Details of the Epoch of Renaissance on the Global Map World of Tanks


On this GK IVEnta can not be able to get T95 / FV4201 Chieftain, everything! Only a new Actuous Carro Da Combattimento 45 T Tank, which, of course, itself is weaker than chif.

On the global map of World of Tanks, the "Renaissance" comes, prepare for the beginning of the new clan wars. The main award of the game event will be the Italian average tank with a recovery system for four CARRO DA COMBATTIMENTO 45 T!

Date of events: January 11, 06:00 (MSK) - January 25, 06:00 (MSK).

Winners will be able to choose one of the six premium tanks X levels and will receive valuable gaming property: 2D and 3D styles, personal reserves, game gold and much more.

Carro Da Combattimento 45 T - New Star on Battle Fields!

Carro Da Combattimento 45 T (Italy, St-10, Promotional) - a new universal support tank, capable of turning the fight in many ways thanks to a processing system for four projectiles.

This is a balanced tank with reliable booking of the tower and good uvn to the gun, allowing him to play perfectly on any relief.

The main task of Carro Da Combattimento 45 T is the fire support for classmates in the near and medium distances, where its instrument shows the maximum efficiency.

This machine boasts excellent dynamics, which allows you to quickly change the position and quickly support allies with fire.

Premium technique

In addition to Carro Da Combattimento 45 T, five other formile machines X will be available to choose from:

  • Object 907.
  • VK 72.01 (K)
  • T95E6.
  • M60.
  • 121b.

Create premium technique in the workshop!

The workshop will be available again! Players will be able to use resources earned in battles on a global map, for assembling one of four premium machines:
  • VII IS-2M
  • VII M56 Scorpion.
  • VIII Is-5 (object 730)

New 3D-style "Namenlos" for tank VK 72.01 (k)!

The top 10,000 players who came to the Alley of Glory will receive a magnificent 3D-style "Namentalos" for VK 72.01 (K), which can be earned only on a global map.

* Style does not include Tank VK 72.01 (k). Style is accrued, even if VK 72.01 (k) is not in your hangar.

The top 10% of the players who came to the Alley of Glory will receive 2D-style "Bulat". "Renaissance" is the last playing clan event in which this style will be available.

Also, do not forget about the 3D-style "Guardian crown" for T95 / FV4201 Chieftain and Graphite style for the object 907, which can be obtained for personal glasses of glory.

Short review

  • The battles will be held in the 15x15 format on the level X level.
  • Clans earn glory points both in battles and thanks to strategic solutions of commanders.
  • As before, the card will be divided into three fronts, which differ in size, bonuses and the number of glory earmarked points. The task of the commanders is to develop a strategy to achieve the goals supplied by the clan.
  • What to do with clannesses of glory, solves the commander. The glasses can be saved or spend in a laboratory to various bonuses that increase the speed of the set of clan glasses of fame or provide various strategic advantages.
  • The technique can be equipped with experimental modules.
  • The top 50 clans on the basis of the event will receive an invitation to take part in the Clagen Potashka tournament.
** Full Rules Events will appear later, do not miss!

Awards for Personal Glasses Glory

Upon completion of the event, players will be able to exchange glory glasses on bones, loans, personal reserves, days of tank premium account, training materials, styles and other awards. The most important prizes are one of the six premium-level X levels, as well as incredible 3D styles "Guardian Crown" and "Graphite".

  • 2D-styles "Lightning" and "Conqueror".
  • 2D-styles "Flame", "harbinger" (new!), "Retreat" (new!) And "Reaper" (new!).

In addition, your position in the personal competition will determine whether you will receive a multiplier to a personal award in Bonah and the stripe "The Legend of the Global Card".

Clan awards

Clanes total will reach 12,115,000 gold in the treasury. Depending on the place of the clan on the "Alley of Glory", his fighters will receive a multiplier to a personal award in Bonach up to X7.

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