EAEP will develop a mechanism for countering sanction pressure

EAEP will develop a mechanism for countering sanction pressure 6093_1
EAEP will develop a mechanism for countering sanction pressure

The Eurasian Economic Union will develop a mechanism for countering sanction pressure. This was stated by Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Golchenko on February 7. The head of government explained how the pressure on one of the members of the Union should be perceived by other participants in the association.

The EAEU is being developed by the mechanisms of confronting sanctions against participating countries. This was stated by Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Puzzchenko on the air of the television channel "Belarus 1" on Sunday.

"It's no secret that now with such measures, as sanctions, begin to use randomly. It turned into a tool that is used by resembling, without any particular evidence base. Just like one of the clubs. Absolutely not exceptional measure. Therefore, within the framework of the EAEU, mechanisms will be produced, how to counteract such unfriendly actions against one of the countries of the Union, "the head of government explained.

Instructions to develop such mechanisms and criteria for their use were given to the Eurasian Economic Commission. At the same time, Golovchenko noted that the Union partners hear the initiative of Minsk "and understand that if we are a block, if we are the Union, then, accordingly, the impact or pressure on one of the members of the Union should be perceived as pressure on the entire organization."

"Of course, we are not a military union, such as CSTO, for example, where these mechanisms exist. But recently, the economy becomes no less hot field of battle than directly hostilities, "he said.

The prime minister also commented on the results of the internet either in Almaty. According to him, all the issues of the agenda were solved in a television favorable for Belarus. "And our positions were taken into account after hot discussions. In this regard, we can say that for Belarus, the meeting between the entity was successful and efficient, "he concluded.

We will remind, the main burden of sanctions on the part of external players carrying Russia. In addition, earlier the European Union introduced 3 packages of sanctions against Belarus. In the first two, representatives of power structures, members of the Cyc and civil servants, including the President of the country Alexander Lukashenko, were included. The last sanction list was directed against the Belarusian enterprises, including the Minsk Wheeled Tractor Plant, the 140th Repair Plant, BELTEHEXPORT, "SINESIS" and others. Its sanction package was also prepared and approved in the United States.

Read more about the purpose of Western sanctions against Belarus, read in the material "Eurasia.Expert".

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