Why did the homemade nesting chuckters start?

Why did the homemade nesting chuckters start? 5812_1

Chickens - common view of birds in the farm. However, there is always a risk of loss of part, and even the entire livestock. More often the chicks die, less often young, but even adult individuals are not completely protected from diseases. Therefore, the poultry farming should know from which the chicken, roosters, chickens die from. Regular inspection and insulation of individuals with suspicious symptoms will allow to preserve the population, and compliance with preventive measures increases the chances of preventing the infection of Curites with various diseases.

The main causes of the death of adult chickens

There are two reasons for piders: infectious and non-infectious nature.

Incorrect nutrition

Grain in violation of storage rules contains fungal disputes. Such feed leads to the poisoning of chickens. The absence of diversity also leads to slow death from avitaminosis. Birds die slowly, they first decrease immunity, then productivity, then they are ill.

Why did the homemade nesting chuckters start? 5812_2
Inappropriate conditions of content

Reduces bird immunity:

  • unsanitary conditions;
  • the presence of drafts;
  • non-compliance with the recommendations on the number of individuals in one cell, the chicken coop;
  • High humidity and / or low temperature in the poultry house.

As a result, non-shells cease to carry eggs and ill. The absence of walking is another reason why the churrics are fast in the summer.


There are contagious and unsuccessful. The first category includes bacterial and viral infectious diseases transmitted through:

  • skin parasites: lice, ticks, rodents;
  • inventory, litter;
  • By air.

Characterized by the rapid distribution and the case of all the livestock in the absence of timely reaction.

Unfertility include pneumonia, water and inflammation of the egg. Chicken die one.

Why did the homemade nesting chuckters start? 5812_3

When suspicious symptoms are detected, individuals should immediately plant it from the rest. The following symptoms may indicate the beginning of the disease:

  • lowering productivity;
  • sluggish and disheaval;
  • Change color and consistency litter;
  • The appearance of the discharge from the nose, eye.

After insulation of non-dryers or when driving, a veterinarian should be immediately called immediately.

Chickens die massively

The reason is one - infection of infectious disease.

Why did the homemade nesting chuckters start? 5812_4

The pathogen is Pastekella Bacteria, causing rapid death and resistant to external negative factors. Incubation period from several hours to 2 days. Penetration through respiratory organs, less often through the wounds on the skin, or with food. Mostly the disease occurs in acute form with mortality from 90 to 100%. Symptoms:

  • depression and lethargy;
  • The appearance of foamy mucus from beak;
  • difficulty breathing with the emergence of wheezing;
  • Surgement of earrings and crest;
  • temperature up to 43 ° C;
  • diarrhea;
  • drowsiness;
  • thirst.

With chronic form, the symptoms are different. There is no explicit symptomatology, but in time they swell their paws and wings. After 3-4 weeks, the bird dies as a result of hemorrhage into the internal organs. Do not treat, because after recovering individuals remain a bacterium carrier.

Why did the homemade nesting chuckters start? 5812_5
Newcastle's disease

Source - paramixirus. Proceeds most often in an acute form, which indicates:

  • oppression;
  • Temperature 43-44 ° C;
  • purulent emissions from the eyes;
  • weak activity;
  • lack of appetite;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • chopping neck;
  • paralysis;
  • diarrhea.

There is no treatment, the destruction of individuals in 90% of cases for 3-5 days. The most susceptible to young, chickens and individuals with reduced immunity. For the prevention of the disease, vaccination should be carried out. In more detail, the symptoms and treatment of Newcastle's disease we considered in a separate article.

Why did the homemade nesting chuckters start? 5812_6

The causative agent is microorganisms called Eymery of Tennel, which parasitize in the intestinal cells. Fall there with food or water. The infection indicates:

  • lethargy;
  • thirst;
  • no appetite;
  • diarrhea with bloody engines;
  • Easitress.

When diagnosing at the initial stage, treatment is effective, on the rules of its holding we talked in a separate article. Especially susceptible to the disease of the young (up to 3 months). Delivered for 3-5 days.


Meets most often. Gelminets 3-12 cm long live in a small intestine. The cause of death becomes the blockage of intestinal lumen, the gap of the intestine or intoxication.

The gelminyosis indicates a decrease in the number of eggs and exhaustion. At younger, symptoms appears on the 7-8 day of infection, which manifests the loss of appetite and lethargy. Next joins the liquid chair. After 2 weeks, the mucous membranes and scallops are paging, the body is depleted, which indicates weight loss and growth lag.

Therapy is based on anthelmintic drugs, disinfection of the poultry house and inventory, as well as a complete change of litter.

Why did the homemade nesting chuckters start? 5812_7

Birds die one

The reason is unsuccessful diseases or violation of the rules of content, feeding.

Abdominal Vodka.

In the abdominal cavity, liquid accumulates. The reason is violations in the work of the heart or kidney. The disease indicates an increase in the size of the abdomen, reducing the activity and the oppression of the bird.

To improve the condition, it is required to conduct an infantry puncture. Next it is necessary to check the bird for the presence of heart or renal pathologies and proceed with treatment, if it is advisable. If you do not fix the root cause, the disease may return.

Why did the homemade nesting chuckters start? 5812_8

Causes a disease hypothermia. Death occurs when untreated treatment or absence. Symptoms:

  • Bird breathes through open beak;
  • there were wet wheems;
  • Kura refuses food and drink;
  • The individual looks oppressed and depressed.

It is treated with antibiotic therapy, disinfection of a poultry house, vitamin therapy.

Why did the homemade nesting chuckters start? 5812_9

The inflammation of the ovaries causes:

  • A number of avitaminosis varieties;
  • unsanitary conditions of detention;
  • egg injury;
  • Complications after transferred infectious disease.

The inflammatory process indicates in the first place to reduce the number of demolished eggs or their absence, they are deformed either have no shells. Also, the symptoms include obesity, the sluggish species of the bird, the irregularity of the chair and the appearance of the sewage of the yellowish color from the cloac.

With a launched disease, the ovirect falls out of a clock.

In the absence of therapy, Neshka dies in a few days. Therefore, treatment should be started immediately when the first symptoms are found. First, Vaseline is introduced into the clock, accompanying it by intramuscular injections of pituitrine and sinestrol. An antibacterial drugs and probiotics add to the appointment of the veterinarian.

Why did the homemade nesting chuckters start? 5812_10

For what reason can the chickens die?

Most often, chicks are dying due to non-compliance with the temperature regime. Also, imbalance of nutrition leads to a number of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, for example:
  • nonsense;
  • poisoning;
  • Atrophy of gastric muscles.

Other reasons are organic pathology, avitaminosis, infectious diseases. The following periods of life of chickens consider dangerous periods: from 1 to 5 days, from 20 to 25, from 35 to 40.

How to diagnose the problem?

It is necessary to visit birds daily for the appearance of alarming signs of the disease, as:

  • Failure to eat;
  • severe thirst or, on the contrary, rejection of water;
  • sluggish condition;
  • the appearance of a chromotype or an increase in body parts;
  • The bird has violated coordination or a tremor appeared.

Space with suspicion of disease isolate and measure the temperature. The disease also indicates the change in the shade of mucous, scallops, earrings.

To put an accurate diagnosis, you need to call a doctor. He will take a litter on research in the veterinary laboratory.

When a deceased bird is detected, a veterinarian should also be called. He will take a carcass on research and autopsy.

Why did the homemade nesting chuckters start? 5812_11

Treatment and prevention of the case

Therapy is prescribed depending on the diagnosis of the veterinarian:

  1. When watering, after pumping fluid, the chicken is transferred to the supporting diet.
  2. With Pastellosis, treatment is advisable only in the first hours of appearance of symptoms. They are given left-erration cycles, a trisulone or kobaktan for 5 days.
  3. In the case of Askaridoz, piperazine, furnishings or Nilverm is used. For the prevention in the litter, the dried sprigs of the feeders are included or wormwood, and in the feed - pumpkin seeds, onions, garlic, or dried rosehip fruits.

For prevention, first of all, a graph of chickens vaccination, content and full-fledged power should be observed.

In the offseason, vitamin support should be carried out, regularly disinfect inventory and poultry house. In the warm season, poultry should organize regular walking. Behind the chicks need to be followed particularly carefully in order to avoid their supercooling, the appearance of avitaminosis due to lack of nutrients in the feed or lack of light.

Why did the homemade nesting chuckters start? 5812_12


  1. Failure to comply with the conditions of detention and bad feed - the main reasons, from which the chicken chickens die.
  2. Due to weakened immunity, the livestock is subject to contagious and unsuccessful diseases.
  3. You need to inspect the birds regularly. This will avoid the spread of the disease.
  4. When the deceased chicken is detected, the veterinarian should immediately cause, as well as the detection of suspicious symptoms.

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