20 curious photos that prove that everything comes in comparison


Giant size always attracts attention. Whether it is cornflakes size with a palm or a majestic jellyfish, on the background of which shook a tiny scabel. It's great that there are many things in the world, looking at which we exclaim: "This is yes!"

And even cooler - make a photo and lay out on the network so that everyone see. And we in adme.ru does not bother to create such selections.

Something went wrong, and salt on toast looks like pieces of ice

20 curious photos that prove that everything comes in comparison 6134_1
© Wpen / Reddit

Yes, this is not photoshop. This is a gigantic jellyfish with a lion mane. The diameter of its dome reaches 2 m 10 cm

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© Dan Abbott / Mega Agency / East News

"Hoya my parents went up so much since 1974!"

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© mammalsaBoring / Reddit

"We were presented with a gigantic zucchini (bananas for comparison). Cut it and understood that this is a wax pumpkin "

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© Materium / Reddit

All beets of beets

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© Erikaslaughter / Reddit

Have you noticed that the outlets are often like a surprised smiley?

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© SCP-Dips *** / Reddit

"Mom and Lemon"

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© shilohsunshine22 / Reddit

This strawberry will replace the whole handful of berries

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© ClarityByhilarity / Reddit

"Washed for 190 cm, and that's how I now look next to my kindergarten of kindergarten"

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© Taussieg / Reddit

Bozyl, it is a bagel size with a steering wheel

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© new_xander / Reddit

Earlier in Russia avocado called alligator pear - now it seems clear why

20 curious photos that prove that everything comes in comparison 6134_11
© CanonConstructor / Reddit

"My Monster of My Father Bugs and his older sister Lily"

20 curious photos that prove that everything comes in comparison 6134_12
© HighgamingBestGaming / Reddit

This piece of flakes surpassed its brothers in a pack - probably, in childhood a few porridge

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© Lushiex / Reddit

"Because of this, the dried bush, I don't know what my neighbor's house looks like."

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© Unknown Author / Imgur

"I can't fall asleep the next 5 days. Megashar in my flakes "

20 curious photos that prove that everything comes in comparison 6134_15
© TyrranicalOrlord / Reddit

"I tried these berries in Norway"

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© WelcomeOK7817 / Reddit

This charming Lamine from the Columbus Zoo is still a small individual.

"Maybe she is not so big. But it's south texas! "

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© Siflbabyshifero / Reddit

Giant carrot in the style of "Edward Hand Scissors"

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© dingdongpuddlez / Reddit

"My father builds a huge bridge over the river"

20 curious photos that prove that everything comes in comparison 6134_19
© Shelbinator06 / Reddit

Maybe you managed to shoot something giant?

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