What you need to know about the whitewash trees


    Good afternoon, my reader. Over time, the bark in the trees is cracking, subjected to attacks of pests and diseases, moss and lichens are inserted on it. One way to avoid all this is whitewashed. We will understand the same thing that it represents, why produced and how to do it correctly.

    What you need to know about the whitewash trees 6008_1
    What you need to know about whitewash the trees

    Tempets of trees (photo used by standard license © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    Cover the trunks and skeletal branches of the trees with a layer of blinks for the following reasons:
    • Belil closes small cracks in the cortex, interfering to fall inside the living tissues of the Luba insect and disease disputes.
    • Teaches reflects sunlight and does not give the crust to get burns. Oddly enough, it is especially true not so much in the summer when the shadow from the foliage shads the trunk and branches, how much in winter and early in the spring, when the tree is bathed in a clear day in straight lights from the sun and reflected from the snow surface.
    • Teaches scares the pest rodents in winter, which feed on the crust. Fat layer blells unpleasant taste and prevents them from gnawing the trunks of young trees.

    The eyes are applied on the following dates:

    1. Main: mid-October - beginning of November.
    2. Repeated: the second half of February - middle of March.
    3. Additional: in July, if the whims managed to wash off the rains.

    First of all, it is necessary to beat in the fall. If the autumn winds fell out - then you need to apply paint in the spring. Summer whitewas is no longer obligatory.

    Before starting blissing, you need to do the following:
    • Conduct a sanitary trimming tree.
    • Clean the bark from dead parts and moss. This is done with the help of wooden or plastic scrapers, as well as rigid brushes or wastes of durable and harsh fabric. Some gardeners are used to clean ordinary sponges for washing dishes with a rigid strip on the back. You can use anything, the main thing is that not with metal tools: the metal will cut down not only dead, but also healthy scales, stazave the bark before the wood.
    • Conduct disinfection with a solution of copper mood (3-5%). This means will destroy the spores of fungi, and other causative agents of disease will be very sad.
    • Extracts the Vary all major damage to the trunk and branches.

    After that, you can cook whitewash.

    White trees:

    • Adults - up to 1.6 m from the soil, it is descended both the strak and the base of skeletal branches.
    • Young - before the start of branching. The seedlings of the first year are better not to blew, but to tie the burlap or sweetheart.

    The solution during whitewash does not save - the thick, the more reliably the protection. The thickness of the layer should be 2-3 mm, so after dried up the first layer, the second should be applied.

    Apply whitewash is best with a wide painting brush. It is dipped into the solution, and then spend on the trunk and branches, following the non-rectified places. After the completion of the work, the brush must be soaked in water tanks so that the adhesive part of the whirlpool whirlwind and fell off from the bristles - otherwise the tool will have to throw away.

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