The external background at the opening of the emergent medium develops ambiguous


The external background at the opening of the emergent medium develops ambiguous 5913_1

The external background at the opening of the emergence of the medium is ambiguous. Oil prices continue to be downward correction of this week, and sentiment on world stock markets is mostly optimistic.

External factors

Bidding on the US stock exchanges on Tuesday ended with an increase in the three main indices by 0.1-3.7% led by the high-tech sector, which was restored after the crushing fall of previous days. The yield of 10-year state bonds US sought to 1.5% and retreated from more than annual minima, which allowed investors to return to purchases. In addition, the market is waiting for the final approval by the legislators of the package of economic stimulation of Byyden.

Futures on the S & P 500 index lose about 0.4% as part of the correction. On the eve of the indicator, the indicator could not fix the short-term resistance of 3880 points - alarming for the "bulls" signal.

Bidding in Europe on the eve ended with an increase in the EURO STOXX 50 index by 0.6%, although some economies of the region in the spring period may encounter tightening coronavirus constraints.

At the auction in Asia in the morning a positive dynamics prevails. Japanese Nikkei 225 added less than 0.1%. Australian S & P / ASX 200 lost 0.85%. Chinese indexes grow within 2%. Statistics on inflation in the PRC in February exceeded the forecasts and showed a decrease in the consumer price index in February by 0.2% y / y (it was expected -0.4%) with the growth of the producer price index by 1.7% y / y (+1 expected , 5%) - signals indicating the acceleration of the national economy.

The nearest brent and WTI futures in the morning are reduced by about 1% after falling on the eve. Prices dropped below the support of $ 67.50 and $ 64, respectively, which indicates the risks of the development of a downward movement to the area of ​​$ 64.50 and $ 6150 (the middle bands of the daily charts). The fixation of profits at the overbought market continues after the data of the American Institute of Oil on the jump in the reserves of "black gold" in the United States last week by 12.8 million barrels while reducing petroleum products by more than 12 million barrels. The European Ministry of Energy Report on Wednesday, on average forecasts, will show a reduction in oil reserves by about 800 thousand barrels, and petroleum products - more than 7 million barrels.

Events of the day
  • US consumer price index in February (16.30 MSK)
  • Report of the US Ministry of Energy on the reserves of oil and petroleum products (18.30 MSK)
  • US Department of Representatives will consider Biden's bill on economic assistance
  • Financial results of Aeroflot (MCX: AFLT), LUKOIL, St. Petersburg Bank for 2020 in IFRS
  • Sales ALROSA for February 2021
Market to opening

Mosbier and RTS indexes on Tuesday came out for the upper boundaries of short-term ranges of 3350-3450 and 1420-1480 points, which reveals them the road to the area of ​​the maxima of the current year 3520 and 1508 points, respectively. Nearest support for indicators are located in 3450 and 1465 points. Landmark on the Mosbier index for the day: 3420-3520 points.

The ruble has strengthened the day before within 0.6% against the dollar and the euro, reaching a new maximum since September last year against the European currency. A pair of dollar / ruble remains in the range of 73-75 rubles. The euro / ruble pair fell below 88 rubles, and the next goal of its movement can be a mark of 87.50 rubles.

At the beginning of the main session, Russian stock indices and ruble may try to continue raising thanks to mostly optimistic sentiments in foreign stock markets. Nevertheless, subsequently, the correction of oil prices will certainly have pressure on oil and gas and ruble, limiting the overall impetus to the increase. In all other things being equal to the Russian market, by the end of the week, it may well update annual maxima on the main indexes - an explicit desire to sell on domestic exchanges is not yet observed.

Elena Kuzhukhova, analyst IR "Veles Capital"

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