Cupcake with raisins from Biqukvtnogo TECTA in kefir

Cupcake with raisins from Biqukvtnogo TECTA in kefir 5815_1
Cupcake with raisins from Biqukvtnogo TECTA in kefir


  • Egg chicken 2 pcs.
  • Sugar 150 gr.
  • Vanilla sugar 0.5 tsp
  • Margarine 100 gr. (butter)
  • Wheat flour 200 gr.
  • Starch 50 gr.
  • Soda 0.5 ppm
  • Bustyer 1 tsp.
  • Lemon juice 2-3 tbsp.
  • Kefir 100 ml.
  • Raisin 100 gr.
  • Salt 0.25 pp.l.
  • Vegetable oil 1 tsp.
  • powdered sugar

Cooking method:

To prepare a delicious biscuit cupcake, prepare the necessary products.

We begin the preparation of the test and divide two chicken eggs into a bulk bowl, after which we pour into it a pinch of salt, half a teaspoon of vanilla sugar, one hundred fifty grams of sugar and mix all the ingredients.

We pour into a bowl with an egg mixture of a hundred grams of melted margarine or oil and mix well all the ingredients before uniformity.

Pour a hundred grams of raisin in a plate, then one tablespoon of wheat flour and mix together.

Pour in a deep bowl one hundred seventy grams of wheat flour, after which fifty grams of starch, half a teaspoon of soda, one teaspoon of the baking powder and mix all the dry ingredients with each other.

Save in a bowl with a liquid base all dry ingredients and mix all the ingredients well.

We pour two or three tablespoons of lemon juice into the common bowl and mix well.

We pour one hundred milliliters of kefir into a common bowl and stirring all the ingredients in a bowl among themselves get the dough with the necessary homogeneous consistency.

We lay out in a bowl with a test of raisins from a plate and stirred with a gently enveloping raisins with a test.

Preparing the cooked dough in a suitable form, pre-sprawling it with a small amount of oil.

We distribute the dough in the form of a uniform layer and leave for ten to fifteen minutes, after which we put the oven to the oven preheated to one hundred eighty degrees and bake the cupcake forty five minutes, depending on the size of the form, then we leave the oven for another twenty minutes.

Give the shape of the oven after time and lay out the cupcake on the table, after which it sprinkle it from top of sugarpus to taste and cut into portion pieces.

Preparing delicious, we are preparing simply, we are preparing a delicious cupcake from Biqukvitno TECTA in kefir with raisins at home together! A pleasant appetite dear friends!

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