5 Errors in the cultivation of money


    Good afternoon, my reader. Zamiculkas is a home culture that pleases its owners with chic glossy greenery and does not require increased attention.

    5 Errors in the cultivation of money 5955_1
    5 Errors in the cultivation of Money Tree Maria Verbilkova

    Grow Zamiculkas forces to any inexperienced flower. Moreover, obsessive plant care can lead to his death. Below will consider this approval in more detail. The article presents 5 factors that have an adverse effect on the development of a green pet.

    If the tree ceased to grow, leaves the wishes and lost the tour - this is a distress signal indicating incorrect care. Or maybe a plant tired of excessive care?

    In the soil of tubers of cultures are adapted to store moisture. In the dried soil, Zamokulkas feels familiar. But if the earth does not have time to dry, the tubers begin to rot.

    5 Errors in the cultivation of money 5955_2
    5 Errors in the cultivation of Money Tree Maria Verbilkova

    In summer, the plant should be watering 1 time during the week, and in winter - only 1-2 times in a month. The soil should be dry, but not stone.

    The money tree cannot grow in a large capacity. The ground part does not begin to develop until the root system fills all the container. Moreover, in a large pot, the likelihood of convergence increases.

    5 Errors in the cultivation of money 5955_3
    5 Errors in the cultivation of Money Tree Maria Verbilkova

    Trevy Svyolubina. To transfer the absence of light, it can, but the development of culture slows down, and even stops at all. Well put a green pet on the east or western window. There he will be quite comfortable.

    The plant may uncomfortable to feel in heavy soil. Natural habitat of this culture is poor soil. Getting closer to it can loose, well-transmitting moisture and air Earth. The substrate is well suited for succulents.

    A homemade tree will not grow due to unnecessary in-depth or protruding tubers. It is necessary to position them in such a way that it was not visible, but it was easy to try to try.

    Taking note of the above facts, it is completely easy to create favorable conditions for the growth and development of Zamiculkas. A pet is very unpretentious and grateful. He will bring comfort to the dwelling, a little exotic and a good mood.

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