Believe! 8 Hollywood actors who work on the Stanislavsky system

Believe! 8 Hollywood actors who work on the Stanislavsky system 586_1
Believe! 8 Hollywood actors who work on the Stanislavsky system Anastasia Ageev

Director Konstantin Stanislavsky created the famous acting system in pursuit of reliability of the game and the authenticity of feelings. American hyseride is hard to pronounce this impressive last name, but they still use his kids - only they call the "method". Time Out remembered the famous Hollywood actors who built a career on it.

Daniel Day Lewis

Daniel Day Lewis adhered to the Stanislavsky system in almost all the works. By fulfilling a major role in the film Stephen Spielberg "Lincoln", the actor did not leave the image between the dubs. He expected from his colleagues that they would contact him as president wrote messages and signed the paper as Lincoln. The Hero Sali Field, who played his wife, told that actually not familiar with Daniel Day-Lewis - only with his Lincoln.

In the painting "My left foot", the actor fulfilled the role of a patient with cerebral paralysis. He served as a clock in a wheelchair and asked for workers of the film crew to wear it and feed from a spoon. For the film "Gang New York" Martin Scorsese, he studied to fervent meat, and also refused to wear a modern warm jacket, because of what the pneumonia earned.

Christian Bale

Christian Bale's dedication on the acting field does not know borders. He began using an extreme reincarnation from the film "American Psychopath". He was so accustomed to the role of maniac that he followed his specific care system about himself - with face masks and everyday many hours - and did not communicate with his colleagues on the site. Four years later, the actor dropped 34 kilograms for the role of insomnia Trevor Reznik in the "Machinist" and again scored them and thoroughly touched the role of Batman in the film Christopher Nolan.

At Bale's playground insisted, in order for his trailer to be a sign "Bruce Wayn", and the British actor interviewed in support of the film was conducted with an American accent and in a millionaire superhero.

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Halle Berry

In the film Spike Lee "Tropical fever" actress played the drug addict Vivian - the heroine is ready for all for the sake of the dose. To understand her image of thoughts, Holly Berry attended the place where drug addicts were going, studied and outlined seen, and before the start did not wash two weeks. Confirm it can Samuel Jackson - he had a chance to witness an unpleasant smell.

Despite the secondary role, the roles, critics and viewers noticed the efforts of Berry, and the "tropical fever" became a breakthrough in the career of the actress.

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Marlon Brando

The actor first in the history of American cinema built a successful career on the Stanislavsky system. It was his example that motivated others to try the "method". Before his debut on Broadway Brando ran the stairs and was poured by ice water to better play the appearance of the lake.

In the film "Men" of 1950, Marlon Brando fulfilled the role of wounded in the Second World War of Lieutenant Ken Wilchek. Before the shooting, he lay in the hospital for veterans. However, the faithless technique did not always end for Brando successfully - he terribly scared the young partner on the film "Last Tango in Paris" an unexpected and naturalistic scene of rape.

Robert DeNiro

Robert de Niro studied at Stella Adler and Lee Strasberg, who taught the Stanislavsky system, and adhered to her throughout the career. Preparing for the role in the "Taxi driver", the actor received a license and delivered customers to 12 hours a day.

For the role in the picture "Mad Bull" de Niro decided to gain weight - according to him, prostheses do not give the necessary psychological sensation. And in order to play a psychopath of Max Cadi in the "Cape of Fear," the actor asked the dentist to break his teeth so that they seem more terrible. Director Martin Scorsese several times received frightening messages from him in the image of a crazy hero.

Hilary Syanka

The actress was preparing for the role of Transgender Brandon Tina in the film "Guys do not cry" before I got it. A month before listening, she began to live like a man: cut off his hair, tightly tied his chest and inserted a sock into his pants. The neighbors of the girl were confident that a brother or nephew came to her.

The actress's similar purpose is demonstrated on the set of Klint's sports drama Icisda "Baby by Million". For Maggie's role, she trained six times a week for three months. The desire for the goal was distracted by Sureck from injury - she did not notice dangerous inflammation on the leg. The doctor confirmed that the infection almost reached the heart.

Johnny Depp

For the filming of "fear and hatred in Las Vegas", Johnny Depp has extremely close to the writer Hunterson Thompson, whose romance is based on the script. The actor settled for several months in the basement of his house, studied his habits and followed the same crazy schedule of sleep - from 5 to 9 pm. Their gatherings were often accompanied by drinking alcohol. Actor and writer for a while exchanged cars, and Depp received the famous red "Chevrolet".

And when he needed to shave hair for the role, Thompson decided to be a stylist. Clothing, which the actor bears in the frame, he also lent at his prototype.

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Hoakin Phoenix

Joaquin Phoenix derived a fidelity technique to a new level. For the role in the pseudocuital film "I'm still here", he actually became his hero - an actor that dreams of becoming a rapper - for several months. He handed out the interview and attended a talk show in the image, shocking anyone suspects of the audience and leading. Unfortunately, the efforts of the actor were not justified - "I'm still here" received ambiguous reviews.

Much more successful "Method" worked in another film - "cross the line", where the actor played the musician Johnny Cash. He learned to play guitar and sing very well. Phoenix admitted that he even asked colleagues to call him by the name of the character on the site, which he later recalled with shame.

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