For the construction of a factory-kitchen in Tula, trading rows were demolished. And could demolish the whole quarter of the street metal

For the construction of a factory-kitchen in Tula, trading rows were demolished. And could demolish the whole quarter of the street metal 6020_1
Factory-kitchen. 1934

On February 24, 1931, a public institution of a new type was opened in Tula. And from February 25, the city has become even closer to the future happy life - thousands of families have relief from the need to prepare home dinners. The time weighted the time they could spend on something useful.

Hibars Metal Streets

The idea of ​​mechanized catering enterprises has mastered the minds in the twenties of the last century. The idea and in fact was not bad - free people from the kitchenware. In times, when there were no convenient gas plates, microwaves and aerogrile, it seemed great. After all, primises and stoves carried a lot of inconvenience. Starting from a banal antisanitarian associated with the presence of kerosene, soot, ash during cooking, ending with the fact that the whole process occupied a lot of time and was fire hazardous.

Factory-kitchens were already built in the whole country, and now, in 1928, it was decided that such a progressive establishment would appear in Tula. Initially, it was concealed with a much smaller scope - in two floors and 500 dinners per day.

It remained to solve the main thing - where to build an estimated kitchen miracle. They decided that on the site of the dining room "October". Where this dining room was, it is difficult to say with accuracy. Exactly exactly what somewhere in the center. It can be assumed that it was arranged in the room of some good former restaurant. But this project was rejected - too small turned out to be the courtyard at the dining room where the kitchen would have to build. And when erected in the courtyard of the new building, a close-up was created, which would not allow the products in a timely manner and remove the garbage.

We needed a place taking into account the rational production of the work of the kitchen itself, saving funds for the delivery of food into the enterprise and creating different amenities for dining room visitors. Then it was decided that the optimal decision would be to demolish the old trading rows opposite the Kremlin, and at the same time the Kazan Church, at all necessary to the working class. For this, the project was even slightly converted - the specialists believed that the low two-story building would contribute to the look of the already formated area.

The public, however, has actively offered its own options. The most detailed project was introduced by the Pushkin engineer, which seemed to the fact that the factory-kitchen was built primarily for servicing the workers of the first Tula weapons and the old and new. Old, as everyone is understandable, it's old. And the new is the current machine-building. Its up to the seventies of the last century on the city slang and called the new weapon. The intricate factory - the kitchen, according to the engineer Pushkin, should be so located relative to the exits from the factories,

So that the worker did not spend excess work and time to pass from the plant to the dining room. This should affect the rationalization of the choice of a dining room.

Then he suggested that the location of the factory-kitchen and a central dining room, satisfying all the tasks set, will be the entire building quarter between the Street of Metalists and the Embankment of Red Kuznetsov, as well as between the churches of Sretenskaya and Kazan. Yes, yes, the Kazan Church was also standing, but the embankment was already red Kuznetsov.

"I heard the objection that absurdly offhold a quarter busy houses on Metalist Street, where public institutions are placed (Metallille club, Fabzavuch School), apartments. And yet I have a courage to point out this quarter. "

What was this courage on? And on the fact that, as Pushkin considered, there were only two decent houses, the rest - the rest. And at all, it is not necessary to demolish everything at once. In the first period, the buildings should be used by the ruins of buildings at the beginning of the quarter from the Sretensk Church and then along the embankment, capturing the ruins of the former Zaelniki baths, right up to Mill No. 1 (former Belolyipetsky). "Houses located along Metalist Street part of strong and significant sizes could now be used by the CRC by agreement with Communcheoz in their present form, and some of them are rebuilt. In this way, in the first period, an area of ​​about half of the whole quarter can be used, and the ruins may grow new buildings adapted to new requirements of life. Further area of ​​the quarter will serve as a reserve for the further development of the construction of the CRC. " The CRC is a central working cooperative, that is, an organization for servicing the consumer needs of the working class.

The engineer Pushkin clarified that the brick building of the former mill, according to reviewed persons, fragile, the rest of the buildings are insignificant, and by the end of the quarter, to the Kazan Church, there is an almost undescerer site. Thus, the expansion of construction along the embankment of the Red Kuznetsov almost never meets obstacles.

He was partly a partly agreed with a certain photographer Golitsyn, who believed that it was possible to carry Hibars on Metalist Street, erecting a factory-kitchen instead. True, to start consider proposal to build it in the district, at the corner of the October and Embankment. This is the center of the working area and it is close to the main supply base - the Ryazhsky station. And the dining room then falls into the area serviced by sewage.

A member of the city council of Selivanov was confident that the proposal to build on the site of the former old rows is unacceptable. In the center of the city there is already a good large dining room "October", so the new dining room must be promoting to the center of the working area so that the worker is close to go for dinner or dinner. He believed that the kitchen factory should be built in Zarechye. This, among other things, will reduce the flow rate of products from the refrigerator of the Ryazhsky railway station and the transportation of hot lunch workers for production.

So, be an engineer Pushkin and the photographer Golitsyn is imaginary, we would not walk now in a beautiful street of metalwesters. But they won those who decided to sacrifice the trading rows, according to which the writer Gogol and the Kazan Church walked, which the emperor Nicholas II visited.

They did not even look at the fact that the trading series most recently, in 1926, were repaired for a government account, and that this is a monument to the architecture of the late XVIII century. In "Communar", they were then dismissively called "clumsy attached to the Earth."

Factory kitchen designed the enemy people

The final approved project made several significant changes. First of all, the building is three floors, not two. In fact, the central part and at all four floors. Vacation of ready-made dinner dining at the kitchen was increased by the project from 500 to 1000 dinners per day, and all daily kitchen performance is defined instead of 10,000 - 12,000 dinners.

The building was built by the latest technology, based on the experience gained by the construction of kitchen factories in Moscow and Ivanovo-Voznesensk.

The first floor of the plan housed the lobby, a snack bar, a cafe, a semi-finished holiday shop and a dining room for 400 people. In the second - dining room, buffet, library, commodity office and commodity laboratory. In the third - club, murghable rooms, lobby, scene and visual hall for 600 people. Again, in the final form, not all ideas came true.

For service personnel, a separate move, a room with a shower. Each employee, coming to work, could take a shower, then changed in the workwear, after which he already searched for work.

In the back of the factory, a kitchen was placed, a fridge for perishable products, a store for fruit, disassembling and washing of vegetables, pantry for vegetables, etc. Subsidated institutions

The kitchen was served by two plates and 27 cooking boilers. Heating steaming.

According to the plan, in 1928, builders had to lay the foundation in 1929 to finish the building in the building, so that in the winter to do interior decoration, and from the spring or summer of 1930 to begin the work of the kitchen factory.

Then they planned that they would complete the construction to the 13th anniversary of October, that is, by the fall of 1930. But again in time did not meet. At the final stage, the work was carried out at eleven construction organizations, which did not consider it necessary to coordinate their actions among themselves, and a lot of things had to redo. Constantly something lacked - electrical panel, transformers, cooking boilers, device for boiling hot drinks, etc. The only one, with a brick was not strained - they received four and a half million from the disassembly of the trading rows and the Kazan Church.

Built manually. Severity upstairs dragged the goat - a special device, which belts were attached to the shoulders and the back of the loader, where two or three tens of bricks were placed. They built mostly formerly unemployed, brigades with weapons and commoded from Moscow. Nobody burned with enthusiasm. Muscovites were generally offended - the local CRC did not want to put them on account, and therefore the rights to receive industrialists did not apply to the perishalners. Naturally, every day they thought more and more about demobel than about epochable construction.

Local people are also not very smelled by enthusiasm. The newspapers complained about the larger teaching and the fact that out of 300 workers only 68 are listed by drummers, and only two fastened themselves here until the end of construction. The rest, it turns out, could twist at the first opportunity. This, however, was also not always simple if the construction of the construction site was objected. But often his special permission for dismissal issued a union of builders. It can be seen, there were those who understand the people who perfectly dealt, which is here for orders.

Yes, many in the city grinned: you will have nothing to cook in this factory. Construction was generally surrounded by pests, as well as expected in those times.

For example, the Kratygin building that designed the building did so that a very small room was allocated for the production itself, and this did not give the opportunity to further deploy the factory. Well workers their inner slightly noticed insertion and stopped him on time. As evidenced by the late extension of the body under the production part.

No one, by the way, was not surprised, why there are no information about the architect of Kratugin in local local lore publications and on the Internet? But the person has developed the first global building of a new type and new time in Tula. And right that there is no. What to remember about him, about enemy? The architect Kratygin, still did not complete the construction, and already, thanks to the inner alarm workers, shot for the lubrication.

And this is another fair Soviet court did not know about the main mistake - the fact that the peculiarities of the soil of the lowrage part of Tula were not taken into account, which is why the construction then there were constantly problems requiring repair.


In test mode, the kitchen worked already since the beginning of February, delivering freshly prepared dinners on weapons. But the official discovery took place at six o'clock in the evening on February 24. There were about thousands of guests invited on him, most of which are drummers of Tula enterprises.

After the official part of the factory-kitchen treated with samples of their products - exemplary dinners.

Of course, local poets said their word:

"We raise a new life,

And primuses -

Our enemies -

Prevent us from building socialism

And the steps are inhibited.

In chadom cuishes and avgar,

Old life does not finish.

Factory-kitchen is a blow

Powerful blow to the simplest everyday. "

The new building really instantly became real pride. Daily the factory attended three or four excursions. And they admired the internal device for quite a long time. So, in March 1933, "Kommunar" reported: "On March 18, the city council of the OCE, together with the Gorzhilsoyuz, organize a tour of Tula for housewives. Excursors will visit the bakery, the kitchen factory, laundry, the Szardoshet Museum. The excursion hike is designed for the whole day. After the excursion, the participants will receive her lunch. Record on an excursion in Gorzhilsuyuzu (utility department) in t. Tisova and in the city council of OCE (Palace of Labor, Com №13), Telephone number 12. The palace of labor, by the way, is a building where it was possible to admire the new factory-kitchen from the window - neighbors with the current Poland of Pioneers.

True, enthusiasm with respect to the impeccable purity of indoors quickly evaporated somewhere. Visitors began to complain about antisanitia, dirt, tasteless dishes. But this is all another story that does not have anything in common with the beautiful idea of ​​the liberation of mankind from kitchen slavery.

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