25+ unexpected facts about the life of Dmitry Mendeleev, about which they will not tell in chemistry lessons


Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev is known to us as a great chemist, the creator of the periodic table. However, few people know that only about 10% of all the works of the scientist are devoted to chemistry. It was much more studied by physics, economics and industry. By the way, in matters of marriage Mendeleev was no less ingenious than in the field of scientific research.

We in adme.ru bow to the mind and talent of the great Russian scientist. And we want to remember several little-known facts about the life of Dmitry Mendeleev, which, as a rule, do not speak in chemistry lessons.

  • Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev was born on February 8, 1834 and was the last, 17th child in the family. True, only 8 people lived before the age of majority.
  • In the year of birth of the Future Chemist, his father Ivan Pavlovich Mendeleev, once held the post of director of the Tobolsk gymnasium, land, and all the concerns about the numerous family lay on the mother, who officially had no education.
  • Fortunately, Mother Maria Dmitrievna in his youth independently, at the same time with the brothers, passed the gymnasium, which later allowed her to control a small glass factory belonging to one of her relatives. It helped a woman to save the family from an imminent collapse and put on the feet of all his children, including the future great chemist.

25+ unexpected facts about the life of Dmitry Mendeleev, about which they will not tell in chemistry lessons 6111_1
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Parents Dmitry Mendeleev.

  • When Dmitry Mendeleev was 13 years old, his father died. A year later, the glass factory that brought revenue was burned. The mother of the chemist left in distressive position did not lower his arms. She noticed in the boy's ability to science and decided to give her son a higher education by anything.
  • Having spent the last means and strength, Maria Dmitrievna left his native Siberia and did everything to identify the Son to the University in St. Petersburg. After a couple of weeks after his enrollment, she died with a calm soul. After years, Mendeleev released the fundamental work "Study of aquatic solutions for the specific weight," which began with the words of gratitude to the mother.
  • Left is completely alone, Mendeleev went into science, devoting her all his free time. At the age of 21, he graduated from the Department of Natural Sciences of the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Chief Pedagogical Institute in St. Petersburg and immediately became a teacher.

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  • Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev was not only a chemist, but also a physicist, geologist, meteorologist, instrument-friendly, teacher, economist and even a secret advisor.
  • The scientist was engaged in agriculture, aeronautics and extremes of the Far North. It was Mendeleev who invented a pyrocolet powder, offered the best designs of the rocker, participated in the construction of the world's first arctic icebreaker.
  • And at the age of 53, the researcher in order to study the phenomenon of a complete solar eclipse, one of the balloon flew alone. The definitely surprised the public. "About us, professors and general scientists, usually think everywhere, what we say, we do not know how to own a practical business, as we, as the Shchedrian generals, always need a man in order to do the case, and otherwise we have everything from Hands roll, - commented on his act of Mendeleev. "I wanted to demonstrate that this opinion was unfair in relation to the naturalists who spend their entire lives in the laboratory on excursions and in general in research."

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© Serge Lachinov / Wikipedia

The Russian balloon "Russian", on which D. I. Mendeleev made a flight to observe a complete solar eclipse.

  • The inventor, by the way, was terribly offended when he was told that he saw his famous periodic table in a dream. When the next reporter, talking to Mendeleev, mentioned this bike, he exclaimed in the hearts: "I thought about it, maybe 25 years old, and you believe: I sat down, and suddenly Pyat for a line, Pyat for a line - and ready!"
  • The fact that Dmitry Ivanovich invented the famous Russian drink is also myth. Its production in Russia has been established when the future chemist was still a child. Mendeleev just defended his thesis on the topic "On the connection of alcohol with water."

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© N. A. Yaroshenko / Wikipedia

  • By nature, Dmitry Ivanovich was a person passionate and fonding that in the eyes of the public was not knitted with the way the judgment of the judgment.
  • For the first time, the scientist married the fechencheva female, the Padderitis of the writer Yershov, the author of the "Skate-Gorbunk" itself. In marriage they had 3 children.
  • Feozv was a slightly woman, but could not adapt to the peep character of the spouse. Any little things distracting scientist from science, wrapped in a scandal. Mendeleev shouted at home, metal into the wall of things and could fall into rage even because of not hot tea. Wrapped with his wife, he went to the forest and climbed into the hollow to work in absolute silence. There he had a peculiar laboratory, which was placed chair and a small table.
  • The presence of his wife and children did not prevent Mendeleev to make an offer to the governess of his daughter. The girl with mutual feelings still refused, because she did not want to be the cause of the collapse of the family.

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Dmitry Mendeleev and Feozheva.

  • Having moved away from his wife to an apartment at the university, Mendeleev settled in her and the whole family of his sister Kati. In one of the evenings, he met a girlfriend there his niece and passionately fell in love. The girlfriend was 17-year-old beauty, novice artist Anna Popova. At first, the scientist struggled with fatal love: wandered over the world, he was postponed into a special letter of writing about his feelings, wanting to free themselves from them. But nevertheless love did not pass.
  • The chemist demanded a divorce at the legitimate wife, but she was categorically against. Only learning about the pregnancy Anna, Feozv gave consent. After the divorce, the church banned Mendeleev to be married for 7 years. But the scientist broke the ban and bribed the priest, for which he was subsequently absorbed. In the second marriage, Mendeleev born 4 children, the eldest of whom, love, became his wife and the Museum of the poet Alexander Blok.
  • Due to the fact that Mendeleev was essentially 2 wives, he was not allowed to a decent society. But the emperor Alexander III was not confused, and when he was told not to take a chemist, he answered: "It's right, Mendeleev has 2 wives, but Mendeleev is alone! .."

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Anna Popova, the second wife of Dmitry Mendeleev.

  • Despite difficult relationships with women, the scientist always remained a wonderful father. Proof of this is one entertaining case. Mendeleev was the first Russian explorer who was invited to Faraday reading to the UK (practically "Oscar" among scientists). On the way to London, the Chemist received a telegram, which said that his son got sick. Mendeleev without hesitation returned home, preferring family values ​​to world recognition.
  • Cared chemist and other people's children. For example, he always made a dual training fee - for his son and for someone who could not afford his studies in the gymnasium. For children of the warders who worked in the Chamber of Measures and Libra, Mendeleev arranged New Year's Eve Christmas trees, often treated them with fruits and sweets. His good deeds scholar tried to keep secret.

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  • The Russian scientific community though understood the significance of the discoveries of Mendeleev, but still failed to appreciate them. So, the Academy of Sciences, referring to the fact that the work on chemistry at Dmitry Ivanovich is quite a bit, in the election chose to him Beilstein. Mendeleev's baillation caused public resonance, dozens of scientists and artists expressed their protest with the decision of the Academy of Sciences. The scientist also accepted what happened with dignity: "Surrounded on the field scientific will benefit the folk."
  • But the foreign scientist brotherhood immediately recognized Mendeleev's scientific authority. Foreign colleagues, and not compatriots nominated the candidacy of Dmitry Ivanovich to the Nobel Prize in 1905, 1906 and 1907. True, the scientist never received a reward. One of the alleged reasons for this is considered to be the conflict of Mendeleev with the nobel brothers, which, using the crisis of the oil industry and seeking to monopolize Baku oil, speculated rumors about the rapid depletion of the field. Mendeleev not only proved the unreasonableness of this statement, but also developed a new way of fractional distillation of oil. By the way, it was Dmitry Ivanovich that offered the construction of oil pipelines. Previously, it was transported in barrels and burues.
  • Universities of Cambridge and Oxford awarded Mendeleev doctoral degree. Moreover, he was recognized as a member of many foreign academies of sciences, such as Roman, Paris, Swedish, Czech, Belgian and many others.

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Participants in the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Berlin Academy of Sciences. Mendeleev in the 2nd row, the 3rd on the right.

  • Dmitry Ivanovich was engaged not only by scientific, but also by public operation. While many prominent figures expressed themselves against receiving the formation of women (for example, Lion Tolstoy), Mendeleev lectured on the highest female courses. In addition, he adopted in 1871 by the gymnasium reform played the possibility of unhindered receipt of higher education by graduates of the lower schools.
  • When in the late 90s of the XIX century, there were excitement and protests associated with a sharp deterioration in the material situation of students and the infringement of their rights and freedoms, Dmitry Mendeleev was one of the few who supported students. He himself handed over their petition to the Minister of Folk Enlightenment Delianov, who had previously refused to talk with students. After that, Mendeleev, who gave 33 years of service to the university, had to resign.
  • At the last of his lecture gathered a huge number of students. The professor visited the students to "reach the truth in the most calm way," and his last words were: "Puskly, I ask you to accompany my deplating applause for many different reasons."

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Mendeleev (in the center) in the Kushwinsky factory.

  • In subsequent years, the chemist worked a lot on the issues of economic development of Russia, studied different fields of industry, was a supporter of protectionism and opposed parasitic speculative capital. While the post of Minister of Finance occupied Witte, none of the decisions in industry and trade was taken without a written conclusion of Mendeleev.
  • A special passion of scientist was "the production of suitcases." In addition, he independently glued the frames for photos and engravings, bought books. And even when the elder of Mendeleev is blinded because of cataracts, he did not leave his hobby. Once, buying materials on the living room, the academician heard such a conversation behind his back. "Who is this respectable gentleman?" - I asked passerby at the clerk. "You need to know such people," he answered with reproach. - This is a master of suitcases of Mendeleev. "
  • When Mendeleev died, the technologists, spending it on the last path, in respect of respect, carried a large board in their hands, on which a periodic table of chemical elements was depicted.

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