Parking on the Yakutsk system: why ugra cyclists winter parking

Parking on the Yakutsk system: why ugra cyclists winter parking 6205_1
Parking on the Yakutsk system: why ugra cyclists winter parking

A few dozen cycling plates may appear in Surgut. This idea is going to realize this year the inhabitants of the city. They prepared the project and intend to enter the Surgut Initiative Budgeting Program to get money on the idea. As they themselves tell, not only lovers of two-wheeled vehicles will be able to use parking lots, but also a little bit of Surgutian.

Winter snow crunch - cute hearts of devotees of the most environmentally friendly transport. In Surgut, surprisingly, drivers of two-wheeled horses even in winter there are many. Acknowledged Extreme and a special feeling - to twist pedals in -20.

Timur Balabko, Cyclist, Surgut: "This year, after 6 years of operation, the first time I tried to ride in the winter. It began in early January, however, on cold, in -24 degrees, but felt such impressions. And the first impression was pity that I missed the winter seasons all 5 years old. "

True, there are one problem with cyclists, because of which many people fear to go on the road in the winter - a two-wheeled horse just nowhere to leave to go to the room and warm up. Particularly enterprising leave transport on the Yakut system - right in the snowdrifts. The way, however, is unsafe.

"It is necessary to experiment: near the railing somewhere, either away from the place where you come to fasten, or use several locks at all to be sure that if one is sober, then on the second exactly the bike will be hanging," explains Timur Balabko.

Surgut cycle community over the past few years has grown significantly. In a friendly fraternity, rows and Surgutyans are replenished on electrical sinks. They and conceived to equip the city for themselves to ride without problems. Now the project is written to enter the local authorities and get money for creating cycling.

Alexander Staff, Cyclist, Member of the Initiative Group: "This is parking for already common scooters, electrical sinks, and it is also planned that this parking will be used for strollers. Imagine, for example, a mother with a child came with children on Saima, and she simply cannot leave it far from him. And the project implies that it is convenient for it to fasten it under a canopy, under the camera. " Activists have already identified the points where cycling places are commonplace: Polyclinics, universities, large shops, parks and cultural institutions. At the first stage, it is planned to set 23 designs. Local authorities have already begun to take ideas. Last year, they supported 9 projects a total of 25 million rubles. Margarita Novikova, Director of the Finance Department of the administration of the city of Surgut: "There is an opportunity in February to go to us, the last two working days. Those projects that will go to us will also be considered within 30 business days, and if they are supported, they will also go to the term of implementation in 2021. " Support for the administration of the cycle community is calculated. They were delighted when they learned about the renovation of Lenin Avenue. The main street of Surgut, as told recently in the administration, should be a pleasure - with sidewalks for two-wheeled auto and wheelchairs, recreation zones and a safe environment. Perhaps the plans of the city and the ideas of its inhabitants in this part coincide.

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