What is useful in a flower bed on my windowsill?

What is useful in a flower bed on my windowsill? 6195_1
Zephiranthes Photo: Vrushabhrevankar, Pixabay.com

Many of us always have in stocks - in food, medicinal, cosmetic - plants that harvest themselves in nature. These are leaves, flowers, roots, bark. I know that both houseplants often come to help a person. And what exactly flowers from my windowsill can help me?

I will omit the well-known properties: that they clean the air, they pacify the soul, please the eye, Feng-Shui serve ...


Greens the greens and grows, doubt took: Will there be blossoming? The flower as if he heard me. In the morning there are buds. By evening, the centimeters were grown at 10. And the next morning - on you! - Tender flowers revealed. So, it turns out why the plant is called Lilia-jack in the people! Sorry, in both pots of one color. Well, a few pieces - alone they do not bloom.

Smeared one pot of girlfriend, she also reported to me that Zephiranthes had as part of some medicines, in particular for the liver, during hepatitis. In some imported drugs against tuberculosis and diabetes, Zephiranthes is also specified. There is an antitumor effect in the leaves of this flower, but this experts are still studying.

In the people of informs and decoctions of such lilies, the throat with purulent sore throats, and with a common cold brew leaves in tea. Zephiranthes bulbs are treated on the skin.

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Zephiranthes white photo: ru.wikipedia.org

Here you and jack! The attachments are usually harmful ...

Zephiranthes requires a very neat attitude towards him. If it were not for his beauty and tenderness, he would just be a sinister genius: it contains so strong poison in all parts that it can cause poisoning.


Sudanese rose. And from childhood I know this flower under the name of Rosan - it was grown in many houses of our village. And the leaves are beautiful, carved. But we did not know that Rosan is the future tea carcade.

I planted it only last year, it does not bloom. But even if there is no bloom, I will leave: he has a lot of green mass. True, if he even covers with flowers, all the same carcade from it does not give a lot. But the fact is a fact: on the window I have a famous and useful tea grows, and there is absorption on a cup of wood.

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Hibiscus photo: Depositphotos

I saw the carcade and I know that there are many vitamins, acids in tea, it is useful at elevated pressure, cholesterol, perfectly cleans the body.

Hibiscus is generally less harmful in the house than other of my colors, but should be clarified, all family members are easily breathing in his presence: allergies react to it.

Ficus Benjamin

Adore! And for the fact that Ficus, and for the fact that Benjamin. Ficus is also a flower from my childhood, but it was a high tree, the leaves are wide and long, as if laminated. Rubber plant, that is, valuable. I do not remember that the ficus bloom.

Benjaminchik I like more. Dark green grows and volatile. For 10 years already have for 10 years, I have never transplanted never, maybe, so by last fall, they dropped the foliage. I thought ficuses were flaky. I saw on the Internet and did not regret that they do not bloom: they are unpretentious decorations. Yes, and they bloom only in nature.

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Ficus Benjamina Photo: Kenpei, Ru.Wikipedia.org

Is such a ficus for tea? I did not recognize anything about it. But the tincture is treated from it tumors of the uterus, radiculitis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, and also wiring and warts.

When leaving the plant and use for treatment, the precautionary measures must be observed: the juice of the ficus can entail not only irritation on the human skin, but also burn.


You can talk about the divine beauty of this plant. But I am going to figure out how my pets are useful for me. Observations are described: if there are many anthurium in the house - and they are different colors - the owners improve blood circulation, vascular diseases are easier. The people of the root of anthurium are treated with anthurium roots. Helps flower with cough.

But our science did not explore the benefit of Anthurium and his influence on health, so the mention of it is not visible on pharmacy labels. But residents of overseas countries have the opportunity to use Anthurium on the full program: and admire, and be treated. It grows there in nature, and our medicine would be unthinkable prices.

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Anthurium Andre Photo: Kenpei, Ru.Wikipedia.org

I have three Anthurium: Pink, Red and Bordeaux. We promised to share black. The eldest of my seven years old is continuously and without transplant. I am very grateful to him, because it is the flowers that prevent the reproduction of streptococcus, staphylococcus, and the sins of pneumonia.


One family with anthurium. Again, I lower the properties common for all my colors and I will note in Spathifylum those who are not from others.

It is valuable in it that it helps to destroy the spore fungus, which are held in the air, and destroys the disputes of mold, which, as a rule, are fixed on the surfaces.

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Spathifylum photo: jaclou-dl, pixabay.com

Interestingly: Spatiflow is a native of wet subtropics, chooses wetlands, reservoirs, and fights fungi, who also love dampness. Such a gentle, beautiful flower absorbs almost more than harmful substances than other indoor plants. And which chemistry is not stupid by building materials that fill our housing!

Be careful! The aroid family, to which the anthurium and spathifylum, are beautiful plants, but extremely caustic. That is why they are used in the manufacture of household chemicals. The wound on the body of poisonous plants may entail the wounds on our body.

Geranium (Pelagronia)

Meshchany flower - healer and poor, and rich classes! Most often in his life I resorted to the help of Gerani. On my windowsill, four big pots with geraniums. These are billets for spring. To the heat of the bush will flourish. In the autumn, I cut briefly geranium from Cachepo on the balcony, dug out with the flower. In the spring already blooming pots will return to the places.

I prefer red geraniums - not only because of their contrast with my white balcony, but first of all because the most sensitive foliage is from Red Pelargonium. Bright cooking flowers sugar to decorate dessert.

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Geranium dark-brown - from the book of Tome "Flora from Germany, Austria and Switzerland", 1885: Ru.Wikipedia.org

More than once she cleaned the ears of his grandson in childhood - she saved a roll of a pair of slightly spilled leaves of Pelargonium. Licked in the palm of the leaflets to press to the temples, the forehead - the headache gradually disappears, because Reduced pressure. When I won't sleep, inhaling the smell of wild leaves and fall asleep.

It helps very well (testifying!) Tea with geranium leaves in critical days - both in women, and just in stressful. It is not necessary to dry the leaves of the leaves, the flower is here he, on the windowsill.

But I want to warn! With geranium, some people are intense relationships. Its strong smell is a strong allergen for them: causes nausea, and even swelling of quinque. One geranium leaves headache facilitate, and allergic, on the contrary, increase it.
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Gerana photo: Depositphotos

In the preparation of this material, I was not particularly in search of some scientific articles, described the advantages of my colors in my feelings, according to the reviews of others.

It is said that there is nothing useless on Earth. And harmless - too! Therefore, Paracels said that "everything is poison, everything is a medicine, then the other determines the dose."

I described only health benefits from my home plants. But each of them is beautiful, gentle, gentle - there are contraindications, each of them, unfortunately, can cause irreparable harm to health and even life. And we are not talking about Feng Shu, signs or beliefs. Improper application is a great danger and for people, and for pets. Beauty is also terrible.

From the editorial Do not use to treat the funds of traditional medicine without prior consultation with the attending physician and if there are any allergic reactions in the history!

Author - Love Dubinkina

Source - Springzhizni.ru.

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