As peoples live, known for all as "Bushmen" and "Gottentotes". They have been questions from scientists for many years


The most ancient peoples on Earth live on the territory of South Africa, which separated from the total tree of humanity more than 100,000 years ago. Their language is one of the most difficult in the world, and their girls are extremely attractive (though, everything changes, as soon as young beauties become mothers). Previously, these peoples were called Bushmen and the Gottente, but soon these terms were recognized as not quite correct, therefore they stopped on the notation "San" and "Koy". Koisan peoples are that their collective name.

We are always in It is always interesting to learn how people live in those corners of our planet where it is so easy to get. And today we are in a hurry to tell you about San and Koy.

Modern Life San (Bushmen)

  • Anthropologist Carlton Kun attributed them to a separate, 5th racial type - capoid race. They, in contrast to traditional Africans, brighter skin shade - brown or yellowish-brown.
  • The people of San managed to survive in many respects due to its ability to predict animal habits and knowing how to use 400-500 plant species. Some of them goes into food, the other part is used as medicines. San representatives use natural products for the treatment of hundreds of diseases, while when it is without modern medicine.

  • 70-80% of their diet make up vegetables, berries, walnuts, various roots. All this collects predominantly women. 20-30% of the diet comes from meat. The mining of meat is the prerogative of men.
  • Residents of the Kalahari desert are experiencing a constant lack of water. However, they learned to squeeze it from various roots, and also know how to make water blanks. On the wet sand, they dig a deep hole, then with the help of a long hollow stem, the water sucks from sand from sand. After that, it is merged into an empty ostrich egg through another straw.

  • San live on the principle of egalitarianism. Representatives of the community (by the way, in one such clan can take up to 50 people) everyone is discussing together and share with all their things, including food.
  • Coisan peoples founded the economy, built on the exchange or sale of goods, and in gifts. They are customary to regularly give each other things.
  • The community is considered one big family. Mutual help - almost the main principle for which this people lives. And if, for example, the child will find some kind of food, he does not eat it, but will bring the elders who are ordered.

  • For each floor, there are only about 35 names, and, as a rule, they call children in honor of grandparents or other relatives.
  • The people of the San have several key stages in human adult. For boys, this is the first hunt, for girls - puberty and wedding.
  • A girl during menstruation, according to San, is worth keeping in isolation. They believe that if she looks at a man, he will forever remain motionless and turn into a speaking tree.

  • Girls and women of the people people prefer to hide from the rain. In their opinion, saturating the land with water, he simultaneously can immediately make them pregnant. The representatives of the beautiful sex of the people of the people believe that the birth of children with women who did not fall under jets of heavy rain, is impossible.
  • Most often give birth to women-san squatting behind the bushes in a hundred meters from their settlement. Girls giving birth for the first time, can accompany the assistant. An hour after childbirth, they are ready to do their daily affairs.

As peoples live, known for all as
© Rickson Davi Liebano / Shutterstock

  • For most of the representatives of this people, the wedding is a private event between the bride and groom. Only in rare cases several guests can be invited. A woman who has married is forbidden to talk, meet with mother-in-law and even look at her.
  • Most of the representatives of these indigenous peoples are monogamans. A man can afford the second wife, but only under one condition: he must be a special hunter to feed 2 women and their children.

  • The representatives of the weak sex lies responsibility for the construction of the dwelling. It is their fragile hands that the roof is erected above the head for the whole family.
  • In some local women, the buttocks do not look quite usually. They accumulate a large amount of fat. This phenomenon received the name steatopyagia. If the angle between the back and the buttocks will be 90 degrees, it is considered steatopygia.

As peoples live, known for all as

  • The average life expectancy of this people is 45-50 years, only 10% live up to 60 years.
  • When a person dies, he is buried in the nucleus position, cover the body with a leather cape and go there all the personal things of the dead man. The people of San afraid of the spirits of the dead and for this reason will never be returned to the place where man was buried. Well, if they still have to go close to the burial site, they throw a small stone on the grave as a peculiar gift.

And here you live like (Gottentoty)

  • What are the cattle facilities. They are nomadic shepherds that when changing the seasons of the year move along with their animals to a new place. So they give the Earth time to "relax."
  • Koi adheres to community ownership of land, that is, none of them owns land and everyone can use it at its discretion.
  • Women of the people of Kooy can be called one of the most beautiful in Africa. However, their bodies change dramatically with the birth of the first child. Some areas become accusing and flabby, the stomach begins to hardly drink, and the buttocks become much denser. Pretty early their face begins to be covered with wrinkles.

As peoples live, known for all as
© Luca Galuzzi / Wikimedia

  • Haru - the traditional dwelling of this nation. It is a dome building with cane coating. In construction take part and women who fly a cane cover, and men - they are engaged in making a frame. This house is easy to transfer from one place to another.
  • Preparation for the wedding in Koi may take the year. First, a man discusses the intentions with his family, and if she approves, then everyone follows the house of the future spouse. There, the groom find out the details of his first meeting with the future bride and other details. If all all suits, the clans declare the engagement day. On this day, white flags are installed on the housings of clans of the bride and the bride, which in no case cannot be removed. At the wedding, the groom gives mother to his chosen cow or calf. Housing feet can last up to several days.

As peoples live, known for all as
© Greg Willis / Wikimedia

  • Coy is known for their craft skills. Representatives of this people are masterfully, it turns out to make tanner products, especially leather kosses (raincoats), as well as musical instruments, in particular reed flutes, and clay pots.
  • Traditional Women's Clothing - Long Dresses, Sewing Victorian Fashion. They were developed back in the 1800s and are an integral part of their culture.

As peoples live, known for all as
© Andrew Hall / Wikimedia

  • Previously, the funeral was not a massive event. The body was simply buried, and the person's name was subsequently not even mentioned because of fear of evil spirits. Today, after the death of man, his family prepares a place for burial during the week (laying it with bricks), then family members spend 2 nights of mourning, during which the hymns sing, pray and say speeches in honor of the past. Then they put the dead man in the grave, they put the board on top and fall asleep.

Would you like to spend a few days in the company of Koisan peoples? If so, what would they do?

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