As in fact, animals fall in dolphinariums and why they are not there


The type of charming dolphins, swelling the splashes swelling in the rainbow, few people leave indifferent. We spend long hours in the oceanariums, admiring amazing creatures. But we rarely think about how these creatures get there. But the marine element and entertainment parks sometimes divide thousands of kilometers.

We in studied articles on this topic. And they involuntarily thought about what was our pleasure and joy from visiting the sea parks. And as a bonus, the opinions of Internet users who went to the show to the dolphinarium were collected.


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  • It is believed that dolphins are caught in order to save the view from the disappearance or for scientific purposes. This is not true. First, the populations of most species at the moment nothing threatens. Secondly, the training of dolphins in various tricks does not help in their study.
  • Many animals are already born in dolphinarities and oceanariums. Dolphins - creating extremely valuable: the cost of one individual is about $ 100 thousand.
  • Dolphin trade is a profitable business. Therefore, families rarely remain together - young individuals are separated from relatives and sold to other institutions.

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  • The number of dolphins born in captivity does not overlap the whole demand for them. And he grows the year from year. In the EU and some other countries of the world, the breeding of dolphins in the parks and their sale are strictly regulated, and hunting and trade with wild features are currently prohibited.
  • There are still corners in the world where calfs are performed quite officially. For example, the fishermen of Japan has an annual quota.
  • Any distant journey is a stress for an animal. For a long time, they have to be in an unnatural environment for themselves. A fantastic presentation of charming and in the past of wild creatures in maritime parks requires victims. Mostly from the Dolphins themselves.

Sea cats and sea lions

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  • These cute creatures are frequent inhabitants not only dolphinariums and oceanariums. They can be seen in zoos and circuses. Special hunting for them do not lead. Animals perfectly multiply in captivity, so now many institutions have to force the population of these animals. Otherwise, it is not clear what to do with numerous offspring.
  • Catics are very friendly and quietly inhabit next to people. Sometimes they mistakenly fall into fishing nets or faced boats or ships. After treatment, not all creatures can be returned to wildlife. As a result, they find themselves in entertainment establishments or scientific institutions.


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  • The conditions of the delicate of dolphins and the kitkeeper cause indignation of the public. But the stories of walrus do not often appear on the first lanes. These large and quiet creatures are rarely found by the guests of oceanariums and zoos. In total, about 30 animals live in captivity. Most of them fell into the parks from wildlife: they were either caught, or some other were saved.
  • Create a suitable house for these animals is difficult. They need spacious pools, coolness and a lot of space on land. Despite the seemingly slowness and badness, the walruses are very playful and sociable creatures. A closed space and loneliness turn them into a longing and make it miss.
  • In the wild, they live with herds, and the ladies and gentlemen dwell separately from each other. Loneliness Warry is carried out badly. Not all parks can create perfect conditions for animals.


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  • In order to contain several kitkeepers in captivity, it takes enough space. So young individuals who were born in the oceanarium or dolphinarium and no longer fit in the pools, sell to other institutions. In addition, Kosyki is a real treasure for their owners. The cost of one individual starts from $ 1 million.
  • In the wild, they live in large family groups, where parents teach the life tricks of kids. So the separation is hardly transferred both adult cathosts and a young. For their lives, they can change a few houses by traveling from one fleet to another.
  • In addition to the kitkeeper, born in captivity, caught animals caught in the oceanariums and dolphinariums. There are several countries where governments give fishermen annual quotas for wild features. Due to the large sizes of the groove on them usually hunt the pon.


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  • This is one of the first marine inhabitants who were in captivity. Back in the XIX century, the audience could admire these graceful creatures. Belukha is known for its amazing musicality: in her arsenal more than 50 sounds. For this, the animal even nipped the sea canary. These creatures are perfectly leaving for training, so they willingly buy marine parks. Wild Beluga costs about $ 150 thousand.
  • Most bites fall into wildlife aquariums. In captivity, these creatures propagate reluctantly. Only a few examples of the appearance of a cub in dolphinaria and oceanariums were recorded. Unfortunately, not all institutions can provide them with suitable habitats. Beluhi - residents of the Arctic, and therefore for a comfortable existence they need cold water.

Hunting for cetaceans

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© Thomas QUINE / Wikipedia

  • Dolphins and whales are, no doubt, smart and charming creatures. At the same time, they remain wild creatures. Therefore, a simple and painless way of their catch is not. Any option involves catching networks where animals need to drive, as it should be scared. The use of such "humane" methods, like tranquilizers, is impossible: the risk is too great to calculate the dose.
  • It would be unfair to blame only fishermen and park owners in cruelty. After all, ultimately, the hunting for marine inhabitants is paid from the pocket of the audience. They are pleased to visit various shows and are ready to pay decent money to swim next to these incredible creatures. So, it is from their actions dependent, wild animals will continue or not. As the example of Great Britain, Switzerland and other countries showed, it can be discontinued: residents of these states opposed Dolphinarians and were heard by the government. Recently, France joined them.

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When the dolphinarium or the oceanarium closes, not all of its inhabitants can immediately go to freedom. Born in captivity of creatures are simply not ready for life in the wild and is adapted little to it. Therefore, they first send them to rehabilitation centers, where they try to train the necessary skills. Such programs are in decent amounts. Preparation of two bodies to life in the wild cost about $ 24 thousand. But not always such projects are completed successfully.

Bonus: Dolphinarium Stories

  • I do not think it is necessary to see an animal with his own eyes to treat him with love and respect. © Butdidyoucry / Reddit
  • I was 16 years old when my father led me to the show in Dolphinarium. I love marine animals. I liked the presentation first. But when I saw the coach, who was driving on the backs of the dolphins, was not restrained and burst out. © Lovely_lass / Reddit
  • He led his family to the dolphinarium on vacation. And regretted this idea. There were such close pools. I would have advised to go to the maritime excursion and look at these creatures in the wild. © Chrisolliepes / Reddit
  • I saw the boy teased dolphins in the marine park. He showed them the fish, and then removed as soon as they walked. In the end, Dolphins are tired of the dolphins, and three of them began to circling around the pool and beat the tails on the water, having fallen by hundreds of gallons of liquid on the boys and his family. Most of us laughed and applauded Dolphins, well, the boy's family was not too pleased. © Tenring2020 / Reddit
  • In the first and last time I went to Dolphinarium. Dolphins had such a sad view. And scratched noses. So I wanted to release them to freedom. © Anonymous / Reddit

And what do you think maritime creatures should contain in captivity?

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