Fingers license: 5 appetizing films about cooks and their art

Fingers license: 5 appetizing films about cooks and their art 5899_1
Fingers license: 5 appetizing films about cooks and their art Dmitry Eskin

It is impossible to look at three things infinitely: how water flows, how the fire burns, and as professional cooks are creating masterpieces. These films will undoubtedly inspire your inner culinary genius on unprecedented feats.

Julia and Julia: prepare the happiness by the prescription (Julie & Julia, 2009)
Fingers license: 5 appetizing films about cooks and their art 5899_2
Fingers license: 5 appetizing films about cooks and their art Dmitry Eskin

The heroine of Julie Powell (Amy Adams) is a beginner writer, but at the moment it works as an operator in the center of assistance to the victims of the Eleventh-September terrorist attack. After moving to a new apartment, the girl understands that in her life there is not enough bright positive emotions. To distract from work, Powell is decided to blog, the purpose of which has been preparation for the year 524 dishes from Julia Child (Maryl Strip) "mastering the art of French cuisine."

"Julia and Julia: prepare the happiness by the prescription" - Biographical film of Nora Efron on the book of Julie Powell, written on the basis of its Internet blog. The film shows two storylines: the beginning of the career of Julia Child, when they and her husband were suspected of a suspicion of the Communists, and the Julie itself, which also struggles with the problems inherent to civil servants. "Julia and Julia" are stylish, full friendship and love of movies. In addition to exquisite dishes, Merill Strip became decoration, which received the Golden Globe for this role.

Taste of Life (No Reservations, 2007)
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Fingers license: 5 appetizing films about cooks and their art Dmitry Eskin

Kate Armstrong (Catherine Zeta-Jones) is a professional chef, and her whole life takes place at work. But fate prepares her heavy change: her sister dies in the car accident, and the nephew remains in the care of Kate. Seeing how hard Kate is given a new parent role, the hostess of the restaurant hires her to help her second chef - but for Kate it is equivalent to deathly insult. In addition to everything, the new cook Nick Palmer (Aaron Echart) is suspiciously protected with the niece of Kate ...

The "taste of life" is a romantic comedy, filmed by the director Scott Hicks on the Scenario Carol Fuffs, which, in turn, is based on the work of Sandra Nettlubek. The film is a remake of the German comedy "Outrage Martha" (it is also worth looking). The "taste of life" not only describes the professional everyday life and chips of the restaurant workers, but also easily shows how people and their life values ​​can change. For a convincing game Catherine Zeta-Jones even worked one evening by a waitress in the famous New York restaurant - FIMMA Osteria.

Spices and Passion (The Hundred-Foot Journey, 2014)
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Fingers license: 5 appetizing films about cooks and their art Dmitry Eskin

The Indian emigrant family opens the cafe of oriental cuisine in Provence. However, it soon turns out that their neighbor is the restaurant of traditional French cuisine "Watching Iva", awarded star "Mishalin". The hostess of the restaurant, Madame Malori (Helen Mirren), refers to new competitors with undisguised hostility. However, soon after a woman finds out that the cook of an exotic cafe, Hassan (Manish Dial), has a rare talent and is able to reproduce dishes not only Indian, but also French cuisine, enjoyed.

"Spices and Passion" - film director Las Hallstrem, filmed on the scenario of Stephen Knight, which is based on the Richard Morais novel. The painting will admire the aesthetics of the south of France, scenery of southern pyrenees and culinary traditional delights. In addition, the "spices and passions" is rich in moral and ethical issues, such as collision of cultures and the choice between the career and family. The heroes of the film are learning mutual understanding, exchange and adoption of values, but do it easily and with skomov.

Chef Adam Jones (BURNT, 2015)
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Fingers license: 5 appetizing films about cooks and their art Dmitry Eskin

Adam Jones (Bredali Cooper) is a successful employee of one of the prestigious restaurants in Paris. However, addiction to drugs and obsessed the pursuit of perfection played an evil joke - Jones loses his work and friends. It takes three years. Adam refused drugs and works at the bar. But ambitions still do not give him peace. Soon he returns to London to try again in a restaurant business ...

"Chief Adam Jones" is the drama of the American director John Wells. The film tells about the path to the goal through the vital difficulties and mocking anyone. Also on the background of cooking and professional nuances you will enjoy the game of charming brave cooper and enjoy successful musical solutions that fit perfectly into the film format.

Chef (Comme Un Chef, 2012)
Fingers license: 5 appetizing films about cooks and their art 5899_6
Fingers license: 5 appetizing films about cooks and their art Dmitry Eskin

The young talented cook of Jacques Bono (Mikael Yun) just lost his job in the restaurant and forced to quickly look for a new place to ensure a decent future to his pregnant girl. Soon he is given the possibility of internship from the famous Chef Alexander Lagrad (Jean Reno), which is also in a critical situation. The fact is that Lagarde works in the prestigious restaurant Cargo Lagarde and must find new outstanding solutions for the menu, what the hots should help him. If they do not cope with the task, Alexander will lose work and the star from the rating. So the cooperation and confrontation between the cooking and novice cook begins.

The French are famous not only exquisite cuisine, but also sophisticated cinema. And what if you combine the same thing? It will be easy and stylish movies, which looks at one breath - such as the "chef". The director of the film, Daniel Cohen, to prepare for shooting took advice from such giants of the cook craft, like Alain Password, Pierre Ganier and Alain Dupiss. As a result, the film is replete with traditional French humor and maximum authenticity, which is expressed not only in the reproduction of professional techniques, but also in the human entourage of the famous Molecular restaurant.

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