Sberbank will release his own cryptocurrency

Sberbank will release his own cryptocurrency 6052_1

Anatoly Popov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank, said that the Sber applied for the registration of the blockchain-platform on which the bank cryptocurrency will be produced. It is assumed that the release will begin in the spring of 2021.

"We sent the appropriate application back in early January. If we talk about technical training, then in this regard, we have been ready for everything for a long time. Our specialists tested all, so the Sber is ready to work with cryptocurrency on an ongoing basis, "said Anatoly Popov.

For the entire registration process, about 45 days from the date of sending the application are usually given. During this time interval, the platform can be registered, or the applicant will send comments, according to which it will be necessary to make all the necessary adjustments.

"We hope that the project with Cryptovaya will be launched from us in the spring of this year. Of course, there are a few questions on the project that are still not solved. For example, the issue of taxation of cryptocurrency assets, the federal legislation on which began to operate from January 1 of this year. This law allows you to engage in the release of own digital assets and change them to others, "said Anatoly Popov.

Within the framework of the current Digital Financial Assets, engaged in the organization of purchase and sale and accounting of such assets can be in specialized information systems that meet the current laws and the register of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

"We believe that the easiest solution to the use of our cryptocurrency, savto is a digital bill. The Sberbank leadership is convinced that the replacement of a paper bill on his digital analogue will open great opportunities, "said Anatoly Popov.

About the plan for the release of own stelumes became known last summer. In November 2020, German Gref noted that soon in Sberbank, experiments will begin experiments on the release of their own cryptocurrency, and also said that the course of the Digital Currency of Sberbank will be tied to the Rublence.

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