What am I put in the soil for seedlings to protect shoots from the black leg


Very often it happens that the seedlings are holy and better, and she still dies. And it is not clear what you do wrong how to deal with it, and the seeds are sorry. I, too, often came across such a problem, but the decision was easier than I thought.

What am I put in the soil for seedlings to protect shoots from the black leg 5889_1

The death of weak sproutures is usually associated with one fungal disease in the people with a nickname black leg. It is very easy to understand that it is very simple: the stem begins to black and rot that leads to the death of the entire seedlings.

The fungi dwells in the upper layers of the soil and often behave like patients, that is, they feed on the plants already dead tissues. And if they are in contact with the roots of still rapid sprouts, they quickly go to them.

To aggravate the problem can also become too thick seeding, high humidity, temperature differences and poor ventilation. Fighting with this kind fungus is like fighting windmills, so you need to not give it to appear at all.

How to deal with this infection and do not worry that your favorite cucumbers (or tomatoes) will die? I found a solution for myself - vermiculitis.

This is a mineral that is formed in the earth's crust and is an environmentally friendly substance. High heat treatment gives him an uncomplicated look, rawness and scaly structure. And these are all stages of production that this mineral passes before getting on the counter stores.

Vermikulite does not decompose and does not rot under the influence of various microorganisms; Its absolutely no insects and rodents (if we are talking about horticulture); It does not enter the chemical reaction with acids and alkalis.

What am I put in the soil for seedlings to protect shoots from the black leg 5889_2

At the same time, it contains a huge number of microelements that contribute to the growth and development of plants, here are their small part: calcium, potassium, iron and magnesium. And that is not all. Vermikulitis is not only an effective fertilizer, but also an excellent baking powder for soil.

To use all the useful qualities of this fertilizer and get a sturdy seedlings, in the container I smell vermiculite with a layer of about 3-4 cm. Then I prepare the substrate - watering it so that there is no excess water. After that stuck seeds. If you want to protect yourself even stronger from any infection, then before that you can soak them in a marvel in a solution of any fungicide according to the instructions.

The seedlings will not contact the soil, so it will be possible for safety, the vermiculite can be removed from all pathogens. The main thing is not to overdo it with watering. Our substrate holds moisture up to two weeks, so the abundance of watering will contribute only to the root reinforcement.

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