Andromeda - Why did Tsarevna rek on death in the mouth of the monsters?

Andromeda - Why did Tsarevna rek on death in the mouth of the monsters? 5763_1
Andromeda - Why did Tsarevna rek on death in the mouth of the monsters? Andromeda - one of the most famous royal daughters of ancient Greece

Andromeda's name in many of us are associated with the name of the famous constellation that has several bright stars. But not everyone knows about the fate of mythical Andromeda, which is not so often mentioned in the ancient Greek texts.

There are no independent legends about her, but the legends about the great Hero of Persee, who won the jellyfish Gorgon, cannot be submitted without a storyline with Andromeda. The life of this girl is amazing: on the verge between life and death, she found her happiness. Why did Andromeda appeared in a step from death? How did her fate solved? And is it possible to call the princess happy?

Punishment for Cassiopeia and Kief

As the legend tells, the Ethiopian king Kefhemy had a wife of Cassiopeia. The woman was famous for her truly unearthly beauty and, I must say, knew the price. From the modesty of Cassiopeia did not suffer at all, and therefore once stated that she was able to eclipse any of the naval nonreide.

Of course, the goddess of the oceans heard these words that it was quite rightly caused by their anger. The contests in beauty were not, however, Nereda went to God by Seas Poseidon, who asked for a fair punishment for a death woman who daring to pronounce such speeches.

Andromeda - Why did Tsarevna rek on death in the mouth of the monsters? 5763_2
Anton Rafael Mengs - Perseus and Andromeda

The ruler of the seas and the oceans himself was an expressive God, and therefore understood the indignation of nonreide. He created a terrible monster, which sent to the shores of Ethiopia - to the punishment for the self-confidence of the queen of those lands. After the permanent attacks of the marine monster on the coast, the Unhappy Kext went to Oracle.

The prediction was truly terrible. According to Oracle, it was possible to deliver maritime gods after offering the victim. And the worst thing was as a gift that the monster required. As a sacrifice was to speak Tsarevna Ethiopia, the daughter of Ciefa Andromeda.

Andromeda - Why did Tsarevna rek on death in the mouth of the monsters? 5763_3
Edward John Pointer - Andromeda

Andromeda - the victim for the monster

Despite endless longing and despair, the king was forced to accept the monster, people continued to die in the mouth. According to his order, the beautiful Andromeda ringed to the cliff, which went to the waves. There is a poor girl and began to expect your fate.

It was exactly such a chained to the rocks, and saw Andromed Perseus, which rushed by on his winged sandals. The hero has just won the terrible jellyfish gorgon. Noticing the girl from the rocks, Perseus went down and asked who and why tied it. Andromeda told about himself and about the sin of the mother who had to redeem the sacrifice of his daughter.

Andromeda - Why did Tsarevna rek on death in the mouth of the monsters? 5763_4
Titian - Perseus and Andromeda

Andromeda did not have time to finish her story, as a huge body of a monster suddenly rose from the sea puchin. Waves were buried around him, and from the depths sparkled with fury huge eyes.

Seeing the gigantic revealed monster's fall, which was ready to swallow any person who appeared in front of him, Andromeda shouted loudly from horror. Cext and Cassiopey came running on her cry.

They sobbed, begging Persea to save their daughter. The hero, of course, agreed, but demanded that as a reward for the work of Andromeda became his wife. Kefy even promised to give all the kingdom as a dowry.

Fear of Persea with Monster

The monster rushed to the Persian to meet the monster, and the monster swam closer to the rocks of the coast. Waves appeared from his movements to the sea, as if in a storm day. Each spread of the tail was penalted by sea water, and huge teeth sparkled with steel daggers.

On the winged sandals donated by Hermes, Perseus was filtered into the air. The monster saw the shadow fell on the waves, and rushed to her. Taking advantage of this, the hero rushed down and stuck in the back of the monster's sparkling sword, presented by Athena. But the battle has not yet been over.

Andromeda - Why did Tsarevna rek on death in the mouth of the monsters? 5763_5
Charles Varoo - Perseus and Andromeda

During the battle, the monster was fighting, foaming water and sprinkling the splashes of the wings on the sandals of Perseus. When the feathers were hung on them, the hero realized that he would soon be able to keep in the air and would fall directly into the monster's mouth.

Then the resourceful Perseus noticed a small ledge of the rock in the middle of the sea. He fell on him and, waiting for the new attack of the monsters, the decisive blow. The creation of Poseidon was defeated.

Andromeda - Why did Tsarevna rek on death in the mouth of the monsters? 5763_6
Eugene Delacroix - Perseus saves Andromed

Wedding Persea and Andromeda

Triumph Perseus became a real holiday of the people of Ethiopia. The winner came ashore ashore and, taking the hand to the hand, Andromeda, he led her to the Palace of Kefhea celebrate the wedding. Without delay, the king began to prepare for the marriage of his daughter and hero who saved all his land.

That's just the celebration itself was overshadowed by the appearance of Finea. He was the fiance of Andromeda, but did not even dare to appear at the rocks, where the monster should have come and destroy his beloved.

Andromeda - Why did Tsarevna rek on death in the mouth of the monsters? 5763_7
Jean-Batist Reno "Return of Andromeda"

Not one festival was not alone, but, accompanied by armed colleagues, together with which Andromeda was going to pick up. And if the girl herself was afraid of so sudden and terrible appearance of the groom, then Perseus and here was not confused.

He ordered all guests, king, the queen and the bride to hide behind His back, and commemorate himself from his bag head jellyfish Gorgon. A deadly look even the dead Gorgon instantly drew the opponents of Perseus to the stone sculptures that became the decoration of the Palace of the Kefhea.

Andromeda - Why did Tsarevna rek on death in the mouth of the monsters? 5763_8
Jean Batist Reno "Marriage Persea and Andromeda"

Andromeda became the faithful Hero's wife. Subsequently, he took the place of the companion of Perseus in Myuchi, gave birth to several children. Some authors are leaning towards the fact that Andromeda wanted to leave Ethiopia and therefore did not go home her husband.

The story of Andromeda is different in different ways to various ancient authors. There is a discrepancy in some details. For example, in certain negatives, Perseus kills the monster using the same head jellyfish Gorgon, which was used more than once. Despite these details, Andromeda itself can be called a real happy, which was not only saved from death, but also gained his happiness.

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