Authentic St. Petersburg hotel in a former communal apartment - Project NomessProcess

Authentic St. Petersburg hotel in a former communal apartment - Project NomessProcess 5851_1
Authentic St. Petersburg hotel in a former communal apartment - Project NomessProcess 5851_2

The apartment in the Raibshtein's income house, which is an architectural monument and built in 1912, became an original Sands Rooms hotel thanks to the work of the NomessProcess architectural studio. The team with respect reacted to the cultural heritage of the premises, the rethinking of space was carried out with the preservation and restoration of genuine historical parts of the interior.

  • Location: St. Petersburg
  • Area: 168 m2
  • Authors: NomessProcess.
  • Photo: Anton Ivanov
  • Stylist: Anna Queen
  • Pictures: Tim Illarionov, Alexander Boruk

The NomessProcess task was to create a hotel that looks modern, but also stylistically tied to the historical center of St. Petersburg. From the communal apartment it turned out four separate rooms with a unique interior in each. They are connected by a common lobby with an entrance through a historic parade. Also on this floor, the studio designed a three-room apartment with his entrance across the yard-well - in one of the rooms they retained an old oven. The general requirement from the Customer to each number was the presence of personal bathrooms and mini-kitchens - thus the design element was interpreted differently, embedded in the script of each room. The rooms features an original stucco with a unique ornament. Oak parquet, which has come down to us in good condition, demanded only the cyclove and applying a new layer of oil. The windows and doors were cleared of several layers of paint - they managed to return their natural color, and the missing elements were picked up from flea markets suitable at a temporary period. In some rooms, furniture and life of the last century remained from the former owners: goats, sranches, books. All these elements were integrated into a new design.

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