Herzhebet Batori. Bloody countess or conviction of conspiracy?

Herzhebet Batori. Bloody countess or conviction of conspiracy? 5903_1

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There are many rumors about this ambiguous person. Some are called her sadistic and serial killer. Although there is no direct evidence, it was this image that came across folklore and world cinema. Others are confident that she is a victim of a conspiracy of the church, a slander and robbed aristocrat. Who was the ergebet of Batori actually? There are two legends. One is a bloody and mystical, just in the spirit of the Middle Ages. The other is more pragmatic, but not devoid of non-stalking.

Herzhebet Bathami

Herzhebet (she is also an alzhbet, she was born in Hungary. The girl belonged to the nobility of the Batori, and her parents had to each other relatives. Father Dieda was a brother of the Governor of Transylvania Andrish Batori, and Anna's mother was the daughter of the governor of ISTVAN IV Batori. By the way, Elizabeth was the niece of the king of Polish and Prince Lithuanian, Stephen Batory. She was formed, since childhood studied languages ​​and deliberate the estate in the nuances. Alzhbet often became an involuntary evidence of the punishment of servants and even public executions. At the time of the Middle Ages, the noble life was valuable, while the life of ordinary peasants was not worth a penny. Young and torture ergebet it remembered and reproduced with accuracy when she had to manage his own estate.

At the age of 10, the girl was gaining with the son of Baron Fernian Nadaschi, and 5 years later she married him. The wedding of the bridegroom presented the bride Cahtitsky Castle, which became the most beloved palace. Ironically, it was there "Bloody Countess" held in imprisonment the rest of his days.

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Being married, Herzhebet gave birth to a spouse of six children, although there is evidence that she had an extramarital child from the servant. True, he was waiting for a sad fate, because a noble race tried to avoid shame.

While Ferenz fought with the Ottoman Empire, Elizabeth followed the estate and surrounding villages, as it was responsible for their inhabitants. Bator's countess was a very educated woman. She not only owned languages, but also understood in politics, as well as in clerical issues.

In 1604, the Alzhbet was widowed. Her wife struck an unknown birth, who gave itself to felt strong pains in her legs. It is not known that the death of the death of Ferenz was specifically known, but some historians agree that he became a victim of the royal conspiracy. The fact is that Nadaschi was a successful military commander and an influential person who had always came to the rescue Rudolf II, regularly replenishing the state treasury. The king did not want to be dependent on the count, but also did not want to return debts. The result seems obvious.

Second victim of conspiracy

If everything really was so, then the king was necessary to remove the Bator's Countess. In addition, she professed Calvinism, one of the directions of Protestantism. It did not like the adepts of Catholicism, including the crown. It was necessary to do something, but two deaths in a short period of time could have suspicious. Herzhebet was to compromise himself. In the cruel conditions of medieval existence, it was not difficult to adjust.

Elizabeth was an influential widow and carried out the duties of the hostess of large-scale possessions. At these lands sometimes murders happened, however, in those days, such cruelty was characteristic of all of Europe. Despite this, the king initiated an investigation and sent to the castle of the Countess of the Palatina Deldia Turzo. Under his torture, the maid of the Countess was told that that allegedly tested girls to get their blood. It was believed that the allay liquid had a rejuvenating effect and helps to maintain the elasticity of the skin of the widow of the battorim. The main proof of the deadly atrocities of Elizabeth allegedly became a diary in which she carefully recorded the names of his victims, which was already 650 shower.

Countess grabbed and placed in her bedroom in a chthatitsky castle, prudently insulting the doors and windows. An eerie story was supposed to publicize, and everything that was connected with the bloody nobility, burned. Three years later, fed all this time with bread and water supplied through a small gap, Elizabeth died.

Then few people understood, but a typical medieval conspiracy occurred and the disgrace that followed him, which did not cause suspicion of suspicion, and, it means, and the riots. However, people like the bloody drama more than a real story. Born legend. Not just a legend, and the story of the bloody baths and tools for heighting the blood "Iron Verkhnaya Verkhovoy, who passed through the century.

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Legend of bloody figure

So, the legend itself states that Ovdov, Batori began to pay attention to lovers and once doubted her beauty. After some time, the angry countess hit her maid, whose blood got her skin. After that, Elizabeth allegedly noticed that the skin was elastic and smooth on that plot. After that, she took to torment innocent sharp cuts from the surrounding villages, and then moved to the aristocrats. At first, the Countess simply asked to "give" a little blood to her, but when the girls one after another began to die, accepted this fact without regret and began to call more and more servants in her palace. From there they no longer returned.

Countess also attribute the creation of special equipment for blood allowing called "Iron Veria". Apparently, the girls died longer, and, accordingly, they could give a bautori sacred life-giving fluid.

True or myth?

Where is the truth? Most likely, somewhere in the middle. On the one hand, there are many unproved facts in legend, such as the diary of the Countess, which no one saw, as well as the "iron virgin", which was actually constructed only at the turn of the XVIII and XIX centuries. All other materials in the case were prudently destroyed in the framework of the action "Delete everything that is connected by the bloody graphics in order not to stain the story." But at the same time, the original interrogation of witnesses with 300 signatures confirming the killings of young girls has been preserved. True, no one could say for sure whether the Batory Countess Countess is involved. And if so, then it really bathed in bloody baths or all this fiction. After all, in order to fill with blood at least one bath, we need clearly not one maiden.

On average, the woman's body contains 4 liters of blood. If the volume of the medieval bathroom was about 100 liters, then at least 20 maids are needed for one bathing (taking into account the Archimedes Act). Accordingly, killing about 650 girls, take the box the Countess could only approximately 30 times. Given the testimony of one of the courtiers, the Bator's such bloody procedure made every two weeks. And this means that the villain was not 25 years old, but a little more than a year.

This is just one of the evidence that the story of the Herzhebet Batori is embedded, if not to say invented. It is likely that there are many pills in it - congenital disease because of the bloodstream, early marriage and early widowism, enmity with the king, cruelty to the court, along with medieval cruelty in general. Perhaps the Algebet really came unthinkable, excessively punishing the maids, but for the legendary history, justifying the ruling king, lacked something mystical and ominous - bloody bath.

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