When and how best to transplant poinsettia so that there were no problems with rooting

When and how best to transplant poinsettia so that there were no problems with rooting 6153_1

Room poinsettia must be replanted in a new soil once a year. Spring is considered the most favorable time for this, that is, the plant's outlet period from the active flowering phase. During the rest of the year, the transplant can only be carried out in case of extreme need.

When do plant need to transplant?

If soil in a pot with a flower dries quickly, this may mean that the root system of the plant has grown and requires a more spacious capacity.

When and how best to transplant poinsettia so that there were no problems with rooting 6153_2

The low quality of the soil, which does not fill the need for a flower in nutrients, also serves as a prerequisite for an urgent transplant. Of course, you should not pull with a transplant if the roots of the flower are damaged or pests started in the ground.

When can I do and can not be done?

In Poinsettia stores is in pots with transporting soil, so, after some time after buying, the flower must be transplant. The best time for the annual transplantation of the plant is April or May.


In winter, it is extremely unwanted to disturb the flower with a transplant. During this period, all the forces of Poinsettia are aimed at active bloom, for this reason the rooting process will be difficult.

How to perform a procedure at home?

The annual transplantation of the plant is best to produce a transshipment method, without cleaning the roots from the earth coma. This procedure is less trauma for gentle flower roots.

Choosing a pot

Poonstetia pot can be from any material: plastic or ceramics. The main condition is the new container should be wider than 1.5-2 cm in diameter.

What kind of soil to use?

For room poinsettia, a light, loose weakly acid substrate is suitable. You can use a ready-made soil intended for the plants of the Rochetia family. It is fully allowed to prepare the soil. To do this, you will need to mix:

  • 3 pieces of leaf land;
  • 3 pieces of turf land;
  • 1 part of the peat;
  • 1 part of the sand;
  • 1 part of the vermiculite.

Step-by-step instruction


The Milky Juice of Poanseti may cause irritation on the skin, so the flower transplant needs to be produced in gloves.

Queen Mokhai should be transplanted after spring trimming.

  1. At the bottom of the landing capacity by 2-3 cm, the drainage is placed, it can be a clayjit or brick.
  2. Top puffed a little fresh soil.
  3. A bush is carefully removed from the old pot and placed on a new soil.
  4. Free space fall asleep soil, a little tamping.
  5. The transplanted plant is watered with water and are covered with a transparent package for better rooting.
  6. The flower is kept in a warm place protected from drafts.


The package must be raised daily to air the flower and prevent it off.

Peresantence after shopping

  1. Specialists do not recommend transplanting Puansettia immediately after acquisition. It is better to give the plant for several days to adapt to new conditions.
  2. Then the flower is extracted from the old capacity, remove the entire soil com from the temporary substrate. As a rule, this substrate does not contain nutrients, so it makes no sense to maintain even a small part of it.
  3. Then Puansettia is transplanted into a new pot and fresh soil, gently and evenly distributing the roots. After that, the plant must be pouring.
When and how best to transplant poinsettia so that there were no problems with rooting 6153_3

How to send a flower?

Poinsettia is multiplied only by top cuttings. If it happened that several instances of Poinsettia grow in one pot, then when transplanting them will need to be seeded. For this, the bushes gently free from the ground, separating the plants from each other. Then each bush is planted in a separate pot using a prepared substrate.

Do you need to water after the procedure?

After landing, it is necessary to carefully moisten the soil around the flower. For irrigation, wastewater is used.


It should be remembered that like all thenespends, Poinsettia does not tolerate the convergence. Therefore, the plant should not be overly.

In order for colorful poinsettia to grow harmoniously and abundantly, it must be replaced in a timely manner. Thus, the plant will receive the necessary set of nutrients and additional space for root growth.

Typically, the procedure is successful and the plant begins to growth. But in some cases, this sofp may not take care. The reasons may be damaged and the subsequent rotation of the plant roots. In such cases, the bush is extracted from the pot, wash the roots and treated with their biostimulating drug. It may be:

  • corneumine;
  • epin;
  • ribav;
  • Radine.

Next, carry out a transplant to a new soil, according to the above-described rules.

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