Travel to South Korea. How to fall in love with a robot without leaving the airport?

Travel to South Korea. How to fall in love with a robot without leaving the airport? 5958_1
Travel to South Korea. How to fall in love with a robot without leaving the airport? Photo: Depositphotos.

My stay in South Korean land began with a very pleasant acquaintance. I met a charming robot that was incredibly galantan and helpful. Galantrate and helpful than many men in my life, if you are honest.

Later from the commercials, I learned that the name of this robot "Troika". And I still very much regret that I did not spend more time with this cute companion.

Many things happen to me because of my habit to look at everything around and completely fall out of reality. Finding for the first time in life in such a steep airport, like Incheon, I, of course, simply hung up on with all the beauty that surrounded me. Shiny surfaces, cosmic streamlined forms and many, many plants, all kinds of waterfalls and fountains.

Travel to South Korea. How to fall in love with a robot without leaving the airport? 5958_2
Photo: Marina Oparin, Personal Archive

But the flow of arrivals with me carried me forward. Yes, besides, I was very disturbed by the fate of my fellow traveler, who in the plane fell off the phone screen, and it had all the necessary information, including the address and phone girlfriend, which she had to stop.

Eh, youth. Whether I am, a man of the old Soviet hardening: I duplicated all the documents in advance, made and printed the scans, captured a spare phone and the tablet with me, poured all the necessary information into the cloud storage, and then manually rewritten into the notepad and put in my pocket. Many have many laughing. But if I were in a situation like this girl, I would not be to laughter.

We tried to contact her girlfriend through my tablet on Wi-Fi airport, while they went to the customs point, so I just didn't take a picture of a lot: the first minutes on the Korean land went through a terrible bustle.

And when the flow of arrivals made me, finally, on the platform on the second floor, I was opened by the airport and, of course, a welcome banner with my favorite BTS. The mood immediately improved.

And at that moment I heard a careful rustling from behind and turned around.

Before me stood ... Robot! Pretty. Round head, monitor on belly, friendly blue digital eyeballs. He said hello in English, asked to dial the flight number and called the terminal number to obtain luggage. Apparently, he was waiting for my answer, but I was silent ashamed (I can understand me, before this minute I saw robots only in "Star Wars"). Then the robot asked to follow him and walked ahead of me.

Honestly, I will say: I really wanted to take a picture of the "Troika" or even shoot on the video, but I was ashamed. Well, because the adult aunt is seed for a robot, following the blue arrod on his monitor, is already funny in itself, so ... now I am very sorry for this.

But you can see such robots in the video about Incheon Airport.

The robot busily walked ahead, periodically twisted his head, checking whether I did not fall behind, and I walked behind him past the tapes with a luggage, counting them mentally, and everything around seemed to be unreal. Still seems to be honest.

"Troika" led me to the baggage tape, near which my suitcase was already standing with someone's car attached to him with my name. My artificially intelligent friend said goodbye and wished me to enjoy staying in South Korea. And then despair, putting on the wall, where there was already a number of those such as he - round-headed and brilliant assistants.

Then they told me that in Incheon's airport there are still cleaners, but I did not see them. But I remember this very well. He even dreamed of me a couple of times. Because the first love is yes, it is.

To be continued…

Author - Marina Oparin

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