was closed. In 2014, Dylan wrote a statement to New York Times about all the bullying of Allen.

Mia Farrow continued to work, but her career seriously suffered after scandals and no longer recovered. Meanwhile, Allen continued to shoot for a long time and the public resonance only recently influenced his career.

Brinn Hartman and Phil Hartman

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And this is definitely the most sad example of our selection.

Phil Hartman was the name of the nominal in the comedy world. He was one of the creators of such famous American shows as "Saturday night in the lone of air." Phillipa played in the "third planet from the Sun", and for many years was a voice of Mascura in Simpsons.

His success, and with him and life, were unexpectedly torn off when his wife Brinn shot Hartman in their home in Los Angeles. The death of Hartman shook everyone.

Brinn Hartman was an actress with a bunch of problems - drugs, mental disorders. She did not bring her husband's success when she realized that he was in the shadow of his spouse.

Kevin Klein and Phoebe Kate

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The actress and model Phoebe Cate was at all on the lips after the bright appearance in the 1982 comedies "careless times in Ridgemont High". Then followed even more successful comedies of "Gremlin", "Bright lights, a big city." And at the beginning of the 90s, Kates is already removed only in small films "Harmful Fred" and "Adult Life", which are little remembered now. After a big break, it appeared only in the same movie of the anniversary of 2001, on this, her acting career and ended. Husband Kevin Klein Meanwhile, fruitfully shot: The film "Beauty and the Beast", "Yes, perhaps ...", "Pink Panther", "Wild, Wild West"

Klein and Kate got married in 1989, children appeared soon. It is difficult to say why Phoebe pulled away from the show business: it may found a new meaning of life in raising children and support her husband on the acting field. But the couple did not allow the press in privacy and fans only build guesses.

Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones

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Michael Douglas and Catherine Zetu-Jones do not need to be represented by reminding them of their filmography: This is a strong couple for two decades. In recent years, the old Douglas continues to make loud statements, because of which his wife's career cares.

In 2013, Douglas had cancer throat. Cogdla asked him if he regretted that he smoked and drank, he replied: "No. Because this particular type of cancer was caused by HPV infection, which I earned through intimate proximity. This is not a well-known statement, no matter how unintentional it was, made out of Douglas and Zeta-Jones for jokes. And, of course, it did not benefit Catherine.

Charlie Sheen and Deniz Richards

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When Charlie Sheen and Deniz Richards got married in 2001, they were both at the peak of popularity. Shin starred in a successful Sitkom "Twisted City" (by the way, a fun comedy, in which Marti Macfly was filmed - Michael Ja Fox), well, and Hits with Richards only managed to go out, including the "star landing", "wildness", "and The whole world is not enough. "

The wedding of the star pair of the press for a long time discussed, long and stubbornly digging in their dirty underwear. However, their family union was not long. In 2006, Richards filed for a divorce, accusing her husband in treasures and insults. The divorce was so scandalous that it almost destroyed their careers. Is it worth saying that the culprit of the problem was the terrible character of the tire?

Over the years, unrest fell, they even appeared in each other's show. And then in 2015, Shin announced that it was HIV-infected ... and again the former spouse fell under the attention of journalists.

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