The child goes to Nursery: how to help him adapt


When a three-year-old baby goes to kindergarten, the whole family is experiencing. But it is much more difficult to give in nursery one and a half year's crumb.

Most likely, the mother and the baby did not part up to this time more than a couple of hours, in which other family members cared about the child, whom he knew perfectly. Now he will go to a new place where he does not know anyone yet.

The task of parents is to help the baby gently adapt. It is necessary to work on this in advance - at least 2-3 months before the first day in the nursery. The first stage is not the child's attention to the emotions, but the mother.

Mamina experiences, fears and guilt

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Most often, the need for manger does not occur simply so. Many women initially take care of the child's care for just a year and a half. They may not be able to be at the kid to his three years. There is another, no less important reason. We are talking about maternal burnout. In modern families, where a woman is essentially sharpened with a child in four walls, it is not uncommon.

Despite these weighty reasons to give son or daughter in Nursery, the mother itself is very difficult to adapt the process. She is hard to part with the baby, who was only born yesterday. Therefore, mom must be well prepared.

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It is desirable, by the time of the beginning of the nashelnaya period, or completely complete breastfeeding, or leave only for night sleep. So that the baby does not need the presence of mom in those moments when it is guaranteed unavailable.

The woman must clearly understand that she needs it, and not a child. Children's team is not a need for a year and a half. This mom is time to start doing other things.

But it is not necessary to do from this reason for suffering and feeling guilt. On the contrary, Mom must be sure and calm. Can make a small practice. Write on the leaflet on one side the positive sides of the fact that she had these free hours, and on the other - negative.

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But it must be specific items responsible for the question of how Nursery can affect all family members. For example, from good, both for working mothers, and for those who leave the leave to care for the child immediately plans:

  • Return to the career;
  • Earnings;
  • self-realization;
  • opportunity to communicate;
  • the ability to visit the gym;
  • Time for hiking to the doctor (young mothers often forget to follow their health);
  • chance sleep a little;
  • the opportunity to spend time with her husband alone;
  • Time for cooking and cleaning.
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This is the minimum list. In the negative sides, you can write:

  • reducing the amount of time spent with the child;
  • Return to the unloved work;
  • an increase in the number of homework;
  • the need to update the outdated wardrobe to access the workplace, and these are spending;
  • The need to again lead an active social life (not everyone pleases communication with colleagues);
  • Early lifting to catch in Nursery;
  • Trips in public transport.
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Each will have its own list. Only speaking completely all the pros and cons, the young mother will be able to make a decision. Perhaps the whole family will be more profitable if it remains on leave to care for your child.

If the pros of the advantage and firmly decided that the nursery is needed, then you don't need to scold yourself. The baby needs to feel the confidence emitted by the mother, and not her endless doubts. Once it is necessary, it means that it is necessary.

How to choose a nursery and educator

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The next mother's task is organizational. Each woman has the right to choose the organization and people who will entrust her child. It is better to circumvent all preschool institutions, to get acquainted with all the teachers and, deciding, to achieve a particular place. Very much depends on the determination of the mother in this matter.

It is fundamentally important to find a good caregiver. This man will become for the baby by the authority of a practically parental level. Excellent if mom:

  • I went to a group with a child for a trial day;
  • I am satisfied with the educators, decor, children;
  • made sure that her pedagogical views shared in the team;
  • Agreed with an educator about regular communication through means of communication.
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Only with an absolutely confident mother of Kroch will be able to learn to trust the new place and people. By the way, it will not be superfluous to speak several times where the child goes, who is waiting for him there and what will be the routine of the day, trying to tell him as much as possible.

Soft adaptation

Then the adaptation begins directly. It makes sense to immediately choose the institution in which the rate is made on the softness of the process.

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To do this, your mother needs to be stocking sufficient time. All children are different: someone in a week actively plays in the group without parents, and someone and after three months can not stay in the nursery. This stage of the baby has the right to pass with the support of relatives and employees of the institution, spending so much time as he needs.

Soft adaptation passes in the presence of mom in the group. At first she participates in all actions, and after a few days it ceases - it just sits in the corner. The child sees her and may come at any time. Then he tries to leave first for a while. Next, the interval increases. When the baby is used to, mom can try to bring it and leave. To coordinate this process should the educator who will have to win the confidence of the new members of the group.

Useful rituals

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Giving a child in Nursery, parents should try to make the time they spend with him as high quality as possible. You need to take a rule - at least half an hour and hour per day mom belongs to the baby undivided. The phone at this time is better to postpone and do what Kroch wants.

Since the child has no choice - to go to Nursery or not, - in other matters it can be provided with independence. For example, allow yourself to choose your clothes and the road to the institution if it is in step accessibility.

In order for the kid not so much missed, the mother can introduce certain rituals. One such is described in the book of Audrey Penn "Kiss in Ladoshka". Although there is a speech about school, but it can be easily replaced by nursery. The bottom line is to kiss the baby in the palm to feel my mother's love all day. You can come up with your own rituals. Then mom, and her child will be easier to survive the separation.

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