Russian patients began to be more interested in medicine


Russian patients began to be more interested in medicine 6057_1

Cowid still remains a little studied and unpredictable disease: from the beginning of the pandemic, only the Russian Ministry of Health has changed guidance recommendations for the treatment of patients with coronavirus 10 times.

Radically, the infection has never learned to treat: the patient's condition is facilitated by using certain drugs, oxygen and auxiliary respiratory techniques, says the general director of the Dawn private clinic Alexey Paramonov. All the latest data on treatment methods are published in scientific research.

Often, patients have much more free time to study the topic of coronavirus than the doctors, recognize in the professional closed community for doctors "Doctors of the Russian Federation". In addition, the pandemic made relevant medical information more accessible to everyone.

Advanced patients began to demonstrate their knowledge to doctors: they ask questions to which the doctor is not always prepared. The resource "Doctors of the Russian Federation" conducted a survey in which he found out that most of the doctors adequately react to such knowledge of patients.

Interview design

In total, 2577 doctors took part in the survey, he took place from February 4 to 9. Voting participants could choose several options for answers from the proposed.

The main sources of information about the treatment of Covid for the surveyed doctors are the recommendations of the Ministry of Health (77%), scientific works, webinars and lectures of colleagues (70%), foreign scientific works translated into Russian (38%), their own experience (38%), groups in social networks and chats in messengers (24%), as well as foreign scientific works in the original language (14%).

Daily reading of scientific publications - a sign of the professional suitability of the doctor, explains Paramonov. If a doctor arises during the doctor's admission, he turns out of the latest information on the topic, as a rule - in English-speaking medical background systems.

"Previously, the patient said:" The doctor reached for the book, it means that he does not know. " Today, look into the computer when patient is a good tone. "

There is not enough knowledge of a foreign language, continues Paramonov. The doctor should be able to mined and evaluate the quality of medical information: to understand, a good article or not, whether statistics are correct in it or not.

Due to the lack of time, very few Russian doctors are engaged in self-education, says one of the participants in the social network "Doctors of the Russian Federation". Often, patients turn over the entire Internet in search of data on their disease, and then they have no one to discuss this, because the attending doctor is ignorant, he believes.

If doctors hear from patients with previously unknown information about Covid, most of them (60%) ask about the source of information, if it is interested in them; 49% normally relate to this; 8% enter into a discussion, 6% ignore and the same thing is disturbed on this account, but do not apply.

Doctors irritating not "advancedness" of patients, and their arrogance, anger and militant ignorance, expressed its position as a participant in the social network "Doctors of the Russian Federation". "The tops grab, some quotes, the opinions of" folk prestiges of medicine "from the Internet and begin to aggressively interfere in the medical process," he said.

Another doctor does not agree with him - a social network participant: there are competent people among patients.

"The competent patient is much more useful to make an accomplice of the process than his opponent, even if he is wrong with something. Another thing is that to communicate with the patient today there is a catastrophic time, but this is a problem of modern medicine, and not a reason for treating patients as with a cowless word. "

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