Actors from the film "Harry Potter" then and now: How has their lives changed


Exactly 20 years old have passed since the first part of the film about the boy, who managed to survive. Someone made this film very popular, and someone just "lowered to the bottom."

The show of the film-fairy tales in the New Year holidays has long been traditional. After all, not only for children, but also adults so want to believe in miracles and plunge into the world of magical magic, created by Joan Rowling. Most of the young actors who starred in this film received a good start for the development of acting career, and experienced - even more advanced through the career ladder. However, not everyone managed to resist the complex test of glory.

Actors from the film

What steel are the legendary heroes "Harry Potter" and what they do now, read right now.

Harry Potter

The main actors of Kinoshagi - Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson, grew along with their fabulous heroes. They not only gained great popularity and sympathy from the audience, but also earned good fees on it.

However, a big glory was not so easy, because the carefree childhood of three adolescents became greater responsibility for one role, whose hostages they became.

Daniel is so tired of the image of a young wizard, which already at the end of the filming of the film, and more often appeared drunk on the set. Fortunately, rehabilitation helped him from this state. Now Radcliffe began experiments with film projects, and once appeared in front of the audience in the role of a pretty ... Punching corpse of Manney.

Actors from the film

After the final of the Rupert Rupert Grint series took a long vacation to come to himself. On the received fee from filming, he bought a van with ice cream and climbed the clock on him, treating everyone who met on his way. Red-haired Rupert is the only three "main actors", which managed to be realized in his personal life. However, it is impossible to say that his career in the cinema has developed successfully. Spring beloved Georgia Gruce gave birth to his daughter by the name of the environment.

Only for the ex-wizard Emma Watson everything was more successful. She graduated from studying at the university and began to be filmed for fashionable brands. A little later, Emma became the embodiment of a youth style and an avid feminist.


In the 3rd part of the film "Harry Potter And The Prisoner of Azkaban" was "submented" director of Hogwarts. However, this "substitution" noticed not all fans of the film. At the beginning, Richard Harris played him, who in 2020 died of cancer. Therefore, the creators had to urgently find him a replacement - Michael Gambon.

Actors from the film

Shooting in the film made it very popular and became an impetus for the start of a new life. He finally decided in his choice - divorced his wife and went to his mistress. In 69, Gamembon became dad twice.

In recent years, he less often appeared on the scene of the theater and film crews in the cinema due to sclerosis. In the fall, he celebrated the anniversary - the 80th anniversary and came under the trial. He managed to come on a cyclist and now 55,000 pounds of sterling are required from it (about 5.5 million rubles).

Actors from the film

Dudley Dursl

The cousin-fatman Harry Potter became the film acter Harry Melling, who is now 31 years old. He still enjoys a big glory from passersby, which are often called him Tolstoy Dudley, and after all, the guy has taken his health for another 18 years to lose weight. On the set of "gifts of death" he had to wear a suit that thicked it. A little later, Melling cast a movie and went to the theater, graduating from a specialized acting school. There was a long time, as Harry stopped perceiving as nasty Dudley.

Actors from the film

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Draco Malfoy

This role was performed by a 13-year-old Tom Felton, which came to test shooting already being an experienced film actor. At first, the charming blond wanted to approve on the main role of Harry Potter himself, then decided that he would be better suited for a negative character.

Tom tried to get away from this image, but to this day he is invited to play the roles of antiheroev. After all, in real life, he is kind, responsive and very timid.

Actors from the film

After filming the final part of the film, Felton is solved completely to tie with a film engineer and actively engage in a fishing business. However, the actor has changed his decision, having met his beloved - Jade Gordon, who played Draco's wife in the film. Unfortunately, they could not get married. Because of the treason, Jade in 2016, the couple broke up. Today, Felton continues to appear on large screens, more often occupying secondary roles. In addition, he is fond of sports carp, football and golf.

Vincent Crabb.

Draco Malfoy's best friend performed Jamie Waylett, who was not so good guy in reality. Having problems with the law, he never starred in the final part of the film. Due to the series of excited criminal cases against Malfoy, the company was forced to expel him from the project.

A little later Wailet sat down in prison for two years for theft of champagne. Being behind bars, he learned to repair the engines of cars, and after entering freedom, began to work as an auto mechanic.

Actors from the film

Gregory Goyl

Joshua Herdman is another negative character, the minion of Draco, who also plunged into the world of crime in real life. After final filming, he stopped to remove and became interested in mixed martial arts. Now he even plans to become a welterweight UFC champion. Joshua is married and has three children.

Actors from the film

Luna Lovegood

Evanna Lynch was invited to this role, which, before the start of filming, she had anorexia, and the life of the girl was held on the hair. Being in the hospital, Evanna began to read the books about Harry Potter and was so imbued with the plot that decided to write Joan Rowling. In it, she wrote that the magic and magical plot of her books is the only thing that helps her to distract in a difficult period of life.

Joan responded to Evanna's letter, as a result, a girl hit the casting film. Lynch admitted that she would like to play the role of half amen of Lavgud. Walking through the hard casting, which was attended by 15 thousand competitors, she was able to conquer a cherished role.

After Sagy, Evanna starred in a couple of interesting roles. Now it works as a consultant at The Harry Potter Alliance, is a vegan activist and a fighter for animal rights.

Actors from the film

Neville Dolbupps

Another member of Poterianas became an inconspicuous boy Matthew Lewis, who after the filming finals was enviable handsome. 11-year-old Matthew came on trial shooting chubby, ungually with a boy protruding teeth. He could not even put braces, because it was prohibited by contract terms.

However, in 2015, he appeared before the world in another appearance, starring in a photo session in underwear for one of the gloss. Such pictures caused shock not only at his fans, but Mom Lewis. Make the body a beautiful and punched guy helped the active rugby passion and fitness.

Despite its caution in relations with the girls, six months later, he met his beloved - Andrzej Jones. Already in 2018, they got married, being in Italy.

Actors from the film

Simus Finnigan.

This hero is Harry's classmate, played David Murray. By becoming famous, the actor and himself managed to scandalous stories. In 2016, he sued for a former agent for the illegal termination of the contract. That's just Mom David testified against his son, and told what he was Transzhira and how she descends all the money for drinking and entertainment. At the conclusion of the court, he was awarded to pay 200,000 pounds to his opponent.

This year, David announced that he was ready to go to suicide. The benefit that he wrote about this to his parents, and they managed to stop him. Murray himself argues that the urge to suicide is nothing more than 10-year-old depression and longing to native and friends who have been far from the surveying period of Sagi.

After a long rehabilitation, he returned to a normal lifestyle. Now he is interested in driving and participates in competitions. Later he met his future wife - Shannon Quinn. January 2, they had a son.

Actors from the film

Plaks Mirtl

Interesting fact: 37-year-old actress Shirley Henderson managed to play a 13-year-old Ghost girl in the imprisonment of Hogwarts toilet. According to the plot of the film "Harry Potter and the Fire Cup", Redcliff had to be barbed in the bathroom in front of Myrtle. However, at the request of the actor, he was given a special apparel in the type of human skin.

Shirley is an experienced actress, whose account has many interesting works. However, it was this filmmag that helped her to become especially popular both among the audience and directors. She played the roles in Anna Karenina, "murder on the alphabet" and in Kinolent about Bridget Jones.

Henderson has always been and remains a supporter of natural beauty - she never enjoyed cosmetics. And its main face care is simple and affordable - wash cold water with soap and applying a moisturizing cream.

Actors from the film

Minerva McGonagall

The strict and fair professor was the charming Maggie Smith, which at the time of filming had already had two Oscars and dozens of other filmmakers. By the way, according to her recommendation, Daniel Radcliffe became the main character. After all, before the shooting starts, they filmed together in David Copperfield.

In 2007, the actress discovered breast cancer. During the shooting period "Prince-Hydrobcov", she passed the treatment of chemistry, because of which he bald and felt very bad. Nevertheless, Maggie tried to be in a good mood and did not miss any shooting.

The 86-year-old movie star still appears on the film screen in the TV series "Dounton Abbey", in which it is the embodiment of the aristocratic Englishwoman.

Actors from the film

Rubeus Hagrid

The actor for the role of the half-person claimed Joan Rowling itself. They became Robbie Coltrain, who in ordinary life does not have such a big growth - 185 cm.

Robbie won its popularity gradually: first there was a visitors to the eaters and restaurants, then he was invited to humorous show and cinema. In the 90s, he remained without work, so the role of Hagrid became a real gift of fate.

Shooting in Kinoshage became the latest outstanding actor project, since since 2016, he stopped being removed due to illness. Doctors diagnosed osteoarthritis and recommended to reset the extra 40 kg. Last year, Robbie celebrated his 70th anniversary. Due to the strong pain in the legs and inability to move on their own, he was in a wheelchair.

Actors from the film

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Fred and George Weasley

Oliver and James Phelps played joking and cheerful twins. The boys were avid fans of books about Harry Potter, and after a 6-stage casting, they could get their cherished role, which, by the way, became the first in their lives.

True, for the filming, they had to change their image a little - repaint her hair and eyebrows in red color. But after the completion of the franchise, the twin brothers returned to the previous appearance.

It was Fred and George most often appear in many plots of the film. Now they are engaged in charity, play golf and football. Phelps continue to communicate with colleagues in the film - Matthew Lewis, Tom Felton and Rupert Greent. Both brothers are married, and in 2016, Oliver was born a child.

Actors from the film

Alastor Gryum

The role of a brave fighter with a darkness and defender Harry played Dobryak Brendan Gleason with a 10-year experience of a school teacher. Gleason - Father of 4 sons, one of which was lucky to play the role of Brother Ron Weasley in Pecterian - Bill.

Now the actor is 65 years old, and it still has been very popular - in recent years played more than 20 roles.

Actors from the film

Victor Kram

This role went to Viktor Yorevsky. The actor played only in one movie series. He also had to play in the final part of the film, but ultimately all the moments were removed with him.

Now in his 35 years he moved away from filming, but he began to actively play sports and adheres to a healthy lifestyle. Victor often visited Russia and loves this country very much. Once he stated that he wants Russian citizenship.

Actors from the film

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Lavender Brown

Jacy Cave played not very attracting a character's sympathy - a girl who was storming Ron Weasley. Young tennis player completely accidentally hit the movies. She survived great stress and injury after the coach was raped. After recovering after what happened, for some time she worked with a nanny, an employee of the scene. Then I decided to try myself as an actress.

After filming, Keiv began to play only in episodes. In his personal life, it was also not happening - she repeatedly converged, he disengaged with the comic of Alfi Brown. At the same time, she has three children from him. After the birth of the third son in October 2020, the broken couple still decided to come together and give another chance of their relationship.

Actors from the film

Ginny Wizley

Red-haired Bonnie Wright did not have to change his image, because this hair color is from birth. Moreover, Bonnie became a favorite Joan Rowling. Thanks to persistence and impeccable talent by the end of the filming, she received the role of Harry Potter's beloved.

In 2012, Wright opened his own company called Bonbonlumiere.

Actors from the film

Now it helps the poor and is an active fighter against the pollution of the ocean by waste. In 2019, the actress to attract the public attention, released a series of bathing suits from recycled plastic.

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