The cultivation and storage of carrots - just about the complex


    Good afternoon, my reader. At first glance it seems that the cultivation of carrots is a simple and does not require special knowledge. Because of this misconception, inexperienced daches often receive not large and even root roots, but curves, small and tasteless. For the sake of a good crop will have to work hard and seriously treat the case, ranging from the choice of seeds and ending with the nuances of the care and storage of vegetable.

    The cultivation and storage of carrots - just about the complex 6195_1
    Growing and storage of carrots - just about the difficult Maria Verbilkova

    The choice of carrot variety affects growing goal.

    For sale and summer consumption:

    • Chalnoe royal;
    • Vesta;
    • The Bureau;
    • Beam;
    • Napoli;
    • Nellie;
    • Lagoon;
    • Nandrin;
    • Orange Muscat.


    • Maestro;
    • Children's sweet;
    • Emperor;
    • Shantene;
    • Bolero;
    • Red Cor;
    • Caramel;
    • Honey.

    For processing:

    • Cardinal;
    • Chinese beauty;
    • Nante improved;
    • Samson;
    • Holiday;
    • Vesta;
    • Carotan;
    • Boltex.

    For long storage:

    • Forto;
    • Sweet;
    • Moscow winter;
    • Canada;
    • Anastasia;
    • Typhoon;
    • Elegance;
    • Queen of autumn.

    Universal varieties:

    • News;
    • Saint Semko;
    • Rogneda;
    • Hangar;
    • Major;
    • MO;
    • Sirirana.

    For sowing carrots, beds are prepared in autumn, before the onset of frosts. The vegetable does not apply to the most demanding cultures in the plan of cultivation, but the choice of space needs to be taken seriously.

    The cultivation and storage of carrots - just about the complex 6195_2
    Growing and storage of carrots - just about the difficult Maria Verbilkova

    For the normal development of carrots, a long day of light is needed, which means the beds are placed in the solar zone of the site. The soil is suitable for an echoed, loose and neutral. In heavy and acidic soils, the rootpode is deformed, its average weight and nutritional value is reduced.

    According to the rules of crop rotation, carrots do not plant in one place for more than 2 times in a row. Poor predecessors will be parsley, Pasternak, celery. Do not pose hazards of the raspberries, onions, cabbage, garlic.

    In mid-September, begin to prepare and equipping carrot beds:

    • Fully purify the territory from weeds, including their roots;
    • drip at a depth of 25-30 cm;
    • For breaking, sand, peat, humus;
    • If necessary, they are deoxidized by dolomite flour, ash, lime-pulp.

    The selection of the sowing date affects the quality of the harvest and the time of its cleaning. There is no single period for all regions and varieties, always focus on the characteristics of the sowing material and the goal of growing.

    The time interval favorable for sowing carrots is always indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. If the raw materials collected themselves or taken from the hands, the periods are defined as follows.

    For summer use, carrots sow early in the spring when the upper layer of the Earth is completely warmed. You can do it under the winter, but the method is good only for areas with not cold, but abundant winter winters. Without these conditions, the seeds will die under any thick mulch.

    Return freezing carrots to destroy are not capable, but they will make the plant release the floral arrow. Such instances are not suitable for winter storage. For such a goal, sow carrots in May, closer to the summer, when the average daytime temperature will be + 15-18 ° C. If sowing to transfer to the last decade of June, the likelihood of damage to carrot flock will significantly reduce.

    Seeds are crossed, thowned and defective rejected, the rest are spitting into a glass with warm water and leave for 8-10 hours. The pop-up collects and emit, because they will not go. Suitable leave for 2 days on a napkin or cotton disk, which all the time are maintained in a wet state. Seeds are ready for sealing into the soil when they wall and roots will appear. Granulated such processing are not subjected.

    The beds under the carrot are deeply loose, trying to smash the lumps of the earth as small as possible. Rows make 2-3 cm deep and with a distance of at least 15 cm. Seeds are distributed with uniform thickness or unfolded with a space of 2-3 cm. In the first case, shoots will have to reload at least 1 time per season. The rows are sprinkled with loose soil or peat, slightly pressed the palm, watered. If cold, shelted by spunbond or film.

    For germs, the dry crust of the Earth and weeds is dangerous. Be sure to loosen the grass, the grass is pulled out with the root. Only in light and breathable soil are formed long, smooth and juicy root roots.

    Without water, carrots becomes sluggish, loses taste and even acquires bitterness. It reacts poorly both to the constant lack of moisture and its excess. From the abundance of water roots crackle.

    Water carrots every 5-7 days, while the soil is missed to the depth of the length of the vegetable. For young plants, 7-10 cm are enough from the surface of the soil, for adults - 30 cm.

    On fertile land, carrots feed twice:

    • 20 days after germination;
    • 30-35 days after the first time.

    Fertilizer norms on 10 liters of water:

    • Nitroposka - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • Wood ash - 2 glasses;
    • 15 g of superphosphate, urea and 20 g of potassium sulphate.

    In order for carrots to be large, necessarily control the distance between the plants. For the first time, shoots with a space with a space of at least 3 cm in phase 2 of the present leaves. Do it on a wet bed after watering and loosening. Repeat the procedure when there will be 4 developed sheets, then the distance increases to 6 cm.

    Carrot fly - the main pest of the culture, which attracts the smell of tops. From his invasion will save the thinning, normal watering and observance of crop rotation. If the leaves are twisted on carrots, then the fly has already settled on the garden. Landing spray "Fufanon-Nova", "Alatar", "Iskra", "Inta-Viors".

    The cultivation and storage of carrots - just about the complex 6195_3
    Growing and storage of carrots - just about the difficult Maria Verbilkova

    Among the diseases are more likely to be bacteriosis, phomosis, alternariasis, botritia. They are treated with various fungicides, and the prevention is alone: ​​each season is changing the landing site, autumn remove all plant residues.

    Carrots are digging for a pitchfill, tolerate into the shadow for drying, it is cleaned from the ground, cut off the tops, leaving 2-3 mm. After laying in bags or boxes, alternating layers with sand and sawdust. For storage, the optimal temperature of 0- + 2 ° С is also important to high humidity, so that the carrots do not dry. Periodically, reserves are checked for damage or sprouted from excess heat of rootpillars.

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