Pluto - the great god of the world of the dead

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Pluto - the great god of the world of the dead

In the ancient Roman legends about Pluton, a lot is known, but in these myths it is impossible to find details and details. In the ancient Greece of this God called Gades (Aid), and he was associated with the underground world. The Romans believed that it was Pluto that the ruler of the world of the dead, driving the souls of the dead and top of a fair trial.

Pluton was assigned dark duties. He is often called the God of Death, but I would argue with it. Despite the fact that the name of the Pluto invariably connected with the departure to the world of others, God himself did not destroy anyone, and death was not used. What is known about Pluto, the most gloomy and mysterious deity of the Roman Pantheon?

Birth of Pluto

In the poems of Homer, the God of the Underground Kingdom of Pluto (AID) is described as the Zeus of the world of the Dead. It is impossible to find a more powerful God in another world, where the souls of the dead leave. For a long time, the ancient Greeks and Romans were afraid to pronounce his name aloud. This fear was dictated not so much the cruelty of the pluto, how much of its greatness.

How easy it is to guess, the lord of the otherworldly, the most mysterious "element", and himself was full of secrets. As Roman legends tell, the main part of the plots of which was borrowed from the Greeks, as a child, Pluto was swallowed with his own father. The great ruler of the world Saturn found out that he would overthrow his own child.

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Because of this, the scared lord began to eat each of his newborn children. Pluto has suffered the fate of his brothers and sisters. Fortunately, the relevant mother of children, Opa, came up with how to save one of their children. When Jupiter appeared, she saved the baby, offering a huge stone instead of him instead of him.

Saturn did not notice the trick, Jupiter grew up and, won the Father, rescued senior sisters and brothers, among whom Pluto was. Young gods divided the spheres of power, and Pluto got the underground world. Was it pleased with this outcome he himself? There is no answer to this question, but it is necessary to admit that Pluto really became a wise and reliable ruler of such a complex part of the universe.

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Pluto in the underground world

Love Pluto and his chosen

Unlike its brothers, Jupiter and Neptune, Pluto had to leave the bright kingdom of the gods, going to the gloomy world of the dead. Despite the gloomy bad life, which he led in his possessions, God did not become a rejection. Sometimes he appeared on the surface of the Earth, checking whether the harmony of life and death persists.

Also Pluto loved to receive guests. However, few of them managed to find the road back to the light, and therefore many who came to Pluto remained forever in his kingdom. One of the most famous legends associated with Pluto tells about his love. Yes, quite the "earthly" human feeling was not alien to God, which ruled in the world of death.

As I noted, sometimes Pluto came out of the dark depths of his abode into light. During one of these walks, he saw a beautiful girl surrounded by girlfriends on a green meadow. It was Proserpina, the goddess of spring and beauty.

An incredible passion was born in the heart of Pluto, and he decided that it was this beauty that would become his wife. However, it was not worth waiting for traditional matchmaster from the Lord of the world of traditional walling, and the bright Goddess herself could hardly wish to live in a gloomy underground world. Taking advantage of the help of cyclops, Pluto became invisible and abducted by Proserpin.

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Peter Paul Rubens (and Workshop) "Abduction of Proserpina", 1636-1637

In vain Lila tears her mother, the goddess of the fertility of the Cerecher - nowhere on the ground she could not find the disappeared daughter. Pluto brought Proszer in his kingdom and made a legitimate wife and co-guarantee. However, because of the grief of her mother on Earth ceased to go rains, the earth dried out, the widespread hunger began. People prayed to Jupiter to help the goddess of fertility to return the daughter.

By decision of the Council of the Gods, the following was taken: three-quarters of the year of Prosepine will spend time on Earth, a guest at the mother, and one quarter will return to the spouse into the world of the dead. That is why you can observe the change of the time of the year. Winter is the period when nature is sad and "dies" in the longing of Proskery, however, everything changes with the arrival of spring, because the daughter is preparing to return to the mother.

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Pluto - the ruler of the underworld / © Moody Nagaty /

Pluto - the most "human" among the gods

Another time Pluto had to leave his kingdom in order to heal the wound received. When Hercules descended into the world of dead, the hero had a clash with the dark ruler that did not want to let a living person from his territory. As a result, the victory was won by Hercules, and Pluto had to urgently climb the surface of the earth, where the gods helped cure the wounds.

Despite the gloomy reputation, Pluto was one of the most humane gods. Great popularity in Greece and Rome acquired the legend about the singer Orphey and Euridic. Having lost his beloved that Kite died from the bite of the snake, the singer went to the kingdom of the dead. There he miraculously managed to reach the monastery of Pluto and Proserpina.

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Orpheus in front of Pluto and Proserpina

Orpheus asked the rulers of another world to return to his spouse that he died so young. After hearing his story, complemented by an excellent melody, Pluto and Proserpina agreed to let go of the girl's soul to freedom, return the life of the dead. Alas, Orpheus was never able to return the beloved, since he had broken a coordinated condition, but the guilt of the ruler of the underground world was not in this.

Pluto is often called the God of death, but it is only a superficial definition. In my opinion, it can be called those who followed the order and eternal harmony. It was in his kingdom that the rules were strictly performed. The slightest extension from the norm would be the death for humanity. Pluto did not destroy a single person, but this god clearly made it clear that before or later all the souls will come to him - so that a place for new people appear on Earth.

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