Microsoft: Chinese hackers actively attack American companies

Microsoft: Chinese hackers actively attack American companies 592_1

Microsoft announced the release of a major update for Exchange Server, which was done "due to the high risk of CyberTak through the old versions of this software from China to private American companies."

Microsoft representatives stated that the Chinese hacker grouping HaFNIUM represents a serious danger to organizations from the United States. The cybercrime group, according to the corporation, includes highly qualified and experienced hackers, which are cybercrime from the Chinese territory.

It is assumed that the actions of the HAFNIUM grouping are directed against American organizations employed in various branches of activity: industrial, legal, educational, commercial, etc.

According to information in Microsoft, Chinese hackers from the HaFNIUM group have already held many attacks on American companies using unknown tools and mechanisms, with which attackers managed to kidnap the credentials and find vulnerabilities in the operation of the Exchange Server program (used in corporate communication To exchange messages).

Microsoft declares that due to Chinese cybercriminals attacks did not suffer clients of attacked companies, but only organizations that use Exchange Server in their activities. Representatives of the Corporation noted that the corresponding controlling federal US federal services was already notified of the attacks from China.

Due to the detected security incident, Microsoft representatives stated that the relevant corrections and updates were already released, with which American organizations can prevent such attacks from Chinese hackers in the future.

"All organizations and simple users working with the Exchange Server program must set the updates presented to prevent attacks," the Microsoft statement said.

At the same time, representatives of the American Corporation additionally stated that the kiberataks held by the Hafnium group "are not connected with the attacks through SolarWinds", which in December 2020 touched upon many federal agencies.

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