Garden on the windowsill: 6 plants that can be planted even in the apartment

Garden on the windowsill: 6 plants that can be planted even in the apartment 6071_1

If you like to mess around with the ground, but while you have no opportunity to make a separate house with a plot or purchase a cottage, you can finely start from the garden on the windowsill. 6 beneficial plants grow well even in urban environments, and this is truly environmentally friendly products. Those who wish to please themselves and their households by with grown vegetables prompts which of them should be priority. What applies to perfect options?

1. Pepper

Perfectly fits into a mini-garden! He is unpretentious in cultivation, very good for health and is ideal for the preparation of various dishes. It is possible to grow pepper at home very quickly, using both sweet and sharp varieties.

Garden on the windowsill: 6 plants that can be planted even in the apartment 6071_2

With this plant must be applied as follows:

  1. Since peppers are light-minded plants, determine the containers with them to the solar place. If the Sun is not enough, you will need to connect an additional source of artificial lighting.
  2. Regularly loosen the soil - it is very important! Do not let her wash.
  3. Contain the distance between the plants - they do not like the crowding.
  4. Avoid drafts. The optimal temperature is 20-25 degrees.
  5. Do not forget to prevent the appearance of pests (TLL and ticks can seriously damage plants).
  6. Fertilize during fruiting.

Sweet Bulgarian pepper ripens about 5 months after germination. A sharp pepper will surprise with its fragrant taste much faster - 90 days.

2. Cucumbers

Growing cucumbers is a very tempting idea. Wonderfully gather fresh harvest already at the end of March to prepare a delicious vegetable salad. And at the same time it is not necessary to be an experienced gardener to get excellent results.

Garden on the windowsill: 6 plants that can be planted even in the apartment 6071_3

Just follow only a few basic rules:

  1. Use sufficiently large containers, with a volume of at least 5-6 liters.
  2. For planting cucumbers, mix the soil with a compost or peat in equal proportions.
  3. Prepare seeds thoroughly - soak them for a while in a weak solution of manganese.
  4. Note: Cucumbers love moisture, so they need to water them regularly. Use the spray and warm water.
  5. When shoots begin to form and grow, provide them with supports.

If you follow all these recommendations, after 8-9 weeks after landing, you can enjoy the first crispy and juicy cucumbers!

3. Eggplant

This culture can also be successfully grown on the windowsill. It is absolutely not demanding in terms of care and at the same time is an excellent ingredient for a large number of useful and delicious dishes. Why not try to grow these beautiful fruits right in your apartment?

Garden on the windowsill: 6 plants that can be planted even in the apartment 6071_4

In the process, adhere to the main advice:

  1. Since vegetables are warm-loving, create a comfortable air temperature in 22-25 degrees for them.
  2. Prepare the soil rich in nitrogen using the appropriate fertilizers, loosen it in a timely manner.
  3. Squeeze the seeds to the depth of no more than one and a half centimeters.
  4. Water a little heated water, because the cold can cause the posting.
  5. Protect plants from ticks: Specialists recommends using garlic infusion.

Follow these unacceptrons - and be sure to rejected a healthy and abundant harvest.

4. Gorok.

Peas is very useful. It contributes to the normalization of the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, maintaining its normal microflora, and also helps prevent kidney and liver disease. The plant is rich in vegetable protein and indispensable fiber.

Garden on the windowsill: 6 plants that can be planted even in the apartment 6071_5

To grow safely to grow, too much trouble will be required:

  1. Prepare fertile light soil with a good structure. In the future, loose it regularly, every 2 weeks.
  2. Before boarding, hold the seeds in the wet gauze for one day.
  3. Grow peas on the windows overlooking the south or southeast.
  4. As fertilizers, use superphosphate or potassium chloride in small doses - experienced gardeners argue that it helps to increase yield.
  5. Water as the soil drying, do not allow water to be cut, excessive moisture is unacceptable.

If you carefully follow these recommendations, then approximately 2-2.5 months notice the excellent results of their efforts!

5. Pumpkin

Such an idea first may seem quite unusual, but grow a pumpkin on the windowsill is great! The grown vegetable will help to diversify the diet outside the usual season - cold winter baked freshly spelling pumpkin seems incredibly tasty.

Garden on the windowsill: 6 plants that can be planted even in the apartment 6071_6

So that everything happens, it is better to act in such a way:

  1. At a wide windowsill, install a spacious packag of at least 10 liters.
  2. Pumpkin loves organic sublibious soil - make enough manure into it.
  3. Install additional lighting - fluorescent lamps are ideal.
  4. Observe the optimal temperature regime - 22-25 degrees Celsius.
  5. Feel in time, thin, water and step.

Acting at the recommended algorithm, it will turn out to grow a luxurious pumpkin, not only possessing excellent taste, but also that has a beneficial effect on the body. This vegetable can be used without restrictions to lose weight.

6. Greens

Great for growing on the windowsill is such greens: basil, dill, cress and salad, parsley. Their sophisticated flavors are able to enrich any dish by giving it the original taste.


It should be borne in mind that the plant does not tolerate the temperature differences and does not like drafts. After germination, after a month, the fragrant greens can be eaten.

Garden on the windowsill: 6 plants that can be planted even in the apartment 6071_7

Loves good lighting, fresh air and abundant watering. If not to water the plant properly, shoots will become rustic. Before planting seeds, it is recommended to soak for several days. Sprouts will appear in about a month.

Cress Salad.

If you want to collect harvest as soon as possible, choose this particular plant! Sowing begin to appear in about two weeks. Planting the Cress Salad should be in a wet soil and regularly water, but it takes the straight sun rays too good.


An extremely unpretentious plant is not afraid of low temperatures, it grows well not only on the windowsill, but also on the balcony. Care rules do not differ from the rules of growing dill.

If you live in a multi-storey building, do not have a treacherous area and want to do gloomy, then everything is in your power. Everyone without exception is available garden on the balcony. Previously, we have already written about what plants can be grown, without leaving the apartment, - perhaps this information will also be useful for you and curious.

Main photo: Pixabay

Photo: Pixabay, Pexels

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