The dark side of the artificial intelligence: so if the AI ​​is good, how do we say?


What is artificial intelligence? Now he is talking about him almost from every corner: "First smartphone with artificial intelligence", "Camera with artificial intelligence" and so on. Marketers learned very well to attach any computational work that this or that device carries out, be it a telephone, a tablet or a car. In fact, all this - by and large toys. A real artificial intelligence is not available to the majority, and it seems to be for this century as gold-like as oil in the past. Its development is engaged in states and corporations with billions of financing - only in the United States investments in the AI ​​last year amounted to more than 25 billion dollars. And such an artificial intelligence carries not only the advantages, but also danger.

The dark side of the artificial intelligence: so if the AI ​​is good, how do we say? 6090_1
Many underestimate the danger of artificial intelligence. And no, we are not talking about the film "Terminator"

I recently read a very good book on this topic, the "dark side of artificial intelligence" from Stanislav Petrovsky, who reached the publishing platform of the reader. I used to study in the main work of foreign scientists, but this time the topic turned out to be very close to me. Moreover, the author of the book is a candidate of law, he worked as a senior researcher at the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences. For more than 20 years, he examines the legal regulation of information technology and is a laureate of the All-Russian competition of legislative initiatives in the field of human rights protection. He is accurately understandable not only in high-tech issues, but also in their influence on human life, including at the highest level.

Problems of artificial intelligence

No, in this book there are no theories of conspiracies or stories, as in the future, terminators will destroy humanity. The author raises much more urgent problems related to the rights and freedoms of citizens who arise now. This includes a black market of personal data (remember when you called bank fraudsters for the last time), and total surveillance, and monopolism of social networks, and gadgetomania at the level of the youngest generations. Not to mention the fact that all this together and individually use it now under state coups.

Already in the introduction the author describes how international race in the field of artificial intelligence is promoted. For example, I did not know that in 2017, the Asylonian principles of AI were approved, which agreed to comply with the largest companies and experts from the whole world, but now they are all violated. Very advise the heads of "natural intelligence" and "what is called artificial intelligence": there the author just describes what AI actually is - raises the very problem that I wrote at the very beginning of this article. A very clear language describes the difference between strong AI (artificial intelligence), which still does not exist and weak (specialized) AI, which is already being implemented. The main directions of application of the AI, the history of victories of AI over man, as well as the scenarios of threats to humanity when creating strong AI.

The danger of II

Separately, the "DEEP FAKE" problem is disassembled in the book. Already, with the help of artificial intelligence, you can create fakes video and voices not distinguishable from the truth to the eye, and often with the help of examination. One of the bright examples is the recent video with Tom Cruise, which is not really he, and his copy of Deep Fake. Even experts could not see the fake from the first time, what to talk about the rest?

Also, the book discusses as flawlessness of AI (for example, in the case of an erroneous response of the face recognition system) and its danger to many people, because the introduction of AI will lead to the disappearance of some and the emergence of other professions that in the next decade can lead to the biggest unemployment for Last hundred years. Not to mention the infinite power of IT giants, which they give the development related to the AI ​​(the head "Monopolization of everything").

Well, of course, the author did not bypassed the threat to personal data, which is now. Do you know, for example, how many organizations give permission to handle personal data when you sign an innocent form at first glance on the Internet? How many hacks hackers are producing every year?

I have only positive emotions from reading the book "Dark Side of Artificial Intelligence", it makes it seriously think about what awaits us after a few years with the same level of technology development. I advise you to read, she will be interested in anyone who wants to know how modern information technology affect society, and not just experts on artificial intelligence.

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