Ten of the best creatives in advertising for 2020: Public refrigerator with beer, Santa with COVID-19 and others


A selection of cases from the Creative Agency Redkeds.

Balenciaga - AfterWorld: The Age of Tomorrow

Balenciaga fashionable brand has entered the video game territory. To show your new collection, the brand created a VR game.

According to the plot, the player appears in the brand store and travels around five different spaces where there are people dressed in Balenciaga clothing.

This is not the first fashionable brand that uses games to show your clothes. So, for example, did Louis Vuitton.

Apple - Journey INTO SOUND

Presentation of Apple's new headphones - a trip to space, but this later. Previously, they produced circular noise reduction headphones - Airpods Pro. Then they demonstrated that it was easy to disconnect from urban noise - it is enough to include Airpods Pro.

New headphones, Airpods Max, have become more, but Apple approach remained unchanged to advertising: the creation of a truly attractive picture with an unusual visual narrative.

Roller action unfolds in deep space. We see the smallest details of the stylish AIRPODS MAX design, a meteor flow and endless space in which there is no other sound - only music. All this became possible due to the main ITP, demonstrated by the audience: maximum noise reduction.

In general, users believe that noise reduction in Airpods Max is really maximum. On the Russian market, users most scares the price tag of 63 thousand rubles, but we are discussing the creative here, and not pricing. Apple Creative, as always, at height.


NHS Charities Together published ambiguous Christmas advertising. The main character is an elderly bearded man who was taken to the hospital with COVID-19. After a while he recovers, and the nurse congratulates him on Christmas. In the next frame, the child conveys a nurse gift with the inscription "from Santa". So it turns out that the main character is Santa.

Spectators counted advertising controversial. Someone believes that the sick Santa Claus in a commercial can spoil the psyche to the child, and someone, on the contrary, is that this is a good solution, because children will understand that the virus can harm anyone, even Santa.

However, Catharsis after the video is what is needed at the end of the last 2020.


On the agenda in social rollers not only themes associated with coronavirus. New Zealand is still fighting with the preferences of the population to drunk driving.

In a video called Doors show several drunken and happy young people heading to the car doors. But as soon as they sit in the car, closed the door behind them - the viewer sees the consequences of this act: an inverted car, an accident, police. And only one person decided to call himself a taxi. And, apparently, drove to the house.

This is an excellent campaign aimed at changing the thinking of residents not only New Zealand.

Gucci - Gucci Gift 2020

New Year's, concise, ironic. With warm nostalgia. Words are unnecessary - look at yourself.

Thai Health Promotion X Leo Burnett - A Thoughtful Gift

This year, Leo Burnett Group Thailand in partnership with Thai Health Promotion decided to show people that a real gift for loved ones may not be alcohol.

For many years, the Thai Health Foundation conducted anti-alcohol campaigns to encourage Thai to stop giving alcohol at every holiday.

This video bribed us with her ironic and even a cringe approach to a serious problem.


Heineken launched a "public beer refrigerator" so that Singapurts could have a non-alcoholic beer before riding. The company does not push drunk driving, but offer a non-alcoholic drink HEINEKEN 0.0. Heineken decided to relocate their non-alcoholic beer.

Refrigerators can only be opened with the keys from the machine. So the company showed that you can drink beer when you even think about it.

The campaign caused a very ambiguous reaction from users. Many of them counted that the company, on the contrary, motivates drivers to drink driving.

Ten of the best creatives in advertising for 2020: Public refrigerator with beer, Santa with COVID-19 and others 6068_1

Zebra Hero - Police Cartoons

Zebra Hero, together with the "jellyfish", "Committee against Torture" and Petrick created a project about the police arbitrariness.

In video, actors and musicians voiced the absurd readings of the detainees compiled by the police. Cartoon characters in the video are beaten themselves, but each of them is a prototype of a real person. The main idea of ​​the roller - cartoons easily endure absurd, but real life - no.

Burger King X David The Agency - Stevenage Challenge

Two years ago, Burger King and David agency reconciled the football team, which occupied the last place in the English football league tournament table. Already in a year, the form with the Burger King logo was in the FIFA game.

Later, the company suggested Burgers to everyone who will play for this team and share scored goals in social networks. The weakest team in the English league rose in the ranking and can now afford to buy famous players.

While the brands pay millions to induce famous football players to support them, in Burger King realized that there was no need. They created a truly huge online community around the Club "Losers". 25 thousand covered heads in Twitter, numerous mention in the media, and the Stevenage team first learned what Sold Out is Mercha. It's great!

Seek.Studio - RS-2K from Puma Ukraine

Futuristic, dynamic and ultra-stylish advertising of Puma sneakers from an unknown Ukrainian team Seek.studio.

The idea of ​​the roller is that the futuristic model of the sneakers, getting into his hands to Nestrofeeva (singer from the group "Time and Glass"), changes not only the room, but also her life.

Perhaps, after 15 years, the complete connection of digital products with real life will indeed become a reality.

# Things2020

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