Late pregnancy from the young beloved, Tears of Luzhkov and Kobzon: Secrets of mushrooms


Very long wanted simple happiness - children. To laughter in the house, lay down at night and raise your child ... But the problem is that her third husband made Irina go for a few abortions, which he had a bear service - she could not get pregnant after a long time. A miracle happened when no one expected this.

Late pregnancy from the young beloved, Tears of Luzhkov and Kobzon: Secrets of mushrooms 5940_1
Irina Gribulina

She so wanted to believe in a miracle that even went to Jerusalem and left a note asking for a child. In it, Irina Gribulina wrote:

Lord, take me all the material, just give me a daughter.
Late pregnancy from the young beloved, Tears of Luzhkov and Kobzon: Secrets of mushrooms 5940_2
Irina Gribulina

And her request was heard.

I started such ordinary women's ailments. I was 42 years old, I decided that such an early climax began. And I rushed towards my beloved friend, a gynecologist Galina Philippovna. She says: "Well, sitting on the chair, I'll see you." I say: "Yes, I have no time, let some pills drink." She says: "Well, you sit down, see." And I sit down, she starts to watch me and suddenly begins to cry. I thought that she found some terrible tumor. And I say: "Galina Philippovna, I'll cry now, too, what I have there, did you have a tumor somehow, what are you sobbing?". She says: "Yes, you have your tumor soon to move, you are pregnant."

She told about what was pregnant only with his loved ones and then - secret. The first to know Joseph Kobzon, and the second - Yuri Luzhkov.

Late pregnancy from the young beloved, Tears of Luzhkov and Kobzon: Secrets of mushrooms 5940_3
Joseph Prigogin

I say: "Yuri Mikhailovich, I'm in a position, I have already five months of pregnancy, I will have a daughter." And he cried. And now they have been crying with Kobzon, such men's tears, because they knew how I dream about it

- says Irina.

Late pregnancy from the young beloved, Tears of Luzhkov and Kobzon: Secrets of mushrooms 5940_4
Irina Gribulina

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