Russian law enforcement officers will track geodata Russians without trial

Russian law enforcement officers will track geodata Russians without trial 5902_1

The Ministry of Fields of the Russian Federation made a proposal for the abolition of the protection of the secrets of communications on geodata subscribers. The relevant amendments are supposed to be made to the law "On Communication". The main reason is to simplify the process of finding missing people.

In accordance with the current editorial board, the mystery of communication is the guaranteed law of Russians, and the introduction of various restrictions is permissible exclusively in situations that are provided for by federal legislation. Now information is included in the concept of "mystery of communication" can be issued by law enforcement agencies or other persons only if there is an appropriate court decision.

Now the Ministry of Fields of the Russian Federation proposes to change the federal communication legislation, making the appropriate edits in Art. 63 ("Secret Communication"). It is assumed to add an item that the information used in communication tools that are not user equipment and contain data on the volume and cost of communication services rendered, can be transferred without a relevant decision of the court if there is a request from state structures performing operational activities. It is important to understand that the same applies to the information of the radio electronic means of the operator about the geodata of a mobile phone.

Oleg Ivanov, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Fields of the Russian Federation, noted that today geodata of mobile phones is the law protected by law, the protection of which is provided by telecom operators, so the coordinates are not always transmitted in time to law enforcement agencies engaged in operational-search activities during the search for missing people when "the score goes On the clock. "

"It is such that in Russia every year thousands of people disappear every year. To find every person, law enforcement agencies attract serious resources of federal bodies. Technical information about the coordinates of a person's mobile phone can only be provided by the court decision, and it is spent over time. It is important that the person is found as soon as possible. According to the law, now law enforcement agencies receive such a court decision within two days, "said Oleg Ivanov.

Regarding the amendments, Alexey Gavrishev (AVG Legal) was spoken: "Of course, the proposed changes will significantly simplify the work of law enforcement agencies. But it is necessary to understand that the request for geodata by law enforcement officers will be carried out only within the framework of the operational accounting and in the presence of a justification. At the same time, we know perfectly well that, by and large, any person working in law enforcement agencies can easily find a formal reason for receiving geodata about any person, even if the case of this citizen does not concern. "

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