$ 738,000 will pay the farm in Canada for breeding

$ 738,000 will pay the farm in Canada for breeding 5769_1

Unnamed in Article Brian Cross on the portal www.producer.com A farming from the southern province of Albert agreed to pay a fine of almost $ 738,000 to the largest settlement of breeders' violations ever achieved in Canada.

The settlement agreement was achieved after the farm made unauthorized advertising and the illegal sale of Wheat and Barley varieties protected by PBR rules, licenses were transferred to Alliance Seeds, Secan and another seed distribution company operating in Western Canada.

The cash finability will cover the full cost of unpaid fees for seeds, as well as a part of the legal and investigative expenses related to this case.

A farm that sold seeds of six protected PBR varieties to other commercial grain farmers in the south Alberta, also agreed to stop in the future all unauthorized sales of PBR-protected seeds.

In an interview with SECAN business manager in Western Canada, Todd Hyra refused to specify the names or varieties of seeds.

"The case concerned a large commercial farm, which he saw the opportunity to illegally sell seeds to friends and neighbors. This global agreement was in development within five years and covers sales for six seasons. The dollar value of this settlement is almost three times more than the cost of the previous largest case of violation of PBR, "he added.

Jim Bagshou, General Manager Alliance Seed, said it is extremely important that all participants in the cost of creating value knew PBR rules.

"Possible liabilities obligations are not completed on the seller. Damage compensation can also be required from buyers illegally sold seeds, processors and all who participated in violation. People need to know: this is not just a question of paying licensing deductions when you are caught. The settlement usually includes lawyers' fees, investigation and legal costs, as well as other losses that can lead to very substantial payments. If the variety is protected by PBR, it is protected, regardless of whether you call it a conventional seed or variety name, "explained Bagshou.

Haira noted that the situation is important to betray to publicity, even if all the details of the case will never be disclosed to the public.

"If we want to access the best genetics in the world - regardless of whether they are created here in Canada, or somewhere else in the world - we must be sure that the developers will be rewarded for their efforts," he said .

Plant selection programs are funded from a number of sources. This Royalty Free Sea Sale Requests Product Selection Program and encourage investments in new and improved varieties.

This case concerned not only the sale of protected varieties, but also a special sowing of a protected variety, which is also illegal in accordance with the current PBR rules.

"This is an example of how the seed industry needs to work together to continue to enforce PBR to ensure that we have a reliable selection network in Canada, working on manufacturers," said Haira.

He added that the Canadian Plant Technology Agency, now the division of Seeds Canada, contributed to the creation of this case and continues to lead in the industry in the protection of intellectual property. "Anyone who sells seeds illegally must take into account the consequences and immediately terminate illegal sales," he warned.

(Source: www.producer.com. Posted by: Brian Cross).

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