"We are preparing tights, 35 socks and 10 scarves!" Minsk residents are told how prepared for frost


In Belarus, the real and unexpected winter came to Belarus. Frosts for ten degrees at high humidity really hit - including in human noses, hand and hearts. Some have already wrapped in fur coats and boots, others cannot leave their favorite sneakers and windbreakers, others just sit at home. Onliner went out to the streets of Minsk and asked Belorusov, whether they were ready to advais on our standards and what they would do in the weekend - weather forecasters promise up to 20 degrees of frost.

People who are accustomed to warmth, infinite flows of tea and soft plagues, the current frost does not just bite, but nibbles. "NOT PI, not a hedgehog, huts do not climb" - so usually say old people about similar weather. But in popular among Minsk citizens, even in a minus temperature is crowded: someone works, someone ran to lunch, someone just walks. Frost by frost, and habits and concerns will not solve themselves.

Nikita and Sasha: "And so the wind is cold, and if you also go on skis, then in general the nose will fall off!"

Nikita and Alexander come out from the shopping center and look completely different: a guy without a hat, quite relaxed, and the girl wrapped around the scarf over his eyes and a little clinging to the cold.

"The sun is annoying me, I love frosts without him," says Nikita and points to Sasha. - But she is cold, just hid. I feel comfortable: I think, I can safely spend two or three hours on the street.

- And I will maximum an hour! - Picks up the girl. - On me warm woolen socks, tights, pants. As you can see, I'm in the mittens and scarf, I have a hat with me: looked - and normal! On me, the topic, a T-shirt, another T-shirt, Hoodie and a jacket - she with a pokhovy filler, in general, warm, but short, so the legs are cold.

In Nikita, ordinary white socks, jeans, Hoodie, he without a hat, but in a good warm jacket - says that it is suitable for frosts up to minus 30.

There are no active plans for frosty weekends in young people: Nikita will take the exam, and Sasha is going to sit at home and drink chaps. " They say the weather is not now for winter activity.

- And so the wind is cold, and if you also go on skis, then in general the nose will fall off! - Laughing the guy.

Anya: "At the weekend, we plan to roame the pizza and do not get out of anywhere"

Minskanka Anya runs out of a taxi in a coat of the Naraspushka - says he is in a hurry to meet.

"Very cold, so I'm moving only for a taxi," she smiles. - At the weekend, it is generally transmitted to 20 degrees of frost, so we plan to catch the pizza and do not get out of anywhere.

Now on Ana woolen tights, jeans, shirt, warm jam - all this is refilled to the belt. She has several scarves.

- Where are your mittens and cap? - Strictly asked the girl.

"All this in a bag, just running to the meeting now," she answers and runs away.

Vladislav: "Well, cool"

From the transition pops up a high parenchy in the bike, a light jacket, trousers and ... Kedah with bright orange laces. At first he laughs: It's so easily dressed, because all things in the washing - what remains, and put on.

"Well, Cool," tells Vladislav about his feelings. - But in this form I can spend on the street at least a whole day - I'm tempered!

- And how do you temper? - We ask.

- I go to the way! - Laughing the guy. - On me now the usual bike, T-shirt, pants - and that's it. Socks are ordinary, long.

- Mom does not swear?

- Mom does not know!

- Soon finds out! - We answer him.

Frosty weekend Vladislav is predictable not afraid, but is going to spend at home and in a volleyball training session. And a week later plans to ride a snowboard.

Alina: "Preparing tights, 35 socks and 10 scarves!"

Minskanka Alina was not ready for such frosts this year, because warming began long ago.

- Everything was warm and neatly, but suddenly frost fucked and everyone remembered the warm tights under jeans! - Smiling girl.

It is now warm socks and tights, jeans, jeans and fur coats - gloves are going to change on fur.

"The fur coat was long ago, I didn't buy it for this winter." In the past years, she mainly put on her coat and coat, and now in full equipment! Last winter put on a fur coat a couple of times, and it is rather for the species, and not from the cold. But this year there is an opportunity to break away and walk it, "she laughs. Alina is glad that now you need to wear masks: they are warmer.

For the future weekend, the girl wants to go to the forest and ski and tubing, so prepares "tights, 35 socks and 10 scarves."

- No one cancels beauty. Everyone was very waiting for the winter, shouted that we need snow - and finally got it, so you need to enjoy while there is time. Suddenly there will be no such opportunity?! - The girl talks.

Glory: "Lost warm shoes - they have five years old, but for all the time there are ten times"

The young man glory comes with a workout in the store, and then immediately home - for a long time it is not going to be on the street, so it was not particularly insteading.

- Houses are warm, and going to such frosts to walk: I will go to the Minsk Sea tomorrow. Warm clothes are, so I hope not to freeze, - he starts. "Tomorrow I'll get warm boots - they have five years old, but for all the time there are ten times in a large frost. And so - as usual in this weather: Pants, jeans more, thermal underwear and a warm jacket - going to walk at least two hours.

The most cold on his memory was winter in 2008-2009: he said, frosts kept at a minus 20 degrees. But the guy does not consider them strong.

- I like that there is the sun. Let the frost, but most importantly, to be light, the mood rises, "says Glory.

Dima: "I don't wear a hat to not spoil the hairstyle"

Dima ran out of office for lunch in a suit, shoes and looks like a light coat. He says he is not cold - even perfect.

- In general, in the street now I go to boots, knitted scarf, which left in the office, and gloves. The cap is not buried so as not to spoil the hairstyle. At the weekend I will sit at home or go outside near the house, "he says.

- And how much can you hold out? - We ask the young man.

- So? Well seconds 30! - Laugh Dima.

Tatyana: "All warm and everything is fine!"

But Tatyana is one of the few who are delighted with the current weather.

- I really like this weather! I remember, in 1984, the month stood the temperature minus 25! Now I am not cold at all, I warmly dressed: coat, boots, tights, skirt, hat, mittens - all warm and everything is fine! - she says.

At the weekend, Tatyana is going to walk in his area - it will still be warmer, "let all viruses die."

Alina and Anya: "Feet flaws, gloves do not save hands"

The student went out into the street, without thinking that they would overtake such a biting frost. Watching the street - shiny snow and bright-bright sun.

- We did not expect that it would be so cold! In fact, the mask saves, because the nose freezes. Feet flaw, gloves do not save their hands, although we walk on the street 20 minutes, "say girls.

They try to periodically go to the cafe and shops to heal from the gorgeous "minus".

"We are warm tights, socks, winter boots, down jackets, but in short cool: thinks still," Alina and Anya agreed with each other.

On the weekend girls are going to stay at home or go to the cafe if there is a big frost.

Alexandra Sidorovna: "I do not perceive the cold"

86-year-old Minskanka dressed in a leather jacket, lightweight sweater and boots on a light sock. She says that he is always ready - whether it is a heat or a lutty frost.

- During the war, I was five years old, there was no food and clothes, so we went as they could have rode on sleds. Since then, I do not perceive the cold. Recently, I was in Central America near my daughter: there is a terrible heat, but she was also nipple, - says the pensioner.

She can't remember the last cold winter, because she likes any weather.

- I just love life. During the war and not the Justice, do not drink, not dressed, but lived: Jump-Skok, jump-skok, - Alexander Sidorovna smiles.

Valentine: "It is better to be there, where palm trees!"

A man tolerates heat better than frost. In general, he liked the last "Eurozyme".

- All the usual, which was ready and purchased from old times. Cold generally hate, it is better to be where palm trees! - he believes.

In frosty days, Valentin is going to sit at home. In general, he was not in Belarus for a long time, so he almost does not remember the harsh winters in the country - only from children's times.

And how do you need the weather? Tell me in the comments!

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