Why ugraga skiers need loudspeakers and microphones

Why ugraga skiers need loudspeakers and microphones 6166_1
Why ugraga skiers need loudspeakers and microphones

For someone jogging for a long time, the usual thing. But there are people for whom to get skiing almost the same thing to go to space. You need to make a lot of effort and every day to work hard to slip at least a couple of meters on your own.

We are talking about athletes with violations, hearing and musculoskeletal system. Here, everyone needs an individual approach. From loudspeakers to special sleigh. This week in Khanty-Mansiysk there are championships and championship of the district in ski racing.

With the help of prompts athletes go all distance. The fact is that one of them does not see anything, and the second leads him. And this is not an exercise for attentiveness or coordination, this is a sport. Athletes who lost vision take part in such starters. Not only the result, but also the health of the skier depends on the exact and timely prompts of the master. On the highway in the struggle for the coin medals, not comic is recruited.

Vitaly Teshele tied with a big sport. He used to be in the main team of the national team. Now rides for myself. In Khanty-Mansiysk, together with the mentor, came to the county championship. Plans to run a distance of 5 kilometers. However, in order to achieve success, you need help with the whole team.

Vitaly Telsh, an athlete: "Trainers, methodists, instructors, that is, if they convert a person, then he will always have a good excuse - you know, I do not see, I can't walk something else. And if the atmosphere is benevolent, then the person is immersed in it. I have already wanted to get out of it for 10 years, but I can not. " The leading and skier's partner develops for years. Over time, they become one. Vitaly and Denis, for example, train more than 10 years. On the track, to better hear each other use the loudspeaker. But the skiers did not immediately come to these tricks. A little more than a year coped with no special equipment. It looks simple - microphone and speaker. By the way, this often can be seen from a guide who spends a tour. Denis Kobyshev, Ski Racing Coach: "Voice amplifiers, bright T-shirts. There may be a certain storage of the track. He proved to me the track: what, after turning, what will rise, how many steps. How long will he go and how much about steps, whatever he would remember and laid his strength, knew where he was resting. " Friendship in such duets above all. This is noted mentors. Here, for example, Yugrucan Ilya Cherepanov has been working with Alexander Artyomov for 8 years. Together they passed the way from the winners of the championships and World Cups to the Paralympic Games in Sochi. True, then left without medals, now they want to correct the situation. Ilya Cherepanov, athlete-presenter: "Think first of all about your athlete, to be with him always there and live one sporting life. Well, to be a coach, first of all, and the other is the most real. "

On the descents, the duet most often keeps over one stick to avoid collisions. When athletes compete with violation, there should be silence at the stadium - neither music or applause. Otherwise, the skier will betray.

Not only those who lost sight or hearing, but those who have disruption of the musculoskeletal system can go to the ski. Here athletes move on improvised sleigh. Everyone has their own. This design is not found in the store. Under each athlete it is done individually.

"Everyone has its own injury. Who has such a leg, who has no leg, who has a cult. Everybob it is built individually. And this is all the subtlety, the whole complexity of these works. You will not come to the store, you will not knock - give me such a bob, "Denis Kobyshev explained.

The most important thing is the desire and desire for your goal. It is they who destroy the obstacles and help thousands of athletes feel the atmosphere of a sports holiday and skis cease to be just a dream, but become a way of life for everyone.

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