Secrets Wot: how easy it is to get into the chariots every shot


Probably all tankists who have come across at least once on the map with wheel tanks of the enemy, the question arose - and how to get on them at all? Very fast, maneuverable moves constantly with zigzags, and they will not put them on the caterpillar, because instead of them the wheels, hitting that the breakage is not counted.

Secrets Wot: how easy it is to get into the chariots every shot 5799_1

It is also problematic to preempt at a great distance on them, but there is one chip here, quite simple, but they know the few. It is in the correct use of the auto excavator.

A bit of history

The story begins with the period when World of Tanks appeared, in the very beginning of the formation of a community, the only possibility to effectively shoot at a distance of over 200 meters was the route. If the distance to the enemy tank was less than 200 meters, he did not teleported in the sight, if it exceeded 200 meters - the tank began to teleport, and it was unrealized on it. Although at the same time on the minika, its movement was displayed smoothly. Accordingly, with teleports, no manual aiming has no sense, as it was impossible to see the real movements of the hits of the enemy machine. And since the route of the server, the server and teleports, too, the server, according to two server mechanics, working without the participation of the player by pressing the right button on the enemy and waiting when the sight will stop twitching players shot and got.

Secrets Wot: how easy it is to get into the chariots every shot 5799_2

The route was used also when shooting on actively maneuvering opponents. For example, taking the Ortski Firefly in the route, it was possible to wait until he relaxed and start moving either in a straight line, or towards the player or towards him. At this very moment it was possible to shoot, and the hit was guaranteed.

Thus shot all at the dawn WOT. Then the mechanics of teleports fixed, it appeared the opportunity to calmly fasten his hands and even became some conversion to use the route - after all, all skille players are obliged to shoot hands.

Use of auto excavation against chariots

With my hands, of course, it is already possible to fall, but the tactic described has not been done anywhere and can very seriously help in battle against new-fashioned wheeled vehicles, fairly murred many players last year. The scheme is still the same - you need to take the enemy in the route and wait until the yurt annoying chariot will stop moving from side to the side at high speed, and turn to the player with feed or forehead, starting the movement perpendicular to his position. At this very moment it is worth it to make a shot. Under the condition of the recorded auto trajectory, the trajectory of the service of the projectile and the trajectory of movement goal coincide and will notice it almost unreal. Plus, with this positioning, the kolester rises to the player with the "necessary" projections - feed, or the front part, which are not "covered with" wheels that are so difficult to break.

Secrets Wot: how easy it is to get into the chariots every shot 5799_3

This is the easiest, affordable and efficient way of hitting chariots. Looking at the game of the alternate in this easy to make sure - they never proceed along the wheels, as in modern realities to get and break through it is almost impossible.

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